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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Petrov told Newsweek that if Wagner isn't successful in Ukraine, the group "is likely to destabilize the domestic situation in Russia and spark a civil war." "Its founder and new warlord, Yevgeny Prigozhin, has been touring the Russian prisons—pardoning, recruiting and arming convicted criminals," he added. "They already rival the Russian regular army and even have their air force." https://www.newsweek.com/they-bet-ukraine-defeating-russia-here-are-their-latest-war-predictions-1779617
  2. That's an old canard which might sound true on the face of it without critical inspection. It's totally illogical and irrational. What makes a girlfriend? What is a friend More than 97 mins /day or week cuddling you in front of a TV with a show she doesn't want to watch. Or you? Lack of exchange of money? Is an oft repeated short time sexual encounter not a friendship?
  3. How does short time impinge negatively on the friendship? Why is it necessarily just sexual. I'm not getting your drift at all here. It's a total non sequitur.
  4. Sure you are. You're not paraphrasing either, your use of IMO makes that clear. "That's not a girlfriend. IMO that's a disposable vagina attached to a human being"
  5. Greene at one point screamed "LIAR" when Biden said that some Republicans want to sunset Social Security and Medicare. It was part of a proposal presented by Sen. Rick Scott (R-FL) during the last election cycle. It was roundly denounced by Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). https://www.rawstory.com/state-of-the-union-never-trumpers/
  6. Incels don't have sexual rights. They are unappealing to women, that's why they are incels. It doesn't have to get deeper than that.
  7. Trump's reply was. Here it is. https://djt.nucleusemail.com/amplify/v/9zWbQfK2uK?hids=JZGhpWJ&utm_medium=email&utm_source=ncl_amplify&utm_campaign=230207-president_donald_j_trumps_response_to_the_state_of_the_union&utm_content=ncl-X5937WdgrM&_nlid=X5937WdgrM&_nhids=JZGhpWJ
  8. I don't need a guarantee to want to continually improve my lifestyle and diet. It's not just adding the few years, it's the quality of those years and the years before that. Right from the very next week each change is made.
  9. This will backfire on Trump. He himself proved that Republicans don't care about dalliances with women. It's macho thing. Suburban women perhaps not so much. Dems: Trump is the gift that keeps on giving.
  10. Fortunately, there remains plenty of slim Thai women around as well. There's someone for everybody. One of my friends like fat women. I don't. We are both happy.
  11. Some of us find the extreme misogyny tedious.
  12. Changing diet is just changing one's habits. It isn't about things you hate. Not liking seafood or coffee without milk is state of mind. Change and the mind changes too. Re you're last sentence. They are inseparable. Anything which improves the quality of life will make you live longer in the context of diet and exercise.
  13. Tough love huh? Treat 'em mean to keep 'em keen.
  14. I'm almost 69 and being adopting a gradual changes as I learn more. I'm now on a fairly low carb, mediterranean diet and intermittent fasting on most days. I've also started strength gym training for the first time in my life. Everything you need you know is in the link I gave you. It's literally never too late and the older you are the more you need to make the change.
  15. Christianity 'has devolved into a rabid tribe': Lauren Boebert bashed for praying for Biden's death Speaking to a church audience, Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) told the crowd to pray for Joe Biden: "May his days be few and another take his office.” "THIS is the self-proclaimed party of Jesus Christ," tweeted political commentator Lindy Li. Others noted that her so-called "sermon" included her promoting her legislation to impeach the president and argued that bringing politics into church pews is yet another reason that churches should lose their tax-exempt status. https://www.rawstory.com/lauren-boebert-prays-biden/
  16. In Pattaya I always ask for no sugar. For tom yum I ask for no carnation. It's not hard.
  17. Did Charles McGonigal sabotage the 2016 election? Two months before Donald Trump was elected, FBI agents reportedly visited Deripaska in New York City and asked him whether the Trump campaign was colluding with Russia. By this point, campaign manager Paul Manafort had been feeding sensitive campaign and polling data to Deripaska’s associate for months, information that made its way to Russian intelligence. Did the FBI’s attempts to recruit Deripaska ultimately result in Deripaska recruiting a top FBI agent? https://www.rawstory.com/charles-mcgonigal/
  18. What's the 'longevity' diet, and will it really make you live longer? https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-09-22/whats-this-longevity-diet-will-make-you-live-longer/101463260
  19. That's the basis of statistics. The margin of error is always stated and is rarely much outside that. Similar polls have been around for many decades.
  20. Once they've spent "a lot" of money nothing will change their mind because, like a gambler, they will chase that money with more money. They can't just walk away.
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