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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. How did those huge tracts of land get to be suitable for ruminants? Were they naturally grassy pastures?
  2. Or it could contribute to 30 years of insulin dependency before you reach that 20 minutes.
  3. That's the same argument that climate change deniers make about Australia, that we create only 1.3% of the CO2 in the atmosphere so why should we do anything? The fact that we create more CO2 per capita than any other developed country because of coal mining escapes them. And that figure doesn't even include the CO2 from burning the product. I suspect that NZ's per capita CO2 contribution is high as well because of the farming, especially if you take into account the deforestation required to make pasture.
  4. I didn't give you advice. I posted a quote from an article challenging an assertion you made which I believe is incorrect and my challenge is supported by the article I quoted.
  5. White bread is not filling since it digests quickly. Should we eat white bread? The answer is a clear no. The GI value of white bread is 73, which is exceptionally high. If you eat white bread, make sure you consume it in moderation (once every fortnight, a single serving) as part of a balanced diet to help maintain optimal nutrition. https://www.healthifyme.com/blog/is-white-bread-good-for-weight-loss/
  6. I was almost hit by a farang on a scooter while crossing on a pedestrian crossing in front of central festival mall this week. The Thais driving cars had all stopped but the farang decided to pass outside the line of cars on the far lane. I'm hoping the fines will be very large.
  7. There's discussion about tax on cattle farmers in other countries as well. Livestock generate significant amounts of methane, a greenhouse gas that is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide in warming the planet. As the climate crisis intensifies, governments are studying ways to cut emissions and slow down global warming. One of the potential solutions is to impose a methane tax on cattle owners. https://earth.org/methane-tax-on-cattle/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2013/dec/20/tax-meat-cut-methane-emissions-scientists
  8. White bread doesn't make you feel full. You also didn't mention insulin resistant people which is probably most people. The problem is that healthy people are healthy until they aren't. People don't have diabetes until they do and what triggers it is food with a high glycemic load. https://www.uab.edu/news/research/item/12289-uab-researchers-find-that-40-percent-of-young-american-adults-have-insulin-resistance-and-cardiovascular-risk-factors
  9. I don't think that answers the OP's question.
  10. White bread spikes blood sugar levels. You should only eat whole grain bread or bread labelled 100% wholemeal which most wholemeal bread is not.
  11. To be fair to Baldwin, he likely doesn't have a gun licence nor has he had gun training. That's why they employed an amourer on the set.
  12. How to let one mentally damaged nut case help Russia though bigotry. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-24/erdogan-tells-sweden-not-to-expect-nato-membership-support/101888256
  13. You think that Ukrainians aren't already being trained in Poland and Germany? The tanks only need to be returned to Poland for serious maintenance issues. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/russia-ukraine-war/ukrainian-soldiers-to-start-training-for-german-leopard-2-tanks/2793612 New training programs in Poland could get some Ukrainian soldiers ready to operate Leopard 2 Main Battle Tanks in combat in as few as six weeks, experts told Breaking Defense, although officers and maintenance specialists would take longer. The tanks themselves could be another story. https://breakingdefense.com/2023/01/ukrainian-troops-could-fight-with-leopard-2s-by-early-spring-experts/
  14. I believe Germany will not restrict parts to Poland. That must be implicit in their statement that they will not oppose transfer of the tanks.
  15. Debt ceiling: 2011 showdown leaves lessons for Biden, GOP “That was the height of the ‘tea party’ stuff and they wanted to flex their muscles, but it’s just such a stupid way to try to do it — because you don’t really want to risk the good credit rating of the United States government,” Gale said. “I suspect most of these guys already knew it.” Debt had doubled during the George W. Bush presidency and the post-9/11 wars overseas, and it skyrocketed under President Barack Obama in the aftermath of the Great Recession, teetering around $15 trillion. https://apnews.com/article/biden-politics-united-states-government-national-debt-us-republican-party-d6bfc59aa623c8c972c44e1aced85d9c?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_05
  16. He doesn't have to. Anybody can read the news. New Zealand farmers hit streets to protest cow-burp tax plan https://apnews.com/article/wellington-new-zealand-climate-and-environment-government-politics-business-76a240eddaa78e6a9aa76740d021cb99
  17. You still can't bring yourself to the point that Trump is accused of obstructing the FBI.
  18. Right, so he made no decisions, he was just tasked to investigate in conjunction with others, including Strok. "Putin knew he had lied. And Trump knew that Putin knew — a shared understanding that provided the framework for a potentially coercive relationship between the president of the United States and the leader of one of our greatest adversaries," writes Strzok, who was deputy assistant director of the FBI's Counterintelligence Division. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/fbi-agent-who-helped-launch-russia-investigation-says-trump-was-n1239442
  19. Are you suggesting that McGonigal alone launched that investigation without approval by the Director?
  20. That's not true. You need to provide a link. It is a fact that about that many Ukrainians speak Russian as a first language but that doesn't translate to being pro Russian. Zelensky's first language is Russian.
  21. Wrong. Unless a prosecutor can prove that Biden knew he had possession of those documents he can't be convicted. Look up "mens rea".
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