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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It's sad that we need to keep saying that to ward off the inevitable accusations of racism.
  2. Politics in a school room? Is that appropriate do you think? It wasn't when I went to school. Not a peep all the way through 12 years.
  3. Did you imagine that they would be a permanent fixture or an educational campaign to raise awareness of bigotry?
  4. I don't doubt that some in the crowd did indeed yell antisemitic slurs so in an effort to be fair to you. I decided to go find what those slurs might have been. The only reference to the actual statements I could find was this: The newspaper reported that protesters changed "Long live the intifada," "Hey hey, ho ho, the occupation has got to go" and "Killers on campus." I'd like you to explain what part of those statements was antisemitic. https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/uc-berkeley-leaders-denounce-violent-protest-jewish-student-event-evacuated-ran-bar-yoshafat-lecture/ edit: I'm assuming that "changed" should have read "chanted".
  5. The topic here is a protest against a well known rabid zionist who spearheaded the hated judicial "reforms" in Israel and his presumably zionist supporters. Note that nobody has accused them of being islamophobic.
  6. What? Not bringing religion into it and then "Jew haters"? Can't make this stuff up. Unbelievable.
  7. Actually only about two thirds. And among that number there are many Jews who are anti-zionist and who criticize Netanyahu and his mob of war criminals.
  8. The Jewish people have had a nation state for decades. Israel is not a theocracy. By your logic it's impossible to condemn the Israeli political leaders without being antisemitic, clearly a non sequitur.
  9. There will be some but far less than on lower floors. I'm inclined to say none but that would be a bit of a stretch.
  10. International law explicitly states that refugees entering a country without documentation is not illegal.
  11. When you stop conflating racism with anti-zionism we might be able to have a constructive discussion. Until then, there is no chance.
  12. The OP is an extremist right wing and very divisive publication.. I already pointed out that the Times of Israel used no such gutter language and characterized the protests as anti-Israel.
  13. Anther flame by you. I have explicitly stated that Israel has a right to a sovereign nation just as much as the Palestinians. Not more, not less so. You're determined to flame me again and again.
  14. Let me be very clear. I totally, utterly and completely oppose Zionism as nothing other than a racist, nationalist political movement which has nothing to do with religion. Jews in Israel have had self determination since 1948.
  15. Rubbish, they don't want to acquiesce to Israeli genocide by displacing a large proportion of the Palestinian population.
  16. Under what circumstances will you consider anti extremist zionism to not be antisemitic?
  17. No I didn't. Read the OP again. They explicitly accused the speaker of being a zionist. It's reasonable to consider his supporters of being zionists as well.
  18. How many thousand times do I need to condemn the attack before you stop flaming me?
  19. Possibly hundreds of kids being shot dead by the IDF. Refer to my previous posts for reasons that prompted Hamas to commit an act of terrorism. Zionist are desperate to not be held accountable for 70 years of racism and repression of Palestinians.
  20. It wasn't a path to a ceasefire for 70 years and it goes nowhere to establishing a Palestinian state, the return of the illegal settlements, the cessation of apartheid and policies ensuring poverty and divisiveness or the return of millions of refugees forced out of their homelands in the largest act of genocide since WW2. Nor does it satisfy the ICJ order to hold prominent Israelis accountable for statements of racial hatred and incitement.
  21. No doubt they were saying Z things.
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