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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. From a historical perspective it appears that the policy in Trump posts allows discussion about Biden and vice versa.
  2. Did they not have online classes? Italy was a horror story in the early days of covid.
  3. You have no indication or evidence whatsoever that the intentions of those women writing those slogans on their bodies were anything other than a protest abpout not being allowed to go topless at Berlin swimming pools. Suggesting that anything else is implicated is whataboutery and off topic as I suggested.
  4. It will be paying itself off from the first day in reductions of CO2 into the atmosphere.
  5. So lets just forget about climate change and nuclear war because one day, some day, perhaps far away or not, we might get wiped out anyway.
  6. That's the old slippery slope canard. Those slogans were about women's right to go topless since men do and nothing else. Everything else is whataboutism, off topic and ghosts in the house.
  7. Those people don't really understand the difference between 100,000 years and 100 years. Even 10 years for that matter. Fossil fuels are killing more people than they save. Not even close to the amount of money they make from fossil fuels. Think MacDonalds salad bar. https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/nov/18/the-forgotten-oil-ads-that-told-us-climate-change-was-nothing https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/fighting-climate-chaos/exxon-and-the-oil-industry-knew-about-climate-crisis/exxons-climate-denial-history-a-timeline/ https://news.harvard.edu/gazette/story/2021/09/oil-companies-discourage-climate-action-study-says/ https://www.npr.org/2021/10/27/1047583610/once-again-the-u-s-has-failed-to-take-sweeping-climate-action-heres-why
  8. I voted for the parties which support action against climate change. Your token effort is appreciated. Since you don't believe climate change is a problem worth acting on I guess we have to assume the reason you went with solar power is only about self interest?
  9. Oh, just the opinion of the overwhelming majority of scientists with relevant qualifications. Other than that, nothing really.
  10. Did Trump mention the word baseball at any time? Was he headed out to play baseball? Those of us who are capable of finding nuance are compelled to look for it. In Trump's case one only needs a keen sense of hearing.
  11. Jordan, as usual, is not thinking past his own political aspirations for the next election.
  12. Either way it would be a giant leap toward dictatorship. Imagine what a president who could not be ever be held accountable might do.
  13. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2023/mar/25/berlin-welcomes-topless-female-swimmers-in-victory-for-activists
  14. I don't know if they all actually left but that's what the traitor in chief wanted. Amid growing chaos in Syria, Donald Trump has ordered all US troops to withdraw from the country’s north to avoid a bloody conflict between Turkey and formerly US-backed Kurdish fighters that “gets worse by the hour”, the defense secretary, Mark Esper, said on Sunday. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/oct/13/trump-us-troops-northern-syria-turkish-assault-kurds
  15. The Kurds fought with the US against ISIS. Trump betrayed them by leaving Syria. Obviously that situation has been reversed.
  16. I spoke to two young Russian guys in a baht bus coming back from the music festival in Koh Larn last week. They told me that they were fleeing the draft and did border runs every 6 weeks. They said they were allowed ten border runs. One showed me a photo of the minibus which the driver smashed up when he ran off the road on their last run. Both spoke good English and one said he was an engineer so both definitely muscovites.
  17. Biden doesn't want to reach a peace agreement with the Iranians. They are sending arms to Russia. It's notable that the far right is crickets on this issue.
  18. If I had to do that I certainly would. It's much safer than allowing them to run me off the road. What are they going to do, run me down? Only a fool would ride a scooter in those circumstances but if they had to it's definitely still the safest thing to do.
  19. Yes but it was the Republicans who didn't want them on US territory, hence Guantanamo bay.
  20. All that really happened was a continuation in a straight line of GDP and employment growth for a few months until it reversed un Trump. Obama saved the US from a falling knife created by GW Bush. Biden saved it from Trump. Employment is at an all time high under Biden as we speak.
  21. Notwithstanding the inaccuracy of that claim (Trump pulled the US out of the treaty with Iran and subsequently sent bombers on their way to Iran before backing down) I hope Biden bombs Iran's military into oblivion for supporting Trump's second best pal.
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