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Everything posted by Orinoco

  1. So all drunk drivers / riders only drink in bars.
  2. Don't need mobile app, use home system. pc. Don't need wallet, refunds go back to K-Bank account used in the first place with debit card. What's the advantage for having wallet ? sounds like a lot of messing about for what ?
  3. Slimier in uk to my mate 40 + years ago. His sent his paper work in for a full motor cycle license, he just passed his test and got a full bike and car license back !!!!!!! never driven a car in his life.
  4. Wow, 1st April sure comes around quick now days.
  5. And what's wrong with this picture. what great guy and he want's to lecture people. what a joker. https://danaboutthailand.com/how-dangerous-is-it-to-drive-in-thailand/
  6. 18,000- 25,000, don't give the robbers money.
  7. How sad, Failure on many levels The driver. The worker. The condo Management. So avoidable. R.I.P and condolences to the family.
  8. Yes, Yes, That's enough about the police. But what about the Chinese.
  9. Op, just carry on what your doing. you will zero problems. You think to mut.
  10. Mercedes Benz and BMW sales staff, just wet there pants
  11. Dream on. But the truth is, nothing will ever change in Thailand. as the Thai people don't want to change. They just want there turn at the trough. Good luck.
  12. Jeff Beck: British guitar legend dies aged 78 His gone. What a fantastic guitarist he was. R.I.P.
  13. Nah, The military is here to stay. But they may hand it back for a few years ,then guess what. History repeats itself. very well here.
  14. Best only do, one Bong an hour. TIT.
  15. The young fox is the same as the old fox. just one has a better paint job.
  16. Let Somchai repair it, then sell it to Shomchai's brother. Seriously, if an aluminum alloy frame/ head stock. don't trust the locals. they will cut corrners to save money. not you. TIT.
  17. Ok, please explain wrong and wrong. Last time I checked he was pm , ( has been ) Last time I checked not here, so finished. or is that Just a Thai Time thing. ( Be back in 5, decades )
  18. Asean now poster boy is up again. Was his sisters turn last week. Why does this man get air time . His gone, a has been, finished. a fugitive. Unless he would like to board a flight back to mouth off here. love to see that. mister Thaksin Shinawatra. ,
  19. Ok to kill about 14 children every day on the roads here. some things they will never address. But yes, the op, lock the bad guys up for life for doing stuff to kids. Maybe a review after 20 years. No pardon stuff !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! for this type of crime.
  20. I just had a ham and cheese sandwich. feel ok now.
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