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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I used to watch Ivan on tech but stopped some years ago. I don't use YT for tech. That said, https://www.youtube.com/@TechWorldwithNana is pretty good. I watch this guy every weekday for stocks and bitcoin. He doesn't trade bitcoin I think, he never reveals his trades but drops a few hints in the private videos. I think he has good insight into the markets. https://www.youtube.com/@fxevolutionvideo
  2. I'm useless at picking the bottom, especially bitcoin. Crypto is very hard to predict from T/A. I got the 24k downside target from a you tuber who I also pay $50 a month to for discord and members only videos. Link below. I should have acted on a Trading View article which said ti could go to 25k (overshot downwards by by $200) but I got greedy. I think bottom picking is a good way to lose money. Certainly DCA in like you said. I like to be a swing trader but major swing points come about rarely. Hopefully, we've just seen one. I like to see a turn or role change which can be any one of a number of patterns where it rejects a certain point and then returns to retest and subsequently rejects again. High probability trade. Another common signal is a deep V with a strong rejection combined with bullish RSI divergence. Or a double bottom with a series of higher highs and higher lows coming away from it. Such patterns are buys from me. Am I rich? No way, I'm still an apprentice. I play with small amounts of money. If I can't make a profit with small amounts of money now, I sure can't with larger amounts later. That said, I had a few go's at picking the top on NVDA and TSLA and META but got burned. Last Friday, I bought puts on them and several others and so far I'm in the green, like $30 total. If volume starts coming in I'll lay down some more. It's early days yet and this could be a small pullback. That's likely because the S&P 500 just ran up 20% from the swing low which is an indicator of a bull market. I'm waiting for gold to fall a bit more yet then I'm buying in. It could turn now for all I know. When it gets down to 1870 I'm going to start DCA in with an expectation that it will turn before 1810. Then I'll just sit on it. There are some out there saying gold could actually drop down to 1050 for a double bottom but I can't see any scenario that would allow that. I'm worried that a black swan event like Putin doing something very nasty might suddenly nip technicals in the bud and surge to price. Gold has maintained its price quiet high the last year or so and missed a couple of opportunities to sell off. I have a theory about gold's failure to break 2k lately and it's that Russia half pegged the RBL to the price of gold a few months ago but took it off at the end of May. So, Russia should have a lot of gold reserves now as they want to hedge against the RBL dropping. The west would not want to see gold rise too quickly until Russia burns some more of those reserves. That said, I think it's going to and soon. It's been a month since the peg was dropped. disclaimer: Don't follow me, I'm lost too.
  3. Never have I suggested a target price for any crypto to the upside. The only time I suggested a price for bitcoin was to the downside. I missed by $800. Until recently I was quite bearish on crypto. It may still drop down. I just bought $500 more bitcoin.
  4. AAVE shot up the other day but pulled back about 50%. A perfect pullback showing strength. Straight up is never good. DOT is making higher highs and higher lows, another very strong chart pattern I like ARB, GRT, EOS
  5. Bitcoin looks like it's coiling up, ready for an explosive movement. Hopefully to the upside as I have a couple of grand on it. disclaimer: I don't know any more than you do.
