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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. It has a lot to do with Turkey. It's one of several countries still trading with Russia and not imposing sanctions. Over the next seven months, the company exported at least $20 million worth of components to Russia, including chips made by U.S. manufacturers, according to Russian customs records. https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/ukraine-crisis-russia-tech-middlemen/
  2. Unfortunately one of my friends just moved to XS from the bar next door and a leech from Pinup moved there so I can't go without a slightly embarrassing situation or spending money for nothing.
  3. Agree, why can't they burn the Turkish flag instead. It's got nothing to do with Islam and everything to do with Turkey.
  4. I suspect he's the holdout blocking Germany from giving permission to give the Ukrainians tanks. Germany has stated they want unanimous agreement first.
  5. None. Finding pretty girls in the gogo bars now is like picking fly poop out of black pepper. When there is one a Korean will waste no time forking out 8000 to take her out of the bar. Last night I watched one in Pinup came in, pulled down a girl and she left to get changed before her drink arrived. Her drink was the 5 shooters that are necessary to take to her out on top of the barfine. She smashed all 5 down before they walked out the door. He gave a tray full of change as a tip to the waitress, several hundred baht. Good luck!
  6. Disappear like herpes. They keep coming back.
  7. It's getting very tiresome when members continuously disregard the rules and post factual claims which they refuse to back up with links or a cogent argument to support garbage which opposes the overwhelming majority of scientific evidence. So much so that it's become a waste of time even reading this forum anymore.
  8. Nobody should mistake The Hill for a liberal mouthpiece. When conservative sites like this are posting articles like this it's time to stop the climate denial nonsense. It’s time for a climate moonshot in America With support from groups like the Texas Public Policy Foundation, the fossil fuel industry is gearing up once again to shape laws, run influence campaigns, and coerce the public behind the idea of maintaining the energy status quo. As a result, the public consciousness is clearly shifting, with 72 percent percent of Americans understanding that climate change is a serious challenge and supporting bold policy action. While the public is moving, the politicians are not, having proven too cowed by industry lobbyists. https://thehill.com/opinion/congress-blog/3823374-its-time-for-a-climate-moonshot-in-america/
  9. In English, the last sentence refers to the previous sentence. It is a fact that people are dying from climate change. It is a fact that ecosystems are collapsing. Humans are generally not regarded as being part of an ecosystem as we have learned to live above them. (think air conditioning and farming) The last sentence refers to creatures and plants within ecosystems. You are being specious.
  10. Since you know it I guess they do. The information is not suppressed. What is also a fact is that those slaves were sold to European slave traders. You don't mention that aspect.
  11. It's not impossible that the sun might explode tomorrow but if I want to suggest that it could then I need to support that contention. You are spreading nonsense FUD.
  12. You said it was a reality for all vaccines. Do you have a link to support that or not? The link you just provide counters your argument.; You should ask for it to be deleted.
  13. You claimed it was a reality that every vaccine may have long term effects. Link to any evidence that may be true. You can't just speculate and say nobody can prove it. You need to provide some evidence that gives credence to that speculation. You've been challenged and now you need to put up.
  14. "This is true of any new vaccine, it is just the reality. "
  15. Give it a rest, this is bordering on padded cell crazy. Your abject hatred of blacks is intolerable.
  16. Stop spreading misinformation unless you can link to evidence. It's against the rules.
  17. I'd be giggling too. Those questions are straight out of play school. Attacking the messenger is what idiots do when they don't have an argument about the message. Somehow they expect her to be a climate scientist or shut up, is that it?
  18. Nothing could be more asinine than suggesting climate change activists are hypocritical for using fossil fuels. Maybe they should ask these people why they are activists instead. They might learn something instead of just pocketing money from the fossil fuel industry to be paid creeps.
  19. Stop it. You're spouting rubbish. You admitted to anti-intellectualism already. You don't know that history is everything before right now?
  20. It's a valid criticism. Ukrainain soldiers are dying needlessly over German intransigence regarding the tanks.
  21. I think he already knows what it meant. You didn't since you asked who it was.
  22. I'll give you a hint: It isn't a person or people. The expression "lowest common denominator" is used to describe (usually in a disapproving manner) a rule, proposal, opinion, or media that is deliberately simplified so as to appeal to the largest possible number of people.
  23. No, Trump was the first US politician to stoop that low. Even the Bush family hate him.
  24. Germany have not ruled out Leopard tanks but want unanimous EU consent. My money is on Turkey being the holdout. They should be sanctioned as they are major exporters to Russia.
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