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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I agree that they should not have been attacked but it's a stretch to consider that they were attacked for their religion in a premier US university. Occam's razor dictates that their political views were the problem.
  2. They were attacked for being Zionists.
  3. Interestingly, the Times of Israel did not follow the divisive WSJ in labeling the protest as antisemitic but anti Israel. From the OP, it doesn't sound antisemitic to me. I feelk compelled to wonder under what circumstances would zionists accept protest against a highly unpopular right wing Israeli as legitimate without pulling out the antisemitism card? Anti-Jewish groups on campus framed their opposition to the event using language that demonizes Israel and equates its actions with genocide. By labeling the speaker as a propagandist for "settler colonial Zionist propaganda," they sought to justify their disruptive behavior as a form of resistance against oppression. ------------ In addition to being a reservist who recently spent 100 days fighting in Gaza, Bar-Yoshafat is an attorney and longtime advocate for Israel who has spoken on its behalf in the US for decades. (He is also deputy director of the Kohelet Policy Forum, the conservative Jerusalem think tank behind the judicial overhaul that divided Israelis last year.) https://www.timesofisrael.com/protesters-dog-israeli-speaker-at-la-holocaust-museum-after-uc-berkeley-event-canceled/
  4. Some are. Some aren't. Refugees are not illegal immigrants.
  5. Just as vile is the indiscriminate bombing of civilians with wide area high explosive bombs, attacking aid convoys leading to starving children and the litany of war crimes and acts of genocide that Israel is credibly accused of. It says a lot that the zionists on this board refuse to condemn those war crimes and sometimes even openly defend them while making overtly racist comments. What we see time and time again on these threads is members who see both sides of the argument and condemn both sides while the other side simply defend Israeli war crimes. What we don't see is anyone who one sidedly defends Hamas terrorism.
  6. Israel is facing growing international pressure for an investigation after more than 100 Palestinians in Gaza were killed when desperate crowds gathered around aid trucks and Israeli troops opened fire on Thursday. Israel said people died in a crush or were run over by aid lorries although it admitted its troops had opened fire on what it called a “mob”. But the head of a hospital in Gaza said 80% of injured people brought in had gunshot wounds. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/mar/01/france-demands-investigation-palestinians-killed-aid-delivery-gaza
  7. 'Crowd goes silent' as Trump again confuses Biden and Obama at Virginia rally https://www.rawstory.com/trump-confuses-biden-obama-again/
  8. I don't know about a cure for cancer but sugar is highly correlated with cancers. Or rather, sugar facilitates the development of cancers. Metabolic disease is frequently implicated in cancer development. Evidence from epidemiologic and preclinical studies demonstrates that excess sugar consumption can lead to development of cancer and progression of disease for those with cancer independent of the association between sugar and obesity. The mechanistic preclinical studies in multiple cancers show that high-sucrose or high-fructose diets activate several mechanistic pathways, including inflammation, glucose, and lipid metabolic pathways. Although human studies are limited, compelling human and primate studies have explored the link between added sugar and metabolic syndrome (MetS), a risk factor for cancer. Substantial evidence suggests a causal link between MetS and added sugar, indicating important implications in the association between excess sugar consumption and cancer. Human clinical trials are needed to determine whether sugar increases cancer development and progression independently of its established role in causing obesity as well as for further exploration of the mechanisms involved. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9775518/
  9. They will never say it because it means supporting the zionist ideal. Just the same as they will not say they believe any number of dead civilians is appropriate to achieve the goal to wipe out Hamas.
  10. The Israelis “have more or less accepted” the framework and now the ball is in Hamas’ court to agree to the terms, a senior U.S. administration official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, told the The Associated Press Saturday, a day before talks will continue in Egypt. The deal, if accepted by all sides, will reportedly include a six-week cease-fire and Hamas would release hostages considered at risk, according to the U.S. official. The framework would also include a larger influx of humanitarian aid into Gaza as thousands of Palestinians, around one-quarter of Gaza’s residents, are a step away from famine, according to a senior U.N. official. https://thehill.com/policy/international/4503940-israel-agrees-to-framework-of-proposed-ceasefire-gaza/
  11. Why? A credible report said there were hundreds of gunshot wounds. Your post that I replied to seemed to cast doubt on the perps being the IDF. You are hiding the ball here. Even one person shot by the IDF would have had the effect of disrupting humitarian assistance of deliberate. A war crime.
  12. Somebody previously mentioned that the Hamas charter was to wipe out Israel. When makign such a claim it should also be noted that the stated mission of zionists and the likud party is to permanently deny a Palestinian state and claim all the land for Israel, thereby forcing all Palestinians from the land(s) or forcing them to live under an apartheid regime. Both claims are true.
  13. Schools are for learning. The existence of gay people is not in contention. Nor is public intolerance for then in TN. Raising awareness and empathy for gay people would be considered appropriate in any sane state or country. Raindow flags don't turn kids gay. Explain what adverse affects could potentially arise from the display of those flags. Is is not activism. Gay hate is a major problem for gay people. Educators are aware of the issue. The good 'ol boys in TN not so much. Meanwhile, displaying confederate flags everywhere and naming schools after traitors seems not to be an issue.
  14. It is a rubber stamp for a dictatorship. There's not a shred of evidence legal logic that says they need to take as much time to make the decisions that need to be made quickly on the overwhelming public interest. Moreover, they know that the decision will be adverse but the ploy is to create as much delay as possible to give Trump a way to quash the prosecution or pardon himself if he wins. Then there is the criminality by Thomas which is going completely unchecked.
  15. The fair solution wad to create 2 states from the outset. Failing that, a single state with a multinational occupying force to keep the peace. What logic says Israel should have the illegal settlements. How are they NOT able to give that back?
  16. The US SC is the world's most corrupt supreme court.
  17. Got a link? Last I saw Trump made a filing to avoid paying the bond.
  18. One of the problems with your argument is that Hezbollah is stronger then the Lebanese army.
  19. OK, I'll concede that point. However, to ignore the opinion if it's adverse will render Israel as a pariah nation in world opinion. They can't ignore it with impunity.
  20. What makes you think this was an advisory proceeding? The case will lead to a judgment.
  21. so was mine. here's another Judgments delivered by the Court (or by one of its Chambers) in disputes between States are binding upon the parties concerned. Article 94 of the United Nations Charter provides that “[e]ach Member of the United Nations undertakes to comply with the decision of [the Court] in any case to which it is a party”. https://www.icj-cij.org/frequently-asked-questions
  22. LOL From your link LOL The decisions of the ICJ are binding and final on the States Parties to the case and are not subject to appeal (art. 94(1) of the UN Charter, art. 60 of the Statute of the ICJ).
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