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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Donald Trump's increasingly inflammatory rhetoric up to and since he was arraigned in a Manhattan courtroom appears to be lighting a fuse that's turning his followers into a mob bent on revenge on his behalf, an analyst warned. As longtime political observer David Corn wrote for "Mother Jones," Trump's bid for a third presidential run was always rooted in seeking revenge after voters rejected him in 2020. But now, with felony criminal charges hanging over him, he seems dead set on inciting violence that might go beyond the Jan 6 insurrection. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-violence-2659753958/
  2. Levels of the most dangerous PM2.5 particles -- so tiny they can enter the bloodstream -- were more than 66 times the World Health Organization's annual guideline, according to IQAir. Chiang Mai provincial governor Nirat Pongsittitavorn issued a statement urging people to stay indoors and work from home to "protect themselves and reduce the health impact" from PM2.5 particles. https://www.rawstory.com/work-from-home-order-issued-as-thai-city-tops-world-pollution-table/
  3. Looks more like a recipe for "dead bod".
  4. I think Merchan will wait to determine whether or not Trump's rantings actually lead to an escalation of violence or threats.
  5. This is particularly interesting and implies that complete failure is neither necessary or desirable for maximum benefit. Evidence indicates that significant muscle growth occurs when the majority of training sets are performed with ~3–4 repetitions in reserve (with moderate to high-loads) [19]. Furthermore, it has been established that the volume of RT, defined as the total number of repetitions (repetitions x sets), together with loads used for a given exercise, is the key element of adaptation in terms of muscle hypertrophy; moreover, it has been suggested that higher volumes of effort are warranted for maximizing muscle growth response in diverse populations
  6. Appearing on CNN on Friday morning, former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales expressed dismay that House Judiciary Committee chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) chose to subpoena a former lawyer who worked in the Manhattan district attorney's office as part of his efforts to run interference for Donald Trump. On Thursday. the controversial Jordan subpoenaed former special assistant district attorney Mark Pomerantz who left his position over unhappiness with District Attorney Alvin Bragg's reluctance to indict the former president. According to Gonzales, who served as attorney general under former President George W. Bush, if there are any problems with Bragg's case, they need to be handled at the state level without the House getting involved. https://www.rawstory.com/jim-jordan-trump-2659753593/
  7. "well regulated militia" never meant "anybody". Do explain how automatic weapons bans don't violate the second amendment.
  8. This new video is worth watching for gym rats and is very much in line with what my Thai gym personal trainer taught me. Looking forward to any contrarian opinions supported with reasoning. I know we've drifted off topic to some degree but I think that diet, fasting and exercise are inextricably linked and all are part of a good health lifestyle.
  9. I believe those have significant benefits along with meditation for calming stress and clearing the mind. I think they are a useful adjunct to exercise rather than as replacement for exercise. I do believe in the middle path and I think my exercise routines, diet and fasting reflect that. I choose a routine which I know I can sustain and stick to. Now and again I have short breaks but not for long.
  10. You need a pencil to join the dots? The WH released a report blaming Trump that cites the Pentagon's report. It clearly implies support from the Pentagon for their position.
  11. The administration said detailed reviews conducted by the State Department and the Pentagon, which the White House said would be transmitted privately to Congress on Thursday, were highly classified and would not be released publicly. https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-afghanistan-withdrawal-congress-war-5ff87c14ffd4f7daaa6675e52d3bba1c
  12. Whatever, I have no opinion about the heart rate issue and that wasn't what the argument was about, you came out and declared that HiiT wasn't good for the elderly no matter what. That's clearly wrong from the evidence I produced. You can't seem to own the fact that you were at least a little abaft of the beam on that. It's obviously not your preferred form of gym training and you decided to push that opinion in a contrarian manner. You could have simply explained what you do and why you do it but you didn't. I note and appreciate that you since have done so to some degree.
  13. The salient point is he believes it's worth spouting any mentally ill diatribe in order to benefit his own political career, nothing at all to do with guns per se.
  14. The rule doesn't say "go check everybody else's claims yourself or accept them". It says you must supply a link to any claim of fact. Telling somebody to not be lazy is not only being lazy but is a cop out on your personal responsibility to respect other s by debating in good faith.
