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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Are you trying to rewrite history? The fiorst offer was a public hearing along with a challenge to testify publicly.
  2. Still holding out hope? Good to see. In this case we've seen much of the evidence. It's like how people are quick to condemn school shooters even before they are indicted and sometimes even caught. Sometimes the evidence is in plain view.
  3. Knowing that he intended to jail his opposition and much of the press and move to weaponize the justice system and undermine democracy to stay in power? You'd support that?
  4. Would you agree that you can't slide a razor blade in between fascism and a dictatorship? fascism [ fash-iz-uhm ] noun a governmental system led by a dictator https://www.dictionary.com/compare-words/fascism-vs-dictatorship
  5. Then why on Earth did you claim that the impeachment was a fishing trip if you had no clue?
  6. I'd take a second glance at your "realities". You're imply that trans men and women can't fight which is a highly suspect proposition. Just apart from the fact that trans men frequently do menstruate. Monthly as I understand it. That's the reality you don't get and that's what thios policy is all about. It isn't about Brian's right to become pregnant.
  7. He escaped on a party line vote. There is no doubt that Trump blackmailed Ukraine over weapons to get dirt on Biden. None.
  8. Neither country was ever really communist, both were dictatorships which are inconsistent with the Marxist view of communism. AS you say, it's just a label and we know which party is best at labeling. http://www.differencebetween.net/miscellaneous/difference-between-communism-and-dictatorship/
  9. I don't know if you know this but as President, Trump was in charge of the military.
  10. Keith Olberman claimed that the 2 million cars was 100% of the cars Tesla had produced. All of them. I don't know if that's true but it must be in the ball park. This will trash Tesla's rep as an AI tech company and reduce it to an EV company if the software isn't replaced soon.
  11. You made the claim and you know the rules. All I want is either of: 1. A link 2. An assurance that a link to this precise claim has previously been provided. Failing that, you are in breach of the rules.
  12. There should not be an age limit. If the voters want to elect a 100 year old president then who has the standing to prevent that?
  13. I kind of feel for him. He was probably a good man before he caught the q-anon virus and got suckered into following Trump. Another example would be Lindell. Totally broken by his fealty to Trump. The list goes on. There's also Lindsay Graham and Jordan. Both laughing stocks in the wider community.
  14. Why wouldn't university students have a clue? Those old enough to remember will recall the hundreds of thousands of young people who protested the Vietnam War. Were they wrong because of their age? Or for any reason?
  15. You'd have a point if it was just me saying they were war crimes.
  16. Quite the opposite. A recent poll indicates that more people in the West Bank now consider that Hamas was right. The Israelis have done nothing other than increase support for Hamas and decrease support for the PLO. Who knew?
  17. Newsflash - Person who calls lefties "woke" complains about being called a fascist. You can't make this stuff up.
  18. Your "accidental collateral damage"argument is a furphy. Israel had every opportunity to not commit war crimes. They could go after Hamas using any means at their disposal besides committing war crimes. They deliberately chose not to. Countries can't commit war crimes because they deem it expedient.
  19. Is Israel holding Palestinian civilians without legal proceedings? When it's a state actor they're called "prisoners" but when it's a non state actor they're called "hostages".
  20. Could that be because the Israeli war crimes are continuing every day?
  21. I am well aware that there is opposition to the settlements and to Israeli - Palestinian policies in general among Israelis. Do yourself a favor and cut the projection. If you think my questions are "loaded" it's because you feel challenged by them. I don't see people such as yourself here wanting to talk about tens of thousands of dead civilians and how that might have been avoided. Notably absent is any condemnation of Netanyahu's role in this even though it's widespread within Israel. I'm not seeing centrist Israelis here. Anyway, that's my ration for the day, I'm off to Central Festival to buy Xmas cards for my condo staff, if there's any left.
  22. Operative word here is "seems" Your struggling.
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