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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Carlson was recently named in a lawsuit filed by Abby Grossberg, a Fox News producer fired after claiming that Fox lawyers had pressured her to give misleading testimony in the Dominion lawsuit. Grossberg had gone to work for Carlson after leaving Maria Bartiromo’s Fox show. Her lawsuit says that Grossberg learned “she had merely traded in one overtly misogynistic work environment for an even crueler one — this time, one where unprofessionalism reigned supreme, and the staff’s distaste and disdain for women infiltrated almost every workday decision.” Fox has countered with its own lawsuit, trying to bar Grossberg from disclosing confidential discussions with Fox attorneys and saying in a statement that “her allegations in connection with the Dominion case are baseless.” https://apnews.com/article/tucker-carlson-out-fox-news-58a8421c55978f223b9c4b1d1cbe50be?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_01
  2. Carlson spoke at an event on Friday for the conservative Heritage Foundation, at which he formerly was a copy editor and fact checker at the organization’s now defunct policy review quarterly. Heritage president Kevin Roberts said after Carlson’s speech: “If things go south for Fox News, there’s always a job for you here.” “You’ve saved me before,” Carlson replied. https://thehill.com/homenews/media/3966300-tucker-carlson-and-fox-news-part-ways/
  3. 'I am stunned': Don Lemon announces that he's been 'terminated' by CNN https://www.rawstory.com/don-lemon-fired-cnn/
  4. Maybe Fox is determined to salvage some self respect or maybe they just want to limit the damage in the Smartmatic case. Carlson was their top rated anchor liar.
  5. the Allied commanders knew of the prisoners’ presence on the ships. Despite their knowledge, the hell ships were attacked by Allied aircraft and submarines, as it was deemed more important to sink the ships than to save the prisoners.
  6. It rained fairly heavily twice today at my place in Pattaya. Puddles of water are still visible. Hopefully it's not just a passing storm. We'll see.
  7. You assume growth at the current rate. India's median age is 10 years younger then China and is growing while Chine is declining. China will be burdened by an elderly population before long.
  8. When they inform you of what will happen to you if you can't go you will probably go involuntarily ????
  9. People wandering around the shopping malls don't appear to very fearful to me. They look a lot they are wearing masks out of consideration for other people. The greatest efficacy of masks is preventing spreading from infected people to others, not the other way round. Hence, it's a mark of respect for others. Teenagers, especially girls, seem to have adopted black masks as a fashion statement. They seem happy.
  10. If you listen carefully you might hear him say "covfefe" but more likely he will raise issues surrounding Trump's lack of support for Ukraine and fealty to Putin while declaring he distrusts American intelligence officers. That said, I doubt that Trump will run and that has me worried. I doubt that DeSantis will be the nominee either. I would rather see Hakeem Jeffries run. Sheldon Whitehouse would be my pick.
  11. All war dead should be honoured equally. The Japanese sailors aboard the mini sub attack on Sydney were given a burial with full military honors. The Japanese submarine i-124 sank off Darwin with a loss of 79 sailors is now a protected war memorial with a plaque in a prominent place in Darwin nearby a similar plaque honouring the USS Peary sunk in Darwin harbour almost a month later.
  12. I didn't but they weren't married so it would be extraordinary. I don't see the reason for outrage here.
  13. Gender has nothing to do with neurology. Your comment does not detract from the science.
  14. Seems like no shortage of posters around here claim that Thai police are looking to extort foreigners. Which is it?
  15. "Not allowed"? Post a link proving that or it's not the truth that you insist it is.
  16. Should it? Why does it matter? The rest of the world has moved on with the science which has long determined that gender isn't binary. Just the haters are interested in forcing their hate upon others less fortunate. Sad.
  17. Cue right wing outrage at a perfectly intelligible descriptor because it doesn't convey sufficient insult.
  18. How many vaccinations have you had and how many times have you had covid?
  19. Healthy caution is not paranoia. The covid hoax believers here believe anything done to mitigate the risk constitutes paranoia. It's called prudence and it's sensible. Y'all are under the thrall of a certain idiot ex president and disdain for book lernin'. It would be hilarious if people weren't dying as a direct result of the collective stupidity.
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