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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Until you have evidence that he was a drug addict I suggest you stop speculating. RIP.
  2. Isn't this the country that said mercenaries should not be protected by the Geneva convention?
  3. Three Republican judges including two appointed by Trump going in to bat for Trumps insurrection lies. It doesn't get any swampier than this. They should have been required to recuse if they had any ethics at all. Corrupt to the core.
  4. Tim Scott is pivotal figure as Tyre Nichols beating rekindles talk of police reform The lead Republican negotiator in the talks, Sen. Tim Scott (S.C.), is widely believed to be exploring a presidential bid, and Republican strategists warn any deal with Democrats could set him back. Senate Republicans are expecting Scott, the only Black member of the conference, to take the lead in negotiating with Democrats after he spent months during the last Congress trying to hammer out a police reform deal with Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) and former Rep. Karen Bass (D-Calif.). GOP aides and strategists are doubtful that any reform deal can be passed by Congress that won’t become a political liability for Scott, given demands by Democrats to open individual police officers to personal legal liability for alleged misconduct. https://thehill.com/homenews/senate/3836639-tim-scott-is-pivotal-figure-as-tyre-nichols-beating-rekindles-talk-of-police-reform/
  5. I have watched a numbers of YT videos on longevity lately but hadn't seen his name. High blood pressure doesn't ransack rooms.
  6. In that respect there is no difference.
  7. The links have been provided previously. It is also well known that Trump was anti NATO and wanted to remove the US from NATO. Former national security adviser John Bolton said Wednesday that one of the reasons that Russian President Vladimir Putin did not move to invade Ukraine during former President Trump’s term in office was that he saw “Trump doing a lot of his work for him.” He said in an interview on SiriusXM’s “Julie Mason Mornings” that he thought maybe in a second term, Trump would “make good” on his “desire to get out of NATO,” which would then ease Putin’s path forward. https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/597523-bolton-putin-saw-trump-doing-a-lot-of-his-work-for-him/ Trump reportedly said he wanted to pull the US from NATO multiple times last year https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/15/trump-privately-said-he-wanted-to-pull-us-from-nato-report.html Trump was planning to withdraw US from Nato and ditch South Korea alliance, according to new book https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-nato-south-korea-book-b1883457.html As a bonus, in case somebody out there still thinks Trump is not a traitor to America there was this which demonstrates the particularly close relationship Trump has with Putin. Trump is very much the Manchurian candidate. This may be Trump’s most twisted appeal to Putin yet. Donald Trump is doing it again – putting his personal goals and burning zeal for revenge above the national interest – as he once more appeals for Russian President Vladimir Putin’s political help in the midst of the brutality in Ukraine. Trump’s call on the Kremlin strongman to dig up dirt on President Joe Biden is no surprise. He’s called on Russia and China before to interfere in US elections to boost his chances and got impeached for trying to blackmail Ukraine to do the same. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/31/politics/donald-trump-vladimir-putin-hunter-biden/index.html https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/31/politics/donald-trump-vladimir-putin-hunter-biden/index.html
  8. The left are not the ones labelling anybody who isn't a rabid right winger "woke" and "communist".
  9. That would be linguistically impossible. Most languages have common roots to other languages. The only exceptions I know of are the Australonesian languages. If the common roots of English were to be removed it would be unrecognisable. That was probably your point, I'm not sure. I haven't had my morning coffee yet.
  10. Can you not see the words "Any alleged factual claims must be supported by a valid link to an approved credible source" on the page below? Does that not mean mandatory? https://aseannow.com/forum/158-world-news/
  11. I don't believe you are unaware of that rule. Mods have mentioned it many times.
  12. There shouldn't be any posts about Iran in this thread. It's about Israel.
  13. The Traitor in Chief. Four-and-a-half years later, Trump is now touting his trust of Putin over American intelligence agencies as a source of pride. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-putin-2659327882/
  14. Then why do it now? My point was if he was going to make hat out of this he should have done it when it mattered.
  15. Or Asterix the Gaul in Latin. The average right wing reading comprehension might have been better.
  16. Trump promotes religion. Your second sentence illustrates why politicians shouldn't decide what gets taught and what doesn't.
  17. Apparently you are missing misunderstanding me. I should not need to do an internet search to verify your claims of fact.
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