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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Masks are not particularly effective at preventing somebody catching the virus. They're much better at preventing somebody spreading the virus. When there's a spike in covid cases it makes sense for everybody to wear masks. It's called social responsibility and doesn't cost much.
  2. According to longtime conservative David Frum, the Republican party seems dead-set on handing Donald Trump the 2024 presidential nomination despite all the signs that there is no chance that he can win because independents and swing voters find him repellant. In his column for The Atlantic, where fellow conservative Peter Wehner noted the "Make America Great Again" movement is spiraling into back-biting and chaos, Frum suggested that a "Biden blowout" is in the offing and Republicans seem to know it but are incapable of doing what needs to be done to avert it because of the hold the former president has on his rabid base of supporters who will propel him through the primaries. According to Frum, President Joe Biden's polling numbers illustrate he can be beaten, but if his opponent is Donald Trump running for a third time, all is lost for the GOP. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-2024-disaster/
  3. You said they don't want him back. They'd prefer another person ran but that doesn't mean they won't vote for him. The poll I linked to shows he would beat Trump if the election were held on the poll date. A similar number of people don't want Trump to run either so your poll is meaningless. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2023/04/23/trump-biden-republicans-reelection-2024/11724195002/ Most Americans in a new poll don’t want former President Trump to run for the White House in 2024, and a majority doesn’t want President Biden to run for reelection, either, as he prepares for an expected campaign launch that could come as early as this week. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3965267-majorities-dont-want-biden-trump-to-run-in-2024-survey/
  4. Your usual lack of a link supporting a false claim Biden’s silver lining? Poll shows he’s more popular than Trump https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/first-read/bidens-silver-lining-poll-shows-s-popular-trump-rcna81089
  5. Bloomberg are reporting that copper is on the brink of its worst month since last June. If you believe in the recession narrative copper won't recover until the bottom.
  6. He could go fight for Russia on the western front except that he has bone spurs.
  7. Yeah, they've been a real problem ever since he lost the presidency. Far more than domestic christian terrorists.
  8. Av reasoned argument with links in support would be good instead of flinging innuendo.
  9. She was also previously a political analyst for NBC News and MSNBC wiki
  10. It's only shallow on one side of Thailand. Not the side in which they will choose to operate.
  11. They've had since 21019 to drum up and alibi. That she first made the claim 24 years ago actually works in her favour. And Trump didn't sue her.
  12. I'll wait for the jury verdict with an open mind. Interesting how many fascist scum bags are before the courts right now or being investigated. It seems the right don't really respect the law they use it to conceal their crimes.
  13. So she should, according to you, rapists should get off scot free. You clearly have a closed mind on this issue.
  14. Not really, normal people would understand that someone can't exactly recall the time of an event which occurred 30 years ago and which was distasteful, to say the least.
  15. This is about Fox and Dominion. Note how the ABC (Australia) is capable of criticizing itself.
  16. Biden's spectacular success in the past years is entirely due to his experts. As it should be. Trump on the other hand only advanced policy which would benefit him, like stiffing Ukraine and the 2.5 trillion dollar catastrophic gift to the rich which will cripple the US economy for decades. Not to mention using the DoJ to pursue his political adversaries. And stealing nuclear secrets, presumably so he could sell them Former Southern District of New York attorney Geoffrey Berman claims the Trump administration’s Justice Department pushed investigations into Trump’s critics that “would directly further Mr. Trump’s desires for revenge and advantage,” according to a copy of his new book Holding the Line, which was obtained by The New York Times. The claim comes as Trump and his allies have accused the Biden administration of politicizing the Justice Department after it executed a search warrant at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate last month. The FBI recovered a trove of highly sensitive classified documents from the former president’s golf club, including information about the nuclear capabilities of foreign powers. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/trump-justice-department-prosecuction-political-enemies-1234588539/
  17. Woe betide that we should have a president that listens to experts instead of their gut feelings and popularist tendencies.
  18. The Republican dream of requiring in person voting only on a work day is the most anti poor (typical dem voter) restriction in their tool chest.
  19. Too young I guess, or only a belated interest in political history perhaps. That and limited sources of information.
  20. Same as in Thailand but it still doesn't stop the covid conspiracy theorists from flipping out. You'd think they were being locked in the dungeon in chains over a simple sensible government recommendation which is obviously in line with international recommendations.
  21. No, he doesn't. "Well, I hope you're more successful," Judge Lewis Kaplan said. He noted Trump "may or may not be tampering with a new source of potential liability. ... And I think you know what I mean." Trump has already been warned about social media posts in another case. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-e-jean-carroll-2659919073/
  22. Trump has the opportunity to front court and make his case. He won't. He's a lying coward. Judge warns Donald Trump 'now sailing in harm's way' after Eric Trump flouts rape trial rules https://www.rawstory.com/eric-trump-e-jean-carroll/?cx_testId=6&cx_testVariant=cx_undefined&cx_artPos=1&cx_experienceId=EXC93HV4HK4I#cxrecs_s
  23. Interestingly, if Trump as re-elected he could potentially be impeached again and his pardons could then be reversed. https://washingtonmonthly.com/2021/01/22/can-trumps-pardons-be-reversed/
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