  15. I don't doubt that your workouts are superior to mine. I wasn't attacking your exercise regime, you were attacking mine. Neither of us is wrong but I believe I have provided sufficient proof that your claim that HiiT was not suitable for the elderly was just plain wrong. My condo has a gym but the one I pay to attend is far better equipped and has much more modern equipment. I prefer machines to free weights at this stage in my training as they reduce the chance of joint and back damage.
  16. Biden knew the American population wanted out. Trump had set the course, the military failed to predict the ensuing disaster and now the right are trying to pin it on him. The biggest factor was likely that Trump had already released 5000 Taliban terrorists. Not much point in continuing or reversing course at that point. The Pentagon have laid most of the blame on Trump and I think that's probably on the money.
  17. The evidence for HiiT is never ending. High Intensity Interval Training: A Potential Method for Treating Sarcopenia Sarcopenia, an age-related disease characterized by loss of muscle strength and muscle mass, has attracted the attention of medical experts due to its severe morbidity, low living quality, high expenditure of health care, and mortality. Traditionally, persistent aerobic exercise (PAE) is considered as a valid way to attenuate muscular atrophy. However, nowadays, high intensity interval training (HIIT) has emerged as a more effective and time-efficient method to replace traditional exercise modes. HIIT displays comprehensive effects on exercise capacity and skeletal muscle metabolism, and it provides a time-out for the recovery of cardiopulmonary and muscular functions without causing severe adverse effects. https://www.dovepress.com/high-intensity-interval-training-a-potential-method-for-treating-sarco-peer-reviewed-fulltext-article-CIA
  18. By uncategorical, I meant that you did not qualify your opinion. You just claimed HiiT was not suitable for the elderly which I believe to be wrong. It's been 4 months and I feel good. I never said I knew it all but you claimed you did compared to me. I will wager the gym I attend is better than your own gym ????
  19. Had this been your original post I would not have labelled your post as BS. I still maintain that most elderly who are generally fairly healthy can benefit from HiiT as the evidence appears to show. Obviously they need to start slow. In my case I did what the personal trainer told me to do. He studies physical fitness and so I trust him. I initially suffered some muscle soreness (a lot actually) over the first couple of weeks) but subsequently have had little to none. He insists that the failure is important and I have substantiated that in my reading, damaging the muscle and allowing it to recover is beneficial. His advice was to not be too concerned by muscle soreness as long as there's no joint soreness. I'm not that concerned by getting stronger or bigger muscles. I want to stave of insulin resistance and enjoy generally improved health. All of this was triggered by reading that HiiT and strength training is very effective at preventing alzheimers, probably the biggest killer of the elderly after cancer and cv disease. High intensity interval training could boost health and lifespan for adults over 70, according to a new study. Researchers found that people who did strenuous exercise twice a week had better mental and physical health and fitness than those who did moderate exercise. They were also slightly less likely to die during the five-year period, suggesting HIIT could potentially extend lifespan, in addition to improving quality of life. https://www.insider.com/study-high-intensity-workouts-boost-health-in-people-over-70-2020-10 At the conclusion of the trial, 4.6% of the participants had died, but there was no significant difference in death rates between the group that followed the modest federal exercise recommendations and the two groups that did the more intense workouts. In addition, all groups had similar levels of cardiovascular disease and deaths from cancer. However, that's not to say that participating in regular high-intensity workouts wasn't linked to any benefits. The participants who did the harder workouts had better outcomes on certain measures of mental health and physical fitness. https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/harder-workout-intensity-may-not-increase-your-longevity https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/harder-workout-intensity-may-not-increase-your-longevity
  20. Your uncategorical claim that HiiT is not for the elderly was just that. Own it.
  21. That's pretty much the Australian experience. You can have a wide variety of guns provided they are kept at a gun club. Every gun legal in the home must be in a gun safe.
  22. You specifically claimed that HiiT was not suitable for the elderly. It was not a nuanced claim. I train to the point of failure at the end of each routine of three sets. Thanks for the encouragement ????
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