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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Do you have to add upper cylinder lubricant as well. That would push the price even more. I assume that's the 360 cid? Who's Jack?
  2. Those men and women need each other. Men who can't support a wife or girlfriend back home and women who can't survive without a husband or boyfriend. It's a huge leap to get from there to "usually treat them badly". This is just a baseless off the cuff throwaway.
  3. The answer will be yes but they will deny that its genocide.
  4. The thing about blissful ignorance is that people are blissfully unaware of their ignorance. Masks have been proven beyond any shadow of doubt to reduce transmission of the virus. To suggest otherwise is ignorance of the science. That you claim "personal experience" as the basis for this insult laden disinformation is concerning.
  5. They could have used that but it wouldn't be true. While the US did veto the ceasefire resolution, Biden did call for one previously. Moreover, Biden has said that there has to be a 2 state solution and that's a position currently at odds with Israel.
  6. I think you need a link for fuel claim. AFAIK, it's over $3 and I've never been to the US. The DOW just hit a record high, unemployment is at historic lows, NFP is high and the dollar is strong. When are you guys gonna give up the doom and gloom mantra?
  7. If the Asian mlitaries put these in their male bathrooms will it be their demise as well? Maybe it's just a small part of western civilization - the anti-science cultists who prefer the days when people had a simpler, less educated view of life??
  8. Trump has only just filed an appeal on these grounds. How could the SC have considered it 3 years ago?
  9. Color me skeptical but I'll take your word for it.
  10. I see you didn't mention the bombshell revelation that blows all your anti Gazan rhetoric out of the water. The fact that Netanyahu ensured Hamas very survival doesn't make a dent on your conscience?
  11. You want to try to establish that's it's not true? The actual link was something like Israel dropped more bombs in one week than the US dropped in Afghanistan in a year. Between that and the hiroshima comparison I'd say my conclusion is close to a slam dunk.
  12. this is what I'm referring to. Not surprising that the usual suspects can't recall it. https://www.timesofisrael.com/for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces/
  13. You directly accused me of supporting Hamas. That was a lie.
  14. This isn't the link but you get the idea. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/israel-has-dropped-18-000-tons-of-bombs-on-gaza-15-times-more-than-bomb-dropped-on-hiroshima/3039805
  15. I've not seen anyone here support Hamas actions on Oct 7th.
  16. Let me ask you a question. We all know that Netanyahu and Putin are cosy. Recently I posted an article which credibly accused bot Russia and Netyahu of materially supporting Israel. Where was the outrage about that? It was crickets.
  17. No point, you keep wandering off into lala land accusing me of having all manner of false opinions.
  18. Waiting? While more bombs are being dropped on Palestinian territory than in any war in history in the last 3 weeks alone? (previously linked)
  19. I can't speak for what others post. I haven't seen ONE Israel apologist here concede any fault on the part of Israel.
  20. Arab allies of the U.S. have said they’ll only get involved in post-war reconstruction if there’s a credible push toward a two-state solution, which is unlikely under the Netanyahu government dominated by opponents of Palestinian statehood. https://abcnews.go.com/International/wireStory/wartime-palestinian-poll-shows-surge-hamas-support-close-105619240
  21. And so on Wednesday, the same day the Dow reached an all-time high, Trump warned Iowa rallygoers that Biden’s economic stewardship will soon plunge us into another Great Depression. And it's possible that Trump knows something economists don’t and we’ll soon be standing in bread lines and scooping up Trump NFTs at bargain-basement prices.
  22. My posts are my opinions unless stated otherwise or linked to an article. I am. not deligitmising Israel, I'm accusing it of war crimes. The case for a Palestinian state is unassailable. Whether it's ruled by Hamas or the PLO or some other outfit is a matter for them.
  23. As it stands, Hamas is a terrorist organisation. Were it a sovereign state like Israel, maybe there would be a different terminology applied. Or maybe not, depending on who was speaking. The point is that you can't slide a razor blade in between what Hamas has done and Israel is doing in terms of human rights abuses and war crimes. The leaders of both need to face the ICC. Soon.
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