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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Hang on, this is a thread about stereotyping ????
  2. I thought it looked like a "mars bar". I didn't even believe it was real when I first saw it. I accused the poster of being racist for posting it. mea culpa.
  3. I said "actively trading" not "publicly traded". You have a certain cognitive dissonance going on about this.
  4. IMHO it's the biggest threat to public health and is a major cause of cancer.
  5. Due in no small part to automation and use of illegal labor I suspect.
  6. The Australian ABC article described him as "high ranking". He said that Mr Medvedev is a former soldier in the Russian army and that he later served time in prison between 2017 and 2018 before joining the Wagner Group. He was placed in charge of a Wagner division in Ukraine, where the mercenary group supplied him with around 30-40 troops every week, Mr Osechkin said. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-64296979
  7. I do think that Brits and Aussies do self deprecation much better than Americans and do handle criticism of their countries better than "team 'Muricans" do.
  8. Ya'll got some kind of wit going on there. “There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”
  9. There's no indication that they targeted him because he was Russian. The media recently covered a firehose welcome of a plane load of Russians. They merely reported his behavior in the Pattaya local press as one would expect.
  10. Then can you concede these incidents do nothing to improve the Thai perception of farangs behaving badly? Such perceptions unquestionably exist and they don't arise out of a vacuum.
  11. Nearly 10,000 Thais filed complaints over the Ponzi scam. A score of victims staged a 2019 protest in front of the DSI’s Bangkok headquarters, demanding it take action.
  12. "The FBI (Fake Bureau of Investigation) & the Department of Injustice, together with the Trump Hating Thug, Jack Smith, are interviewing, harassing, and subpoenaing people that work for me relative to the BOXES HOAX, & the 'Peacefully & Patriotically' speech I made at the January 6th protest of the Rigged and Stollen (sic) Presidential Election, where so many have been treated horribly and Unconstitutionally," he wrote. "This is a Gestapo type operation! Are they doing this to the Biden people? https://www.rawstory.com/trump-jack-smith-2659264477/
  13. Or Vietnamese catfish from the Mekhong River, sold all over the world. Even in Australia I avoid any freshwater fish.
  14. Trump's Saudi Arabia Payments Could Become His Newest Legal Headache Trump has hosted a number of LIV Golf events at his resorts, and DAWN argues that through business deals, MBS has been paying Trump millions over the past few years. DAWN is requesting an investigation into the former president to determine if the dealings were legal. For any dealings between Trump and MBS to be illegal, they would have to have been conducted during Trump's candidacy or his presidency. https://www.newsweek.com/trump-saudi-arabia-payments-new-legal-headache-1774177
  15. This will not be limited to the US by any means. Remember who gutted the EPA of its scientists? Study suggests US freshwater fish highly contaminated with ‘forever chemicals’ Eating just one serving of freshwater fish each year could have the same effect as drinking water heavily polluted with “forever chemicals” for an entire month, a new study finds. The equivalent month-long amount of water would be contaminated at levels 2,400 times greater than what’s recommended by the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) drinking water health advisories, according to the study, published Tuesday in Environmental Research. https://thehill.com/policy/equilibrium-sustainability/3815490-study-suggests-us-freshwater-fish-highly-contaminated-with-forever-chemicals/
  16. Jamie Raskin draws a direct line between Jan. 6 and accused New Mexico MAGA shooter "Essentially, if you were willing to support Trump, it didn't make any difference if you were a Holocaust revisionist, if you were marching in Charlottesville, if you were a liar, a cheat, a swindler, what have you," he explained. "And when Kevin McCarthy decided to embrace Trumpism, he by definition, embraced that credo too. The chickens are coming home to roost with people like George Santos and Lauren Boebert and this guy in New Mexico. https://www.rawstory.com/extremism-terrorism-linked-january-6/
  17. I think it's going to be a case of all White House documents are classified until they are declassified, by default. The White House and its staff are obligated to return all government records covered under the Presidential Records Act, which includes all classified documents. For the majority of classified documents, there is no enforcement mechanism to ensure they get returned. It essentially boils down to an honor system. Only the most highly sensitive documents operate under a check-out, check-in system, and that represents only a small percentage of all classified documents. It is possible that thousands of government employees have the ability to search, print, and download classified documents from the government system. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/questions-answered-handling-classified-documents/story?id=96424810
  18. OK, link to any shred of evidence that it's not true. I'll wait..,..
  19. They probably aren't secret and so aren't tracked. "Obviously someone knows" is a long bow to stretch. They were more likely used and left in the office before ultimately being packed. There was obviously no attempt made at any time to keep them. National Archives has not tracked those documents so they aren't the nuclear codes.
  20. He was just a tourist strolling around the store, right? If you want to say hi to him you'd better be quick. He'll be off to the Western front before long.
  21. The difference is that there is plenty of evidence to investigate Trump and his family. It's kind of irrelevant whether you care about Benghazi or not, it was a 3 year witch hunt which turned up nothing. Both of the investigations I cited went on and on and had no purpose other than to try and win the next election. Suggesting that Trump has done nothing illegal is absurd.
  22. I think he will. It's not often that a Russian backed racketeer gets to be president of the US. If he gets away with it, it will truly be the end for American democracy.
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