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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Biden is fascist? He's the one defending democracy. Trump, not so much.
  2. Please proactively reduce your font sizes. It isn't hard. Meat consumption is increasing. A century ago people ate far more vegetables. Meat was also less processed than it is now. https://sentientmedia.org/meat-consumption-in-the-us/ Meat consumption in the United States has nearly doubled in the last century. Americans are now among the top per capita meat consumers in the world; the average American eats more than three times the global average.1 A growing body of evidence suggests Americans’ taste for meat and animal products is putting them at greater risk for a range of health problems. https://clf.jhsph.edu/projects/technical-and-scientific-resource-meatless-monday/meatless-monday-resources/meatless-monday-resourcesmeat-consumption-trends-and-health-implications Overall meat consumption has continued to rise in the U.S., European Union, and developed world. Despite a shift toward higher poultry consumption, red meat still represents the largest proportion of meat consumed in the U.S (58%). Twenty-two percent of the meat consumed in the U.S. is processed. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3045642/ https://www.bbc.com/news/health-47057341
  3. The movie is playing in every major cinema in Pattaya right now. If any article about any movie is ever topical, this one is highly topical right now.
  4. I'm not denying that red meat is not nutritious. That's not my point. I'm just saying that when every govt and health related institution's websites contain the same warning about cancer caused by red meat I take notice. To suggest that all science is tainted by dirty money is frogsh!t. That's just plain old logic. Some people can't and won't change their diet no matter what. I'm not one of those people.
  5. I find it interesting that I never see Russians in Pattaya with t shirts printed in cyrrilic. They all wear t shirts printed in English.
  6. Not any more, he's been exiled. They are shunned in NY. https://www.scmp.com/magazines/style/celebrity/article/3200992/all-ways-ivanka-trump-has-been-shunned-2017-donald-trumps-run-office-saw-her-instagram-shamed-amy
  7. But thew science that researches keto isn't the exact same $? Or any diet?
  8. Don't tell me you're unaware that links to that information have already been provided and discussed. How many times do you want the same link posted? Cut the trolling.
  9. So, what was modern science 50 years ago can never be dispelled? In other words, science never advances? When medical departments in universities say it causes cancer it causes cancer. End of.
  10. I have tried keto. The biggest issue for me is that health authorities these days now recommend a maximum of 300 gm of red meat a week. Anything more leaves you susceptible to cancer. I'm not interested in seeing protestations that it doesn't as this advice can be fount on websites from the UK, US and Australian governments as well as Mayo Clinic, Harvard Health and the Cleveland Clinic, as well as various dietary associations world wide. As such, I have decided to avoid red meat altogether. A keto diet without red meat requires very careful planning and still leaves issues like zinc deficiency. For me, I have determined that the Mediterranean diet, which is most commonly recommended by health authorities these days, is the ideal diet, with low carbs, mainly derived from fruit and beans. Most of my meat is sardines and fish. I eat some cheese and very small amounts of rice on the occasions when I do eat Thai food. I know my carb intake is still too high but I rely on regular gym exercise, walking and intermittent fasting to mitigate the carbs. I'm steadily losing weight, just over 70 Kg for 173 cm. I imagine progressive increases in muscle strength from the gym is keeping my weight from falling faster.
  11. Afghanistan fell faster than the military expected, largely due to the Taliban being reinforced by 5,000 seasoned fighters courtesy of Trump.
  12. Dominion's voting machines were never connected to the internet. The software would have been compiled and therefore not human readable. Furthermore the software would be programmed onto a chip. It then has a checksum code. If somebody had managed to get to any machine and reprogram the chips the checksum would betray that. Poker machines are programmed in exactly the same way. The machines were not vulnerable.
  13. Nothing in the article even hints at what you claim. The military considered that Kabul would not come under pressure until late 2021 is what it says.
  14. Justin Jones and Justin Pearson could be reappointed to their seats after expulsion from Tennessee House Nothing stops the Metro Nashville Council or Shelby County Commission from reappointing either man to fill the vacancies until special elections later this year. The Metro Council is nonpartisan, but a majority of members have already said they will reappoint Jones at a special called meeting announced late Thursday to take place next week. The Shelby County Commission has a Democratic majority and is expected to do something similar. https://www.rawstory.com/justin-jones-and-justin-pearson/
  15. Expelled Tennessee lawmaker Justin Jones: I was voted out for being ‘an uppity Negro’ “This is a very hostile environment, but more importantly, it’s hostile to democracy,” Jones told Reid. “And so what you see in there, they’re saying you should feel grateful to be here, but they didn’t help me get here, the people in my district put me here.” I was arrested in this building over 14 times trying to remove a KKK statue that we finally removed from this rotunda where we’re standing,” he added. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/3938980-expelled-tennessee-lawmaker-justin-jones-i-was-voted-out-for-being-an-uppity-negro/
  16. I don't believe my lying eyes! MTG speaks some sense even while not understanding the irony of her words!
  17. Individuals don't belong to an institution which touts it's moral high ground as it's raison d'etre. Nor are they protected by the institution they are part of. Neither do they use that institution as a means to gain access to their victims.
  18. Please feel free to ridicule my non belief. Ridiculing religion is not disrespectful to any individual. Religious institutions are legitimate targets for ridicule. Unfortunately we can't stamp them out altogether so ridicule is all we have. Apart from those who need to be charged of course, which seems to be most of the higher echelons of the Christian religion. I can't speak for the other religions as I know little about them. I get sick of reading about sexual abuse every other day by the clergy.
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