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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Linux is great for either. Ubuntu has separate distributions for both, the main difference being the inclusion of the desktop for home or office use. !!!!!!!
  2. Why do 97% of cloud servers use linux? I own all three operating systems discussed here and support all of them professionally as well as cloud server config and support. I am also an app developer with 40 years experience in pascal, ruby, golang, dart/flutter and swift as well as database dba in MySQL and postgresql plus docker, puppet and kubernetes. Not blowing my own horn here, just supporting my opinion.
  3. I went to Central Festival in Pattaya today. Approx 95% of staff, 30 to 40% of Thai customers and 2% of farangs were wearing masks. Curiously, those most inclined to wear masks are teenagers and young kids. I'm also going with masks were common pre covid. Motorcycle riders and passengers frequently wear masks these days to filter dirt and exhaust smoke.
  4. Most people just run browsers and applications. Linux just works. Do you actually use linux on a regular basis?
  5. Just another example of fickle Trump policies. I never get why people vote for this detritus. After years of claiming mail-in voting is rife with fraud, some Republicans – including former President Donald Trump – are working to reverse course ahead of next year’s consequential presidential and congressional elections. Trump, now waging his third White House bid, told attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference earlier this month that it’s time to “change our thinking” on early and mail-in voting. That’s a stark reversal for a politician who last November issued an all-caps declaration on his Truth Social account alleging, in part, “YOU CAN NEVER HAVE FAIR & FREE ELECTIONS WITH MAIL-IN BALLOTS – NEVER, NEVER, NEVER.” https://edition.cnn.com/2023/03/15/politics/trump-republicans-mail-in-voting/index.html
  6. Now belatedly realizing he blew it, he's now advocating mail in voting. The acolytes haven't got the memo yet. His strategy was to try to stop vote counting after election day in person voting closed. It didn't work. Dumb as a box of hammers.
  7. In my opinion a lot to gain. Consider a mac mini for your next purchase. Only 21,000 baht now.
  8. The better way to run Windows programs is to use a VM and install Windows in it.
  9. Free free to ask. It has had a GUI for a long time. I have used it for 13 years as my primary OS. You can use Libre Office which is file and function compatible with MS Office and is free. The better alternative is to use Google docs and sheets. My company mandates it. Firefox comes preinstalled. You can install any web browser including MS whatever they call it this month. Video editing software you'd need to research as I don't do any. Adobe don't produce linux versions afaik. VPN's are supported. Security software is not needed. The permission structure in linux blocks self installation of any app without password. Remote login is easy but you need to provide permissions so not a risk. There has never been a linux virus in the wild, only proof of concept. Stuff like ransomware doesn't happen in linux. Like anything, always use strong passwords, no reuse and 2FA where possible.
  10. Unless you have a need for Windows only apps, I strongly recommend just going to linux, especially Ubuntu. No viruses and no rogue apps.
  11. OMG. Just go home. I'm not the least bit surprised they shun you.
  12. It resonates with you because he stereotyped Thais as being racists. Time to get out of Dodge.
  13. The implication was clear - that mRNA vaccines are NOT covid vaccines. It was a veiled anti vax hit job.
  14. It was clearly wilful, he has said that only suckers would pass up a business deal with Russia just because they were the US president.
  15. Indeed, he just demonstrated the opposite is true in many cases.
  16. As I understand it, his contract was up at the end of the month and he had fallen out with the top Russian military commanders. He wanted them replaced and they had failed to renew his contract. He decide to force their hand while expecting some Russian units to support him. This did not occur and he realised that he was not going to get to Moscow alive so he negotiated some kind of way out. He's toast now. The interesting question is what happens to his international criminal empire.
  17. A really effective way of improving Thai's attitudes to you is to learn to speak some Thai and start with "thank you".
  18. I read recently that they are considering removing the scout uniforms to save the parents money. They will then have a regular uniform and a casual or sports uniform.
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