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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I just provided two, the only rational possibilities that I can see. Get some objectivity instead of your biases. You rail against others being biased and now you prove yourself no more objective than they are.
  2. What other solution is there? Acquiesce to the illegal settlements based on religious hatred?
  3. Educate yourself. A first attempt at partitioning the land in 1948 resulted in an Israeli state but no Palestinian state, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip fell under Jordanian and Egyptian rule, respectively. https://www.britannica.com/topic/two-state-solution
  4. The options for Israel should be to accept a two state solution based on 1967 borders or a single state solution with full voting rights for all Palestinians and Israeli Arabs, including the right of return for those expelled to Lebanon.
  5. The Israelis have never agreed to a two state solution involving all original Palestinian lands since either 1948 or 1967. Their "peace" proposals have never been fair, just or equitable.
  6. He presumably has a family. Unless you can hear his side you should have some respect.
  7. Israel has deprived an entire generation o Palestinians the right to life, liberty and happiness. They don't get to claim distrust of Palestinian rights. Netanyahu should face trial in The Hague along with many of his cronies. They engage in war crimes with impunity due to an outsized influence in American politics.
  8. Lack of links removes your credibility. Palestine is as entitled to have immigrants as does any other state including Israel which grants citizenship to anybody proving ancestry back to a single grandparent.
  9. Not a credible source. That poll includes Israeli Arabs. The two state solution was agreed to in the Oslo accords in 1993.. US again backs two-state solution in call to Palestinian leader The US secretary of state reaffirms US commitment to a two-state solution in call with President Mahmoud Abbas. https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/11/5/us-again-backs-two-state-solution-in-call-to-palestinian-leader The pollsters found that support for a Jewish-dominated state has surged among Israeli Jews. On the Palestinian side, the two-state solution still enjoys a plurality of support, but Gaza has replaced the West Bank as the area with the more moderate views. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2023-01-25/ty-article/.premium/israeli-palestinian-poll-shows-support-for-two-state-solution-at-all-time-low/00000185-e461-d109-a7af-e571a7330000
  10. That's irrelevant. The Palestinians have a right to their own nation regardless of their animosity to Israel. Israel is denying that so it isn't any wonder they are hated. Right back to the Shatila massacre and before.
  11. Apparently not hard to do. Is any part of Israel in Palestine, other than the illegally occupied territories?
  12. BS. Prove it. Commission of Inquiry finds that the Israeli occupation is unlawful under international law https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2022/10/commission-inquiry-finds-israeli-occupation-unlawful-under-international-law
  13. What you think is irrelevant. It's what Palestinians thinks that matters. And international law.
  14. It would be a 1/2 a state solution, they have never been offered a state based on international law, which is the UN agreed borders.
  15. Palestinians don't want their own state now? What a stupid statement.
  16. Palestinians don't identify as Israelis. You too, stop trolling, you know exactly what I mean. Stop the weasel words.
  17. You don't know what Palestinians are? Grow up and stop trolling.
  18. This is all about Palestinians. The thread title is about Palestinians. Stay on topic!
  19. Not if they supported a two state solution which is what is fair and what the rest of the world wants. The Netanyahu government are racist scum.
  20. Israel fits the very definition of an apartheid state. If they gave Palestinians a vote they would not be. After Russia Israel would easily be the world's worst state actor.
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