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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. This is a nothing burger. In a county of 180,000 people the votes will all be counted before the mail in expiry date. They are just grandstanding.
  2. Who doesn't hate war criminals, murderers, torturers and rapists? These tactics are official policy of the Russian army. They use the same tactics against Ukrainians as they used in Germany at the end of WW2. This wasn’t the work of rogue soldiers, an investigation by The Associated Press and the PBS series Frontline shows. It was strategic and organized brutality, perpetrated in areas that were under tight Russian control where military officers – including Chaiko himself – were present. https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-europe-middle-east-government-and-politics-e3756976cf33cf5de29aa62d61ea7eb6
  3. They are deliberately made in the hope that the allegation sticks. Conspiracy theories are designed to NOT be proven.
  4. Conspiracy theories are not just mere theories. Context is everything. Conspiracy theories require an allegation.
  5. The SC needs to decide if they want to be originalists or adapt to the modern world. If originalists then they need to define what a well regulated militia actually is as well as define arms in the context of the date when the second amendment was promulgated. . If they want to be reformists then they need to explain how they can't ban assault rifles in the same way as the machine gun ban. Right now they want it both ways.
  6. I read somewhere that Dominion doesn't want to settle. I think they would have by now. Settling would mean Fox would get some kind of agreement that lets them off the hook for the lies. Dominion don't want that. They will get their money anyway. Also, presumably Fox would escape penalties which should be a lot more than Dominion is seeking in damages alone.
  7. except that statistics prove the opposite in every other developed country in the world.
  8. Abortion was a 50/50 issue. Now, it’s Republican quicksand. Six in 10 voters support legal abortion in most cases. Just over a third want it to be entirely or mostly illegal. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/04/08/republican-party-abortion-trap-00091088
  9. No One Should Be That Shocked by What’s Happening in Tennessee After a Republican lawmaker was accused of sexually assaulting 15- and 16-year-old girls he had taught and coached, he was made chairman of the House education committee. Protesters filled the halls week after week, year after year, calling for the removal of the bust of the Ku Klux Klan’s first Grand Wizard, a piece of art featured prominently between the House and Senate chambers. Democrats pushed for its removal, while Republicans resisted. https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2023/04/08/tennessee-descent-statehouse-mag-00091090
  10. If missiles are being fired from Russian Territory then Ukraine has the right to defend itself, which includes attacking those sites. Or indeed any military target anywhere in Russia. Yurii Ihnat, spokesman for the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, in a recent newscast warned that the Russian military has been converting FAB-500 high-explosive aerial bombs into cruise missiles. They are using these bombs "from a distance that is unreachable for Ukrainian air defense," according to a report from Ukrainska Pravda, a Ukrainian online newspaper. Ihnat added that Ukraine believes Russia may be preparing to ramp up production of these bombs, which will be equipped with wings and GPS navigation, according to the news outlet. https://www.newsweek.com/ukraine-issues-warning-about-new-modified-russian-fab-500-aerial-bombs-1793298
  11. USB speeds will never approach that of a hard disk. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe the single internal hard drive has a speed around 500 Gb/s and only applies to the 256 Gb drive single. Nobody is going to notice the difference between that and double that. The 1Tb drive is a dual drive anyway I think, 2 x 500 Gb drives so is striped and will run at the higher speed.
  12. The military weren't unprepared,they simply got their assessment wrong. Again, this is the facile argument that if anything goes wrong it's the CIC's fault no matter what happened. All very nice and dandy in the echo chamber. Some people might want to look at what actually DID happen. Oh, wait, that's what they did. That's why we got this report.
  13. Cherries and tart cherry juice contain melatonin. Insanely expensive in Thailand though.
  14. Yes. To your original question, you should be concerned only about backign up data such as files and photos and not about applications which can always be reinstalled and are frequently updated anyway. If an application is never updated that's a red flag..
  15. Fail to pay that $7 just once and paf. Would you really want to trust that for the rest of your life? Or that they won't fail? I would never use the cloud to backup really valuable stuff. If one is really intent on cloud storage then Wasabi might be a better bet at $5.99 / Tb per month. They also have an AWS S3 compatible API for application generated file storage which is what I use it for. https://wasabi.com/
  16. They are highly restricted in most states and possession after 1886 is more restricted. That's all the left are asking for. It also leaves a third of states, by your own admission, where they are completely banned. This still proves my point that any guns can be banned or restricted without burning the second amendment.
  17. My point is that they have been banned for about a century now. That this is the case proves beyond any right wing "interpretation" of the second amendment that the AR 14 could be banned and that the amendment would still survive. Put simply, the second amendment isn't an unqualified green light for any guns or "arms" if you like.
  18. My main aim was to have you explain how machine guns can be banned but the AR15 can't.
  19. There's no legal test that requires a child's testimony or evidence. It's adults who get to decide if there's been a threat made or not.
  20. The Biden haters single argument is that Biden was CIC at the time and therefore should carry the can absolutely. No attempt at any kind of considered argument about how this debacle actually came about.
  21. Georgia DA expected to 'go big' with Trump indictment The Times reports, "While nothing is certain, there are numerous signs that she may go big, with a more kaleidoscopic indictment charging not only Mr. Trump, but perhaps a dozen or more of his allies," before adding, "Nearly 20 people are already known to have been told that they are targets who could face charges, including Rudolph W. Giuliani, Mr. Trump’s former personal lawyer, and David Shafer, the head of the Georgia Republican Party." It further notes: "The wide scope of the investigation has been evident for months, and Ms. Willis has said that seeking an indictment under the state’s Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations, or RICO, statute is an option that she is considering," the Times report added that Willis "may do so after a new grand jury begins its work in the second week of May, though nothing is set in stone. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-fani-willis-2659756915/
  22. Forget the external drive, you'll never fill the 1Tb drive unless you are an avid photographer or do a lot of video editing. That said, always use an external drive to store valuable data on as a backup. Many people like the SSD drives but if it's for storage, an old style HDD spinning disk drive is more reliable. Make sure it's a good one with an external power supply. The issue here is that HDD's are mechanical and can easily be damaged if dropped or immersed. On the other hand, when an SSD fails it hard fails and all data is lost forever. An HDD drive platter can usually be accessed even if the drive fails and the data recovered. If the data is really valuable, keep a second external drive. A good option might be to have an SSD drive as the first backup as it's smaller and lighter and an HDD at home in the safe for safe storage. That's my strategy. https://www.techradar.com/news/best-external-desktop-and-portable-hard-disk-drives .
  23. Fast-forward to March 28, 2023, when we learned that Ginni Thomas used a right-wing think tank to channel $600,000 of dark money to her current political operation. Was Crow among those donors? He and Ginni Thomas should both be directly asked about that. https://www.thebulwark.com/clarence-thomas-fancy-trips/
  24. Children Are Not Property The idea that underlies the right-wing campaign for “parents’ rights.” The architects of state bans on gender-affirming care for minors say, falsely, that children are at risk from predatory physicians and activists. A “gender cult” destroys families, claimed conservative commentator Matt Walsh. The real sin isn’t that trans youth will suffer but that the parental grip might loosen. https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/04/children-are-not-property.html
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