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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. One of the articles I posted claimed that any more than 2 candidates would ensure Trump won, as he did last time on well below 50%. This is the major problem with first past the post voting systems. Right wingers love them but sometimes they come back to bite them.
  2. Nikki Haley presidential run would sink DeSantis and hand Trump victory – poll As the former South Carolina governor Nikki Haley prepares to announce a run for president, a new poll found that just one additional candidate in the 2024 Republican primary will be enough to split the vote and keep Donald Trump ahead of Ron DeSantis, his only current close rival. But Sarah Longwell, publisher of the Bulwark, an anti-Trump conservative website, recently wrote: “Presumably the numerous candidates gearing up to run in the GOP primary understand that a fractured field benefits Donald Trump. “Are we sure they understand that they’d need to coalesce around a frontrunner by February 2024 to avoid the same scenario that gave us Trump in 2016?” https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/feb/09/nikki-haley-presidential-run-ron-desantis-donald-trump-poll
  3. A Washington Examiner analysis, however, quoted voices optimistic about Haley’s chances, believing she holds appeal with Republicans tired of “firebrand” candidates. translation: no chance in hell of getting the GOP nomination. https://www.allsides.com/story/politics-can-nikki-haley-win-republican-presidential-nomination
  4. Innocent children? What do you think they're going to do to your children? This is sheer bigotry, nothing more. Homosexuality is inherited, not learned.
  5. That's a statistical product of most people being vaccinated and in no way a result of being vaccinated. The deaths would absolutely be more if less people had been vaccinated. Basic statistics in lacking among anti vax proselytisers.
  6. I see the M15 R6 at 93k locally and 88k on Amazon US. These are both 11th gen computers.
  7. That's going to be the case for all laptops. try Dell in Bangkok for an Alienware laptop. Be prepared to pay. I prefer mini computers these days as I am only semi mobile and I just buy an external monitor if I don't want to travel with one. It's way cheaper and lighter (without the monitor).
  8. Here career was boosted by Trump, who only picked the best people, and now she thinks she's president material.
  9. They aren't a few years behind. You can always get a computer made up to your specs. I do that even at home because retail computers are a year behind. Thailand is no different.
  10. Paradoxically the more they wear masks the sooner that time will come. The OP is evidence of that.
  11. I see very little mask wearing. It seems to be a bit of a fashion statement among teenagers though, provided they are black. They are very common on motorcycles for the reasons I mentioned in a previous post. For motorcycles, it's difficult to see why they would be dropped. Masks became cheap and ubiquitous and their benefits obviously extended beyond covid when riding motorcycles.
  12. Bout was low level after his prison sentence and of no value for arms smuggling. He will be tracked by the CIA for the rest of his life. This is why the Russians were willing to trade him for a basketball player but retained other more valuable American prisoners.
  13. Science has shown that masks prevent diesel soot, insects and dust from entering the mouth and nose when riding motor cycles. This little known side effect of masks was discovered by having to wear them during covid.
  14. Minimum turnover tax on all companies and minimum income tax on all salary earners above a threshold is the only way. If they lose money it's their own fault. Tax should be a business expense like everything else they have to pay.
  15. A Trump aide had previously copied those same pages onto a thumb drive and laptop, not realizing they were classified, sources said. The laptop, which belonged to an aide, who works for Save America PAC, and the thumb drive were also given to investigators in January. That's called dissemination. Trump was responsible for those documents, he can't claim that he didn't know to get out if this.
  16. Without limit? Really? There must be a limit somewhere after which you must find it slightly annoying. Then, weeks later it might progress beyond annoying. Are you saying that could never occur?
  17. Why not just say a few words and ask them like normal respect demands?
  18. No. I write lots of serious stuff that triggers far right wingers. I'm not trolling them. Emojis used inappropriately really are trolling. I can't see this working at all.
  19. It depends on what you call funny. If you *know* the recipient didn't intend it to be funny then it isn't appropriate, you are then trolling. Nothing stops you from liking a post. As for the sad and confused emojis, I don't know what their legitimate purpose actually is.
  20. Well, that's reassuring. The usual suspects know who to blame when this happens to them. ????
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