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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. https://cookieandkate.com/fresh-ginger-tea-recipe/ also try matcha green tea
  2. How many coffees did you have a day before?
  3. sure. Swing voters characterise dems as "radical far left" all the time.
  4. https://www.diffen.com/difference/Conservative_vs_Liberal
  5. liberal and conservative are terms used to describe opposite ends of the political spectrum. Maybe you describe yourself as centrist?
  6. The recommendation is every day (forever) but I do it on weekdays (every week), at least 4. I usually do 18 to 19 hours. On Thursday I managed 24 hours. You need to work up to it. Also need to cut carbs as much as possible / comfortable. And do high intensity intermittent training as well. It will take a long time (many months) to burn belly fat.
  7. There's no such party as the Democratic Socialist Party any more than there's a Republican Whack Job Party.
  8. Well, last night there were about 50,000 people at least at the Pattaya Music Festival, overwhelmingly Thais and mostly teenagers. I'd say that qualified as family entertainment.
  9. How does democracy enter into it? Both claimed the election was stolen and the Jan 6 riot was an insurrection. If he was interested in fairness he would have made the videos available to all interested news outlets. It was anything but fair. Excerpts will be edited out of context to portray falsehoods wherever possible as Fox and Carson have a habit of doing.
  10. Samui was indeed "discovered" by back packers. I first went there in 1979 after learning about it from hippy backpackers from Europe on the London to Sydney overland route. At that time, there were no hotels on Chaweng beach and no airport. There were only bungalows. I went there by bus to Surat Thani from Hat Yai and then ferry to the port town and song taew to Chaweng. It was hardly expensive. Dirt cheap in fact. The only accommodation was bungalows at 30 baht an night. The only food was an open restaurant associated with the two bungalow villages at either end of the beach. Only food and candles were available from the restaurant. No shops, no bars and the generator was turned off at 8pm. Hardly elite.
  11. A family dispute is "hating your own country"? You aren't rid of them yet. I'll go out on a limb and suggests that Harry and Meghan return to the UK at some point.
  12. At that age, yes, appropriate. Noo is generally used in a sentence, less so to call someone.
  13. https://www.politico.com/video/2023/03/03/haley-wokeness-is-a-virus-more-dangerous-than-any-pandemic-850138
  14. Fox regretted Biden victory scoop because it hurt ratings with right-wing viewers https://www.rawstory.com/fox-biden-victory-call/?traffic_source=Connatix
  15. In the filing released on Thursday, the DOJ asserted, "Nixon v. Fitzgerald establishes a rule of absolute immunity for the president's official acts. It is not a rule of absolute immunity for the president regardless of the nature of his acts." The loss of immunity will likely lead to the former president facing a slew of suits from private citizens, lawmakers and government employees who suffered damages related to the Jan. 6 insurrection. https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-lawsuits-2659500423/
  16. I have 3BB fibre in my condo in Pattaya and get 980 Mb/s download if I use an ethernet cable instead of wireless to connect to the router. It rarely has any outage except one 5 day episode when a vehicle took out some infrastructure.
  17. They'll be rescinded. Russia needs those people back. They let them go because most of them are the Russian elite.
  18. หนูnuu, fairly impolite 2nd person pronoun used to call over a waitress in a restaurant and a girl or woman working in a nightclub, café or escort business you. You might consider using nong instead.
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