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Everything posted by grain

  1. Another girl I knew, her mother had a large Roman nose, and this girl got the same nose from her mother. Later on in life the mother got a nose job and she looked so much better with a smaller nose. The girl told me she was p'ssed off about this and wished her mother had got the nose job before having her.
  2. Another was the muscle guy who used to feed the Soi dogs nightly , haven't seen him for years ,but that to me is someone I admire Yep, that muscle guy was such an admirable person, apart from feeding stray dogs he also pimped young Thai girls, he used to beat the living daylights out of people, he was wanted for criminal activities in Thailand, Australia, New Zealand.
  3. One young Thai woman I knew wanted a "sharp" nose so she had a nose job, it sure was sharp, the tip of her nose came to a point, at first I thought she had a boil on the end of her nose, it was that sharp she could have dipped her nose into an ink well and used it to write with. Later she showed me photos of her before getting the nose job and she looked a million times better with her natural Thai nose.
  4. I suffered with hard stools and bleeding haemorrhoids for much of my life, had bright red blood on the toilet paper and was forever inserting suppositories in my rectum, and trying various treatments. Then about 30 years ago I totally ceased eating all meat and went on a vegetarian diet. And hey presto. All that rectum trouble totally stopped, now bleeding haemorrhoids is a distant memory.
  5. Obviously a not a native English speaker therefore his post has got screwed up somewhat. However, I think what he's asking is about interactions among Thai family members compared to similar interactions in Western countries. In his observations the Thai kids are undemonstrative and selfish (always wanting) and not particularly interested in how their parents are faring. Well, it's probably true in many cases in Thailand, as it is in the West.
  6. The retirement ext is miles ahead and definitely the one to go for. The only plus factor for the marriage ext is only having to show half the amount in the bank, 400K vs 800K. But in every other aspect the retirement wins. Less paperwork, faster time, it's YOUR visa not you're Thai wife's. I'm not currently married but if I married my TGF tomorrow I'd still remain on the retirement ext and keep her out of my visa.
  7. Most of them don't go far from the border, about the furthest they'll go is HatYai, but the majority just visit the sleazy brothel towns a few kms inside Thailand.
  8. I'm aiming to achieve my revenue target of AUD$10,000,000 when my Powerball numbers eventually come up.
  9. Too old for any type of fighting now, age 76, in such a situation all I could do is try get away, if I tried to hit a 20 yo he could hit or push me and I'd be flat on my back in a second. I had my fair share of punch ups in my younger days but they're way behind me now, I used to be able to bang 4-5-6 times a night too, and those days are way behind me too. 😄
  10. Yeah well, what goes around, comes around.
  11. It's a Nazi state period mate, not just motoring. The entire country is a Nazi/Fascist state.
  12. I've bought and sold several cars in different provinces in Thailand. Most recent was a brand new Mitsubishi ute from one of the dealerships in Pattaya about 9 years ago. All that was ever needed was the Cert of Residence from IMM, and from memory a copy of my PP. All the cars I've bought have been in my name, on a couple of occasions they tried to get me to put the car in my Thai gf's name...easier for them. I flatly refused, said it's going to be my car, paid for with my money. Once I went to the Isuzu dealer in Udon Thani to buy a brand new Spark and they wouldn't sell me one, they kept going on about a Thai wife.
  13. I have a small item in HatYai and the person it's with is unable to take it to the PO to send to me. So what are my options for some sort of service to collect the item and deliver it to my home address in Korat?
  14. True, in Perth they put a lot of effort into finding these special spots where drivers are coming out of round-a-bouts and congested areas into a nice open straight stretch of road and naturally their speed increases momentarily and ZAP.
  15. I wanted to cement my broken Heineken bottles on top but my wife said that was going too far.
  16. What sort of neighbors do you have? Well it cost me 60,000 Bt to have this 2.2m high wall built between them and us a couple of months ago. So that's the answer to your question. 😂
  17. Sounds like the Thai cops have been taking lessons from the Australian cops, anyone with a knife in Oz gets shot dead. Even a 90+ old lady in an old folks home hobbling along with a zimmer frame and holding a bread & butter knife got zapped with a taser and died.
  18. At Korat none of this needed, just hand your PP and they go into the computer then print out the new notification and staple it into you PP. It take about 2 minutes.
  19. Cambodia or PIs for me. Also I'm getting on in years now, so I could just call it quits and return to Australia.
  20. Makes me laugh when I see these snow white "aboriginals" on TV referring to themselves as "blackfella" and talking about my "mob", many have been exposed over the years as frauds. They might soon have to start DNA testing many of the ones who are claiming extra benefits for being indigenous, there's talk of free tertiary education for them.
  21. Been happening for decades, foreign tourists who drive cars back in their home countries, come to Samui and other tourists spots and rent these mcs. They don't have much experience with mcs and zero experience with Thai traffic. Many of the younger ones (and I'm not saying it's the case here) have had a few beers or a few spliffs, which makes matters worse.
  22. I give them a very wide berth, if I'm not with my Thai wife I'll move well away from LBs when I'm walking around Pattaya.
  23. I agree with Forbes on this one. In my opinion HH is the best destination for retirees. I've lived there a few times over the years and stayed there for 4 nights last month. If you look for accommodation near the beach then that's expensive, but move in 2kms and monthly rentals are very reasonable, with some lovely views. HH is not so far from BKK, which is a plus if you need to go there for any reason (airport, embassy, business) It's also the gateway to the South if you want to go to Samui or Phuket or Krabi. HH has excellent food for all budgets, good shopping at the Village & Blueport. There's a bar & music scene. HH has a lot going for it. I'd far prefer to retire there than BKK or Pattaya.
  24. Yeah, he really screwed this up. Wasted nearly $400 million of taxpayers money that could have be spent on hospitals and housing, and stirred up a hornet's nest of racial division. Good one Albo!
  25. Having people like Lidia Thorpe running around screaming the "C" word at people and ranting about genocide of her people (when she herself is 75% Anglo/Celt) didn't help the yes campaign.
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