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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. "Wokiness" is about education comprehension, it is not an attitude. Some have it and some don't.
  2. Then you should be able to produce a link to your claim as required by the rules. Your claim is far removed from common sense so that won't help. To help remind you, the specific claim is "She has woken up a lot of previously unaware women to the fact their rights and single sex spaces are under threat though"
  3. When it stops killing people at a magnitude higher than the flu.
  4. Got a link to this trash? I mean the claim about waking up women not the rapist housed in a prison which was nothing to do with her.
  5. Why isn't it "normal" and why is it not a good message for kids? Transvestites are a normal part of society and normally dress as women (or men). You're so consumed by your obsession that gay is not normal that you naturally assume that such things as the way they dress are abnormal. This isn't about sex so the suggestion that it's not appropriate in schools is just a diversion. We are talking about clothes and make up alone, not discussing sex. I guess your head would explode if a transvestite teacher was teaching your kid?
  6. Of course you will acknowledge that ordinary surgical masks still provide a good level of protection from infection. Wearing an N95 or KN95 mask reduces the odds of testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 by 83%. This is compared with 66% for surgical masks
  7. Yep, I just logged in to twitter and sure enough, Musk's latest tweet is that the top of the list. I don't even follow him.
  8. There's already a plethora of data which proves beyond shadow of doubt that vaccines prevent serious illness and death from covid. The jury isn't out. If a country's data suggests otherwise then 100% the data is suspect.
  9. Exactly how does exposing a child to a normal of society in a non sexualised manner "screw up their mental development"?
  10. Or the Chinese could have informed the US exactly what these balloons were, what they were doing and why they were over US territory.
  11. Not seeing how it can help them is justification for nanny state bans like this? Does sitting on Santa's knee help them? Why not ban that? I'll tell you how it can help them. It can reinforce the notion that being gay is not an abnormal part of society which should be shunned and kept in closets, important for the mental development of children. While I hate anecdotes, here is one which might illustrate just how harmless this is. I very clearly remember that when in kindergarten my teachers had a cow because I wanted to push the prams around a concrete path with the girls instead of plating football with the boys. Quite simply, I liked the girls. I grew up straight as a die so the experience was obviously not formative or negative in any way.,
  12. Anti woke, anti abortion, anti drag shows, anti critical race theory. The GOP are a masterclass in nanny state creation.
  13. Most pandemics come to an end. https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/will-the-coronavirus-pandemic-ever-end However, the COVID-19 pandemic eventually will end. If you’re weary of this pandemic, it’s important to remember that you can literally help bring about the end of it by taking individual actions to curb its spread. https://blogs.webmd.com/public-health/20200911/will-covid-ever-end
  14. Not the world. no. This topic is about a US convict. You know, that country where Trump is the only viable candidate for the GOP nomination and so has a huge influence on public policy?
  15. Logically, I'd say that the number favoring unrestricted abortion is rising with more liberal attitudes in society and especially because religiosity is falling in the US.
  16. Why aren't we? Do you have some evidence that this virus will never end? Other's have, why not this one?
  17. I mentioned Trump because his public statements (and full page newspaper ads) greatly increase the chance of an innocent man being executed. It's why capital punishment needs to be removed from the books in order to protect innocent people from populists like Trump who executed more people than any other recent president. He's relevant to the topic.
  18. Most people do in fact favor some restrictions as you say. However, I think it's fair to say most pro lifers favor no exceptions and certainly not time based exceptions. .
  19. Then presumably they wouldn't have long covid. The vaccine causes long covid? First I've heard that tall one.
  20. You don't think innocent people are executed? This man spent nearly three decades in prison before his innocence was proved. Trump wanted 5 innocent men executed.
  21. The GOP was heavily punished in the mid terms by suburban women who did not buy the idea that pro lifers are even close to moderate. Pro lifers are never in favor of abortion at any time, save for a small number who support it in cases of rape and incest. Abortion was the main reason for republicans losing bigly.
  22. Most people don't bother drawing the distinction except to die hard anti climate change zealots. The thing is that ship has sailed. Not only are we in a natural cooling phase but natural climate change takes many thousands of years, nothing like the dozens of years that we have witnessed profound changes in climate running counter to the natural cycle. As such, denialists don't need to claim they understand that climate changes but somehow consider that man might have little or nothing to do with it and so need to make the distinction every time. So, should we happen not to mention that the climate change we are discussing is all man made, please don't insult our intelligence by "fixing" our comments.
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