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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Ukraine is in Europe. I agree that a madman did invade Ukraine.
  2. Did I not say he has every right to protest? Really? Why didn't he protest the real reason he doesn't have his daughter back so so many other parents of hostages are doing, in Israel where the problem originated?
  3. Only by the illiterate. https://www.learningforjustice.org/magazine/publications/what-is-the-truth-about-american-muslims/misunderstood-terms-and-practices
  4. I said he has every right to protest. Anti Israeli government protesters have a similar right. If they clash, nobody should be surprised. I'm justifying nothing. There was a reason I didn't protest the Vietnam war in my own country. I didn't want to get hurt.
  5. There are other threads. Seems like nothing is off topic when it's another reminder of October 7th but everything is off topic when it's about subsequent war crimes. He does have a right to do protest. I made that point didn't I? Clearly, right? Without being questioned about his support for Natanyahu? No. Free speech dictates that.
  6. off topic. This is about people in the UK. My post is about activism in the UK and the inherent dangers that poses, regardless of any moral high or low ground.
  7. "Integration" and "Assimilation" are racist tropes. Why should any immigrant abandon their culture to satisfy the majority inhabitants who have no worthwhile culture anyway? Vive la difference. The world is richer for cultural diversity, not poorer. I notice it's always muslims being told to assimilate, never Jews or any other religion.
  8. It's important to note that the SC did not rule on whether Trump committed insurrection. Only that the states had no authority to remove him unless he committed a state offense. I disagree with the ruling because it means that only congress could remove him from the ballot. N ow the insurrection trial needs to be allowed to go ahead.
  9. Yes. If they get hurt they knew when they went there that eventuality was possible. That's my point. In both cases the people are protesting peacefully. That's irrelevant to my point. Safe would be watching TV back home or fighting with keyboard warriors on the internet. You seem to be trying to drag this into some kind of blame thing. If people want to protest, they know it's risky and no amount of pearl clutching changes that.
  10. If you poke a bear you reap what you sow to mix metaphors. I don't believe any random British Jews not engaged in activism have attracted any significant issues.
  11. and other commit crimes and don't face justice. Especially some in Israel.
  12. Was that more than a century ago or less? And was it before 1948 when Israel became a reality or not?
  13. That was sheer supposition but it didn't stop you from grabbing your pitchfork and jumping on the bandwagon.
  14. An extremely eloquent, well thought out and explained rebuttal to his post.
  15. All nationalists are far right in my opinion. By definition. Thanks for the opportunity to clarify that. I know that you are a one sided team player who can't see any issue with zionism despite loathing racism in the US. I can't even begin to understand how anybody can square this circle.
  16. He was raised in a zionist family and did ascribe to a homeland. The modern zionist movement is to the old one what the modern GOP is to the old one. Rabin was a realist, totally unlike the take all at any cost zealots that run Israel now. Rabin would not let Israel slide into a binational reality — one state for two people — the antithesis of a Jewish and democratic homeland. These were the twin engines of Zionism that he fought to safeguard. Only partitioning the land, which later became known as the two-state solution, would do this. https://www.timesofisrael.com/yitzhak-rabin-was-always-a-realist-how-would-he-have-handled-the-2020-mideast/ btw: Did a zionist shoot Rabin or not?
  17. Pretty sure I just quoted from a book to explain what I think it is. Where is this church of zionism?
  18. Just a zionist rant. I don't care if nationalists are Jewish nationalists, christian nationalists, muslim nationalists or atheist nationalists. Nationalism is a toxic political ideology rooted in racism.
  19. On the contary we know exactly how zionists think regardless of theirs or our own nationality.
  20. It's my precise interpretation of what zionism is as a person opposed to zionism. The site is credible. Trash Oxford Academia all you like.
  21. The sad part is that it's not even that, it's a naked land grab. Zionists achieved their goals in 1948 and since then have gone on to want it all at the expense of the Palestinians.
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