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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. More likely Matt Gaetz or Louie Gohmert. Trump is an avowed woman hater. Trump and Gaetz have much in common.
  2. And yet you apparently don't live in your home country. The irony kills me.
  3. I never mentioned fad diets. I mentioned keto only to demonstrate that it isn't fats which make you fat. I eat a Mediterranean diet. I fast most days for 18 hours and do HiiT training at the gym most days. All the equipment you mentioned are effective for losing weight. It goes without saying that if you don't use the stuff it won't benefit you. Please don't waste our time. It's not eating too much that's the problem. You can eat salad all day long and not get fat. It's ONLY carbohydrate and sugar which makes you fat. You're the one who claims that eating fat makes you fat. You shouldn't even be commenting on a diet thread until you do some proper research.
  4. A teacher with fake boobs is the business of exactly one person and nobody else. Everybody else can come to Thailand to satisfy their obsession with them.
  5. It's the sugar in the patties and the buns. And the carbs in the fries. Your body metabolises the carbs into glucose which it stores as fat if you don't burn it. The keto diet emphasises eating lots of saturated fat and yet it's designed to make you lose weight. How does that work under your theory? Your body doesn't eat fat, do nothing with it but store it. It turns glucose into fat to store it. Please do some research.
  6. A mate of time told me today at dinner that only recently are Australian doctors being forced to tell their patients that there are alternatives to metformin and insulin to fix diabetes, namely diet and exercise. I think that might be because the science which proves that is relatively new. As in clinical proof. Whether it's true or not (about the doctors) I don't know.
  7. Whose society do they need to fit into? They are already part of society. Anti gay bigots wish they weren't. "Fit into society" is code for they need to change. Kind of like a red headed freckle faced kid needs to "fit into society".
  8. Doctors rarely, if ever, discuss diet with their patients. They just fix the symptoms, never the cause.
  9. True. They're fat because of sugar. Nothing else causes fat. It's a world wide problem, not just Thailand.
  10. Wagner chief warns of collapse of Russian frontline if there is retreat from Bakhmut https://thehill.com/policy/international/3885893-wagner-chief-warns-of-collapse-of-russian-frontline-if-there-is-retreat-from-bakhmut/
  11. If that's true at all, it;s like a drop in the Pacific Ocean compared to the anti gay bigotry. Just look at this board for example, anti hetero bigotry isn't a thing. It's all in the febrile imaginations of the anti gay bigots. The bigots just want their bigotry protected as some kind of warped mutation of free speech.
  12. Over the past 11 months, someone created thousands of fake, automated Twitter accounts — perhaps hundreds of thousands of them — to offer a stream of praise for Donald Trump. Besides posting adoring words about the former president, the fake accounts ridiculed Trump’s critics from both parties and attacked Nikki Haley, the former South Carolina governor and U.N. ambassador who is challenging her onetime boss for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. As Republican voters size up their candidates for 2024, whoever created the bot network is seeking to put a thumb on the scale, using online manipulation techniques pioneered by the Kremlin to sway the digital platform conversation about candidates while exploiting Twitter’s algorithms to maximize their reach. https://apnews.com/article/trump-desantis-twitter-haley-presidential-election-4d61487294f9218855b8e6e89f0c8ccc?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_01
  13. They shouldn't filter out state controlled misinformation which can cause unnecessary death? How about child sexual exploitation? Control off the table? Should they fail to control such behaviour they will soon find themselves banned in many countries which don't elevate free speech above hate speech.
  14. Maybe consider some context instead of just the words in isolation? The phrase “It’s Okay To Be White” is a slogan popularized in late 2017 as a trolling campaign by members of the controversial discussion forum 4chan. The original idea behind the campaign was to choose an ostensibly innocuous and inoffensive slogan, put that slogan on fliers bereft of any other words or imagery, then place the fliers in public locations. Originators assumed that “liberals” would react negatively to such fliers and condemn them or take them down, thus “proving” that liberals did not even think it was “okay" to be white. https://www.adl.org/resources/hate-symbol/its-okay-be-white
  15. Maybe I'm a dog because I can hear the dog whistles loud and clear.
  16. Sounds a lot like "ok to be white". Same brand of bigotry. I'll tell you what though, I'm proud I'm not so consumed by the hatred, fear and insecurity of my own sexuality that I need to worry about others.
  17. I assume you have a similar problem with the Pattaya beach bikini run then?
  18. Tell the UK which is currently training Ukrainian pilots on F16's. Source previously posted in another thread. Russia has already declared war against an ally.
  19. Nope, it;'s a public topic. A transgender politician should be free to talk about their gender. How come the right wing are for free speech until they're not? The sooner people become educated that other people aren't only male or female the better. Then another corner of ignorance will be banished. Ask Sam Smith if he's "really" male or female and why can't politicians discuss his sexuality?
  20. It would depend on whether the Russian rocket deliberately hit Latvia or not.
  21. Being a member of NATO has made countries since its inception. Russia is never going to attack a NATO country. Never has and never will. NATO was formed to ensure that exactly that never happened.
  22. Sexuality is on a spectrum. Just be thankful you can count yourself as being at one end of that spectrum. Others aren't so lucky. Transgenders aren't just switching from one end of the spectrum to the other, contrary to what the haters would have us believe. Why do men have nipples?
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