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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You're equating very ancient times and periods of thousands of years with the last 100 years and can't see the problem there. Furthermore, we do know that global warming is a direct product of carbon dioxide levels and those levels haven't been this high since God created Adam.
  2. Jolly, who recently said voters are rejecting Republican extremism in record numbers, appeared on American Voices with Alicia Menendez where he was asked about the political ramifications of Republicans demanding a special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden, only to call the appointment of one a "sham." "They will run the messaging through November even if David Weiss never actually brings charges. Republican messaging is locked in on this." https://www.rawstory.com/gop-hunter-biden-messaging/
  3. Exactly my point proven. What you are saying is that we don't know exactly how many years we have to get climate change under control so the whole theory is suspect. In philosophy, that kind of argument is called a non sequitur.
  4. My comment was in reponse to "his traditional backers may be dwindling".
  5. Two judges from the Federalist society wrote that Trump is disqualified from holding office under the constitution. It is ultra significant that Federalist Society judges would speak out against Trump. He's toast Trump Is Disqualified From Holding Office, Conservative Law Professors Argue https://news.yahoo.com/trump-disqualified-holding-office-conservative-121920656.html
  6. They think that because there's a range of different years projected before we are all doomed that the science isn't settled.
  7. Could you refrain from "Comer says" until that happens?
  8. Trump can't hire the best people these days it seems. the judge at one point put her face in her hands as accusations were made against the Joe Biden administration for "coming after" the ex-president. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-chutkan-2663525201/
  9. What's ridiculous is that you think I interrupted anything.
  10. Rubbish, most do make threats on social media. It's how they justify their relevance among other extremists.
  11. We keep seeing this private conversation in a public forum type comment ad nauseum.
  12. They're all the same outcome. Global temperatures rise, exactly by how much is uncertain but we already know it's too much. Scientists proved it would 150 years ago if we continued to burn fossil fuels.. links provided dozens of times.
  13. I agree, he looked way more dangerous in his battle outfit. This guy is as dangerous with an AR-15 as any person could be. I guess he's going to become the next folk hero to the right, same as the vigilante teenager.
  14. If you don't think Cannon should recuse you have no business suggesting she should either.
  15. "mandatory pharmacological interventions" Is that QANON speak for vaccinations?
  16. Of course, it should influence the next election. Why shouldn't the case be heard before the election so voters can decide based on the evidence and judgements?
  17. translation: Your gang is always asking my gang for links.
  18. What the right don't seem to grasp is that there is not one librel poster here who cares one whit if Biden is convicted of corruption. He would simply be replaced by the VP and life would go on. Many dems would be happy to see another Democratic candidate. The same can't be said for the MAGA cult who's heads would explode if Trump is convicted.
  19. No, they want the oversight committee to put or shut up. Any shred of evidence would change their tune markedly.
  20. Any press. Not even the far right bile like TS have published any evidence. It's always in still coming mode. That keeps the faithful, well faithful.
  21. Oh, you're still pushing the QANON narrative that the Dems control the FBI?
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