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Everything posted by Kanada

  1. Thai certificate with Pfizer is accepted in all countries I believe Sinovac is not accepted in some countries but may be just the usual scuttlebut
  2. Seems it might be a little hot here for lilies but I’m just guessing! Almost anything grows where I am in Samoeng (if you can keep the bugs down) so I’ll do my best to find them in the markets! im sure I could order on line if all else fails… Thank You
  3. Someone on TV.com posted a statement that wasn’t true? was he he a Dr. or a Lawyer???? mor just independently wealthy??
  4. No….I absolutely do not want to hear your theories on Govt sabotage or “the people in the tourism industry you speak with” . I tend to care about or deal with issues where I might be able to make a difference and leave this countries and Govts. injustices/conspiracies to guys like you… listening to the sound of his own voice….it’s called an echo chamber! Keep on keeping on tho’…apparently makes you happy and gives you something to do….or you could just do a nature walk and look around at all the positives in your part of the world????
  5. Where do you get these numbers and information…just make it up as you moan along?? ***”The leaders@ want to sabatage the nightlife?? ***A million in 2022 and five million in 2026?? ***85% of tourists were low to middle income Indians, Chinese and Malaysians?? ????
  6. Well if there had been an alternative you would have been made aware…I always try to think about what those people have to put up with in a day?
  7. **** I demurred, saying the government next month says they're going to be going to mixed AZ and Pfizer doses.**** For the life of me I can never figure out why you guys have to “demur” or say something….anything just so you can give your opinion! The overworked health care worker doesn’t care what you think is going to happen next month…they aren’t interested in anything you have to say because you know zip, nada, nothing about what’s going on!! Jeeeeez….just go in…shut up….get your shot and say thank you….then get the H out of the way so they can move on to someone else and do their job ????
  8. Over 60 in Samoeng and no health issues! Applied on ChiangMai Wall in July and got my 13 digit confirmation number almost immediately and also filled application with Expatvac early August.…sat back and waited. Email arrived around end of August for first vax shot Pfizer at McKormick Hospital in two days! Arrived half hour early…already 100 in line ahead of us but it went well and quickly got to the front where they asked for my 13 digit confirmation # ( I assume that meant it was the ChiangMai Wall app. that was successful) …second shot on Sept 15! no side effects. ***Well run start to finish with non of the issues that those crazies hanging around on Thai Visa virtually guaranteed would happen???? *** when you’re in line leave some room for social distancing and wear a mask…couple of European dudes displayed some really bad “in lineup” behavior…just sayin’.
  9. I think the rush on vaccinations all of a sudden would have something to do with the Govt. push to open Thailand completely by Jan.1 next year and ChiangMai by October 1 Theyre finally understanding the only way forward economically is thru vaccinations as countries like Canada, Portugal, Spain for example have done. The vaccines will come…the majority of the population will vaccinate and there will be a light at the end of the tunnel! The rest will be forced to vaccinate when they want to travel or renew their visa etc etc.
  10. That would be like trying to sell newspapers that said ”NO CAR ACCIDENTS TODAY” or ”NO ONE WAS ROBBED IN BANGKOK THIS WEEK”
  11. Posting newspaper reporters opinions that match your own dont support your own poor behavior here! Just a sad argument between two old men who should know better! Both of you should be ashamed of yourself????
  12. Canada does recommend AstraZeneca first shot followed by Pfizer as a second as the best! They also mix AZ and Pfizer with Moderna “depending on age and health”!
  13. Children appreciate structure in their lives…makes them feel safe! My sons are in their 30’s and 40’s now and we did have a time to talk about my early days as a Dad and their days as kids…I wasn’t a perfect Dad and they weren’t perfect kids but we were good! A good Dad and good Boys but the one thing that came up was rules….it ended up they were glad of the “rules”! They could play street hockey but they couldn’t go past the tree one way and the lamp post the other way….those kind of rules…. They broke some rules but they knew what they were???? (and I would have been disappointed in them as young men if they hadn’t). They are respectful of others and so are their kids I’m happy to say
  14. Be kind Tip people Give compliments Drive safe Help people In the long run… you couldn’t go wrong with this list!
  15. I think it’s pretty easy to get an idea how today’s kids will turn out! You can see how the last generation was parented and how they turned out just by reading the above posts..
  16. Doesn’t sound like that worked very well for you at all????
  17. I think kids at two-four years old are a lot smarter than some of you give them credit for…. Any idiot can have a child but it takes work, time and patience to prep. one to go out into the world and be appreciated and successful. Being a “yes man/woman is not being a good parent….that’s just the easy way out????
  18. Dude….we’ve been talking about “in public places”…..not your kitchen???? You sure seem to endure a lot of these tantrums tho’….back to the mirror for you! Whos responsibility would it be if it isn’t yours??
  19. Good for you! You'll sleep better…you’ll be happier and healthier than some of these nasties writing here (and someone might even like you).
  20. Well we don’t have to wonder why you left your country???? I hope you left your attitude and bad manners back there and came here with a smile! Holleeeee????
  21. Your A and B is so wrong I have to think you actually don’t have kids if your own…. These “tantrums” you keep droning on and on about seem to be more of a problem for you! Being a Dad I’ve seen a few but they really aren’t a memory that comes to the forefront as it does in your experience. We handled them as parents…and we handled them quickly….we didn’t force other people to put up with them and be a part of raising our kids
  22. Well that’s just sad…..most kids are a lot smarter than your experience has shown you I’ll put it a different way then you “start” teaching at two by spending time with them! I’m not talking about between TV commercials…I’m talking about real time outside away from distractions My kids were all going to a preschool at 4 (not a day care)….my Grand daughter is four and had already been attending Montessori classes for a full year! I guess there probably no point in going on trying to explain it to you….except to say we spent a lot of time and money raising our kids but not one dollar on legal fees???? Our neighbors…people in restaurants and movie theatres etc. didn’t have to spend even one minute raising them or putting up with them and they’ve gone on to parent the same way
  23. Change the word fault to responsibility and check the mirror…it’s you
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