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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Joe trashed the economy in hist first 3 months of office, is that what you're suggesting?
  2. Biden is absolutely trashing the economy. GDP numbers just came out and they are up again. Jobless claims lowest in months. It's a wonder why anyone wants to vote for him.
  3. It's a 757. The red headed step child of the Boeing fleet. He would have picked it up cheap off Royal Brunei or one of the few other airlines flying them.
  4. Did Biden lie that he had those documents? Did he obstruct legal attempts to get them back? Did he show national defence secrets to unknown people? Rape is sexual assault. Not finding rape is not the same as finding that he didn't commit rape. Can you spot the difference? Trump weaponizing the DoJ. Unethical in the extreme.
  5. His opponents 30,000 were neither self serving or intentional? He was just shooting the breeze?
  6. I thought your team would be worried about Biden not running? Trump would be toast if it was Sheldon Whitehouse or Ted Liu.
  7. Yes. There's a demonstrated strong correlation between educational levels and political affiliation. Conservatives are typically less well educated. Furthermore, most universities are liberal. More highly educated adults have consistently liberal views https://www.pewresearch.org/politics/2016/04/26/a-wider-ideological-gap-between-more-and-less-educated-adults/
  8. I would hope that if they found anywhere near as much evidence of crimes as they found against Trump that they'd go after him relentlessly. I see their getting some practice in already, just without the evidence.
  9. You don't like how he's clamping down further on supplying chips to China?
  10. Wake me up when Biden starts fantasizing about sex with his own daughter.
  11. No, the person you quoted was clearly using the meaning in b above. If 1 person in a thousand still got covid and 999 didn't, you'd still claim it didn't stop the infection.
  12. I thought your side was against driving up the national debt? I'm confused, unless the US should bill Mexico again. There's a cheaper way to stop the migrants though, start indicting company owners who employ them. Why not do that?
  13. There are many meanings for "stop" which don't all involve a complete halt. That's just another covid denier talking point transitive verb 1 a: to close by filling or obstructing b: to hinder or prevent the passage of
  14. Nah, the Kushner allegation is a smear campaign despite actual evidence. The Hunter deal is the scandal of the century, despite none. Where are the Hunter tapes anyway? That bombshell seems to have gone quiet.
  15. Legal while he was employed in the white house as an advisor, along with his wife? Nothing to see here?
  16. And the other half watch channels that tell the truth? I sincerely hope one of those channels isn't Fox?
  17. I'm not defending Biden. If he gets an adverse medical report before the election I would hope he'd step down and confident he would. We'll know he's lying if we see his doctor issue a press release saying if he had perfect genes and could live to 200.
  18. I see what you did there. The word you were desperately seeking is "evidence", not "proof". We won't see any proof until a conviction has been obtained. It is fair to speculate on evidence, not so much on allegations.
  19. I think it was just somebody in the audience who knew they were sitting on evidence and prefer justice and truth rather then sitting on evidence to protect a criminal. Simple as that, nothing nefarious to see here.
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