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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Fine, but he doesn't have any modern weaponry to replace them. He's estimated to have only a handful of his newest main battle tanks. Same goes for his newest fighter jets.
  2. I was referring to links verifying facts in that forum. This is a thread about searches in Google. As long as you acknowledge that links must be provided in the world forum I'm happy.
  3. You think that's not a rule. You don't need to follow it? Is it just a suggestion? Did you take my suggestion and seek clarification from moderators if you are in any doubt. Is it not clear to you?
  4. Renewable energy creates more jobs. Those solar and wind farms don't install and maintain themselves while coal mines these days have self driving dump trucks. The expense of cleaning up coal tailings is very high as well and often borne by the taxpayer or not done at all. Additionally, mining coal uses lots of water and releases large quantities of CO2.
  5. The party of law and order doesn't care when the criminals are their own.
  6. And the right wing think the left are woke because they want to defund the police. Go figure, those guys were just badged murderers. They need to increase funding to rework the entire police culture and purge the criminals in uniform.
  7. Because their current drive isn't large enough for boot sector and default installed apps. Probably Windows. I'm assuming they mean the "main drive".
  8. Is Putin's upcoming spring escalation a good idea?
  9. Yes, that's the current value price point. No point to save $5 for a smaller driver. Yes, I'm exaggerating but you get the point.
  10. What Google owns is public information. Got some evidence?
  11. I suspect that the calculus is to wait out the Russians who have logistical problems with weapons supplies. Far from the narrative that Russia is playing the long game to wait out western resolve, I think the opposite is probably true.
  12. In read as he didn't want to discard it intact. What's your interpretation? He wanted to keep the disks? What did "final disposal" mean?
  13. It's an extremely commonly used technique for destroying disk drives.
  14. Bill Barr made Justice Department Trump's 'personal protection racket' Firestone closed by noting that Durham's probe was never able to secure any convictions, and in one instance was chastised by a judge for a filing that served no purpose but to propagate right-wing conspiracy theories he knew were lies. He recalled the last time that Barr was at the Justice Department in 1992 when, during the Bush administration, "the Times columnist William Safire accused him of leading a 'Criminal Cover-up Division' in refusing to appoint an independent counsel to investigate whether the Bush administration had knowingly provided aid to Saddam Hussein that was used to finance the military before Iraq invaded Kuwait." https://www.rawstory.com/bill-barr-2659331574-corruption-durham/
  15. And there was his very recent use of Musk "does good at rockets". No politician in history has ever had such a poor command of their own native language. Even 5 year olds speak better English. It's not surprising these cretins want to remove books from schools and promote home schooling. They need to dumb down the population to get any votes. Educated people vote more for liberals. They know that. https://www.independent.co.uk/tech/trump-elon-musk-spacex-tesla-rockets-launch-davos-interview-cnbc-a9296906.html
  16. Take away the guns. Learn from policing in every other developed nation where this danger is minimal in comparison.
  17. On what planet does "must" not mean mandatory? Any claim of fact must be supported by a link. Is that not easy to understand? I suggest you seek the assistance of a moderator for clarification. Why does anybody have a problem with providing links to support factual claims anyway? It it's not BS then the links are available.
  18. Gold is taking a dump right now. If it closes the day below $1916 there could be trouble.
  19. I hope you don't mind the clip. I note also that they never acknowledge or debate the content content in any links provided to them. I suspect they mostly just ignore them. My suspicion is fuelled by the fact that they frequently repeat the same misinformation even after being provided with evidence refuting their claims. That wouldn't be so bad if they themselves provided links but it's like pulling teeth to get them to do so.
  20. Your link refers to Rassmussen Reports, not Rassmussen Polls. Trump’s favorite pollster was the least accurate in the midterms https://edition.cnn.com/2018/12/08/politics/poll-of-the-week-trumps-favorite-pollster/index.html
  21. Yes it had, that's why I wrote it. I don't care what the price of bitcoin will be 3 months from now. I'm not anti crypto by any means. I just think it's going down like stocks in the near future, just my opinion, not based on any personal biases because I don't have any. I have invested in crypto in the past and will again in the future. I first heard about crypto when it was first developed, sometime around 2014.
  22. Maybe the answer to your question is your first sentence?
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