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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Did someone say Jews? If I criticise my government or country am I being anti-Christian?
  2. I didn't say no, stop the rash posting. I stated quite clearly that any attack on innocent civilians is a war crime, whoever perpetrates them. That includes Palestinians who fire rockets at Israeli civilians. It also includes forced appropriation of land. And demolishing the house of a Palestinian gunman.
  3. It's quite curious. On one hand Trump fawns over Elon Musk and then trashes electric vehicles. It begs the question of whether he even comprehends that Tesla's are electric. Maybe he's just senile. After all, he did recently confuse a woman who claim he raped her with his ex wife.
  4. No, it's an absolute truth that applies in every situation where innocent civilians become the victims of retaliation.
  5. But a spate of actions some have criticized as “anti-Black” could pose a threat for the governor’s chances at winning over Black voters, who became a deciding factor in securing President Biden’s election in 2020 and the Democrats’ Senate majority in the 2022 midterms. Since his initial election four years ago, DeSantis has taken a hard-line approach against critical race theory, an academic framework that seeks to address systemic racism in the U.S. https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/3828839-desantis-actions-could-pose-risk-with-black-voters-in-2024/
  6. Retaliating against civilians for any reason is a war crime.
  7. It can't be, he told us he is a genius.
  8. Here is an example dumb right now because he didn't say what you're implying. He said the banning of books dumbs down the population. How did you not get that? Or maybe you did and you're just trolling? Banning books lowers educational standards by definition.
  9. I don't believe that LK Metro is taking away much of the Asian market from Walking Street since the quality of dancers there are not great this year. It's not really in WS either but certain bars are much better than others. Soi Buakhao bars are atrocious except for drinkers. I also don't spend a lot of time in the bars but they seem petty busy. It's likely to be mostly the ones who are paying top dollar for the best dancers as well. Inside the bars are predominantly Asian customers while outside it's mainly Indian. I don't know about the clubs. I think Republic gets pretty full. I was last there a few months ago and it was full on a Saturday night. I'm only out on weekends.
  10. FBI agent — or Russian agent? What does Charlie McGonigal know about 2016? Before he moved on to other positions at FBI headquarters, McGonigal's career had begun in New York, where he worked closely with James Kallstrom — the right-wing ideologue who headed the New York office for decades. A bosom buddy of Giuliani and Trump, Kallstrom is suspected of leading the pressure campaign that induced Comey to reopen the Clinton investigation. The explicit threat of leaks by agents and former agents like Kallstrom, who reportedly hated Clinton, spurred Comey's disastrous decision and his public announcement, which again violated department policy against election interference. https://www.rawstory.com/charlie-mcgonigal-agent/
  11. I guess you haven't tried to get a seat in many of the better walking street bars lately. They are generally full or close to it. Last night I needed to sit near the door in pinup until someone left from a better seat. There was a competition between me and a Korean to grab the newly vacated seat but I won. XS was likewise full and I had to wait for a seat to open up. In Dollhouse downstairs I had to sit up against the dance floor on a stool which my back doesn't like.
  12. He said nothing about Jews or Judaism. How do you get to anti-Semite from criticising Israel? Your only defense of Israel is whataboutism? Pathetic.
  13. Ever seen anybody ever admit that their pet conspiracy theory was incorrect? Neither have I.
  14. No, I read the big print in websites about the drug and listened to the doctor during the mandatory consultation before the first one. My main worry was the AstraZeneca vaccine. For the second one I had a GP write to the government and get permission for me to have Pfizer. I was well informed about the vaccine. No side effects and had a moderate experience to the virus itself.
  15. 5 litres of bottled water from 7-11 costs 39 baht for their own brand. I prefer to do that rather than refill from those machines.
  16. Do you live here? Thailand has long had very low inflation. The point is that is now changing and not just from imported goods as one would naturally anticipate. Local restaurant prices have increased by about 30 to 50% since I came 9 months ago. Just an anecdote based on my personal experience. It was not always ever thus as you imply. It's noteworthy because prices here were very stable for many years.
  17. Then you're not speaking from personal experience either. I live in Pattaya and I enjoy it. I rarely go to the bars.
  18. I do, it took me 15 seconds to find it. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/22/putin-speech-russia-empire-threat-ukraine-moscow
  19. No, the incidence of infection can be deduced from the hospitalisation rates. Please keep your anti Thai bashing down to a dull roar. We are getting sick of it. The reality is that Thailand had strong lock downs, travel restrictions and high social compliance with social distancing and mask wearing back in the early days when they were more effective against the deadlier but less infectious variants which were prevalent at that time.
  20. I said I dislike some and like others irrespective of their skin colour. You are deliberately twisting my words. Stop trolling. You are disgusting. I suggested that I didn't like a lot of white people despite being white. There is no way to misconstrue that as racist. I used it as analogy to explain why some black people may hate other black people.
  21. Russia planned the invasion for months and lied that they weren't going to invade. It couldn't get easier to understand. Nor could the war crimes.
  22. Thailand had one of the lowest incidences of covid in the world for a long time.
  23. CNN didn't make it about anything, was that not clear to you? For mine, race doesn't enter into it. I judge people on their individual character, not their race. It's why I push back so hard on those who are evidently racist as too many on this forum are.
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