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Everything posted by Orinoco

  1. Who nicked the Jam out his doughnut. What a picture, honestly. Thai movies have a lot to answer for.
  2. 100% correct. And that's just for breakfast here.
  3. Goals. Relocate back to uk in the next 3/4 years. Stop surfing porn over 3 hours a day. Try and only drink at social events.
  4. Thailand is just not set up for this sort of thing. Your just romancing, of this type of life back in Falang land.
  5. What you just want to free load off others. nice
  6. To hot inside. To expensive. To small. To slow. Parts a total nightmare. Hotel and car/pickup, wins hands down every time.\ Ps, Good for Hot dogs and burgers. but will be a total loss business venture, out lay to high never get your money back.
  7. Big Pharma, likes to keep people just sick enough, that's how the make the real money. But big sugar is stil bad for you, as well.
  8. Give it a few more years, and we maybe able to buy clothes that even fit us over here.
  9. Way to much sugar in cooking in Thailand. and doing the shopping at 7/11, don't help the youngsters.
  10. Would have thought looking in a different orifice would yield better results.
  11. Need about 10 more cases like this, to hit the news headlines.
  12. If it was a free be, nothing lost. No one will buy it, to much money and lease hold !!!!!!!!!!!!! Rent it out or live in it, it's free money, as you never bought it in the first place. Then let it go back to the real owner, that was his long term plan. like all 30 years lease hold in this place.
  13. Yes, most likely true. Personally always done extension right away 45 day pattaya 30 days nongkhai. just because of this type of nasty surprise.
  14. Op, why did you not renew your marriage extension at the earliest opportunity, when you new you would be going away on holiday around that time. seams you invited problems leaving it a bit late.
  15. That's nice of them to keep video footage of your home on there data base. Oh, they would never do that, would they.
  16. Yes the true face of Thailand and animals. The great Buddhists they are. Sadly, this sort of behavior is nothing new.
  17. There we go, just a big misunderstanding. Will be old news tomorrow. Next big headline, Taxi driver hands back 150,000 baht left on back seat of Taxi. TIT.
  18. They look like they are modeling for a new line of Toby Jugs.
  19. Maybe a few Chinese are trying to get real visa's Ps, Think immigration have been on a go slow from the start of covid, and they want to keep it that relaxed way. Just my thoughts on it.
  20. Maybe a few will get thrown under the bus. But will be business as usual for most others. Ps To few good guys chasseing to many bad guys.
  21. Big nothing in my book. Up to you what you think.
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