  6. Why would there be death threats? Oh, wait... Her death became a rallying cry for the far right, which described Babbitt as a martyr. For Byrd, who is Black, the incident turned his life upside down. He has been in hiding for months after he received a flood of death threats and racist attacks that started when his name leaked onto right-wing websites. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/officer-who-shot-ashli-babbitt-during-capitol-riot-breaks-silence-n1277736 Federal authorities are investigating menacing phone calls and other messages directed at Michael Fanone, a former D.C. police officer who was seriously hurt defending the Capitol from rioters on Jan. 6, 2021, and has since become an outspoken critic of former president Donald Trump, according to Fanone and another person familiar with the matter. Fanone said a prosecutor with the U.S. attorney’s office in D.C. told him Thursday that the FBI had launched an inquiry into the communications he received, after he forwarded a recording of call in which someone told him: “The world would be a better place if you were hit by a fast moving bus tomorrow.” https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/09/30/fanone-threats-fbi-investigation/ Wandrea “Shaye” Moss testified Tuesday to lawmakers about how her life was upended when former President Donald Trump and his allies falsely accused her and her mother of pulling fraudulent ballots from a suitcase in Georgia. The former Georgia elections worker recounted in a wrenching appearance before the House Jan. 6 committee how the defeated president latched onto surveillance footage from November 2020 to accuse her and her mother, Ruby Freeman, of committing voter fraud — allegations that were quickly debunked, yet spread widely across conservative media. Moss, who is Black, said she received messages “wishing death upon me. https://apnews.com/article/capitol-siege-2022-midterm-elections-georgia-election-recounts-5cffe294a372eb32dc68588784202314
  7. The government told them to leave by a certain date or they wouldn't be allowed to leave. The date was March 21, 2020. If they stayed beyond that date they were stuck in Australia and their visas were extended, just as the Thais did for foreigners who couldn't get home. Nothing to do with visa overstays and everything to do with quarantine and airlines. Many chose not to leave and remained in Australia. Similarly, I was in Thailand and I was told to be back by that date or I'd have to stay here until some undetermined date. I went home (regrettably) because I didn't want to be hospitalized here with no insurance, no vaccine and maybe an astronomical hospital bill to pay. I didn't need a visa to go back to Australia. tldr; That tale was not about visas and overstays. Bringing it up was a deflection or misunderstanding of the underlying issue.
  8. That just doesn't seem to be the attitude that the right wing have towards undocumented migrants in the US. You do know that the vast majority of undocumented migrants arrived in the US on valid visas and then forgot to leave?
  9. I'm sure that if there was a scintilla of evidence that was true his doctor would advise him not to run. Until that happens, he's good to go. I was watching an interview with Henry Kissinger the other day about current foreign affairs and he was sharp as a pin. At 100.
  10. I don't mean within two blocks of where you live, I mean in that country.
  11. What would your reaction be to an overstay in your own country?
  12. I agree. I would too if there was a scintilla of evidence. Meantime, I'll just leave my pitchfork in the barn.
  13. People where you live aren't dying or going to hospital anymore?
  14. I don't know how to make this easier to understand. The experiences of a single person don't amount to racism. There could be any reason why he finds that many people don't like him. His apparent attitude has been listed as one possible reason.
  15. It isn't the doctors that are lying. Overall, the findings indicated that COVID-19 mortality rates had decreased significantly since the onset of the pandemic. However, the deaths remain higher than those due to seasonal influenza. However, primary and booster vaccines have considerably reduced COVID-19 mortality rates, highlighting the protective effects of the vaccines. https://www.news-medical.net/news/20230410/A-comparison-of-death-rates-associated-with-COVID-19-versus-influenza-during-fall-winter-2022-23.aspx
  16. Ok, we'll revisit this soon enough. I'm not sure where you get your confidence because she hasn't made a logical decision to date. I thiuk there will be a motion to recuse soon.
  17. Hyperbole? Do I need to prove that witnesses against Trump have been threatened? She had the relevant information when she was trashed by an appeal court in her last Trump case, how did that work out?
  18. That's logical. Why would anybody think those witnesses would recieve death threats? Oh, wait...
  19. I've never met a Thai who has not had a vaccine or expressed opposition to the vaccines.
  20. Dunno, I've been here over a year and yet to meet one Thai who was rude to me. Maybe because I leave a trail of money like rose petals when I walk down the street?
  21. Why don't you go picket the Thai health department about mandatory vaccines? Oh, wait, Trump never told you that those viruses were a hoax, going away by Easter. https://www.lumahealth.com/vaccines-children-thailand/
  22. Why? I don't understand your point at all. Please explain instead of the useless innuendo. If you have something to actually say, say it. naked flame. Barring medical advice not to, yes. There would be millions more still alive if it was the case.
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