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Everything posted by Orinoco

  1. We know a song about that in the uk.
  2. 18 of them. IZAL toilet paper the worst in the world. Nasty business, way to hard, sandpaper would have worked better. most uk schools used it.
  3. Don't use agents. DIY, works most of the time.
  4. I'm very careful with my helmet when I'm in the gym. Can't go loosing that.
  5. What a dirty little man. Hope he gets a long time in the nick, for that.
  6. What's the cost per coin.? Think they are doing a Prince Harry one, Made of spare, plastic off cuts of of recycled water bottles. 1p per coin.
  7. Was this just a typo. and should read. 0 Immigration Police To Be Quizzed On Links To Chinese Grey Capitalists. Makes more sense to me.
  8. Who was that ?
  9. R.I.P young man Your parents, government, police and school system failed you.
  10. Did you just call, all ladies in Pattaya, prostitutes. Shame on you.
  11. Reckon the only winner will be the Lawyer. A nice little earner.
  12. Reckon they will trip over there own small inner tube in time.
  13. A little sign at a gas station, up sets the mighty fearsome Thai's What a load of school girls.
  14. It's just Thailand, thinking it's still special.
  15. Could always go for option, 3 Don't do bad stuff on the roads in the first place.
  16. What a total joke the man has become. Well done Meg, mission accomplished.
  17. +1.
  18. Not my post mate. Someone's been accidently messing with my post ( Spock ) but yes a good point.
  19. 100% Brain Fart.
  20. That's not the same. Chalk and Cheese. Good quality Travel / holiday insurance is cheap. Heath care insurance for 12 months in Thailand for expats is expensive. But I wish her well, sure this accident has messed her life up big time.
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