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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. This might be the final straw leading to the US finally declaring Russia a state sponsor of terrorism.
  2. Maybe you should learn to speak some Thai? There is often not an exact translation from Thai to English and vice versa. For example. โทรม - shabby, ruined, destroyed, dilapidated, rickety, damaged
  3. According to the FBI, domestic terrorism is the number 1 threat to American security. Fortunately, most of them have outed themselves, like the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers and the (how many percenters is this week?) orgs. https://www.13newsnow.com/article/news/national/military-news/domestic-violent-extremism-main-threat-united-states-2022/291-119b97d5-57db-42b4-9181-c9fe7c3c0d1e
  4. Conspiracy theorists. Ya gotta love 'em. Drain the swamp? A review of Pena's social media history shows he is an ardent supporter of former President Donald Trump, and that he took pride in the fact that he never conceded his election to Garcia despite getting absolutely blown out by the Democratic incumbent. As the Albuquerque Journal notes, Pena has made "frequent postings" on his Twitter account in which he "maintained that he didn’t lose and that the election was rigged." https://www.rawstory.com/solomon-pena-arrested/
  5. Same, I always like to seek out what's new. I'm bored with the same old familiarity. It's like listening to the same old songs you enjoyed in your youth.
  6. Like the 7 year Ken Starr investigation of W Clinton. Was that tiresome? Or the 3 year investigation of H Clinton over Benghazi? Was that also tiresome? The is no reporting of any investigation of Kushner's Saudi deals as yet. If you are aware of one, please link it.
  7. That is exactly the type of construct that the police are going after. Yes, I believe it would.
  8. No equivalence. In the wife's name, a Thai national owns 100% of the business. It's effectively a gift.
  9. Here's what Dominion's lawyers want Rupert Murdoch to say under oath "Some of these fraudulent claims... [were] often amplified by Fox personalities, and occasionally a tiny bit of skepticism," he said. "But Sean Hannity, according to Dominion's lawyers, claimed in open court in front of the judge in Delaware, 'I never believed it for a second, these claims against Dominion.' And yet, he and others hosted people on the air doing this. https://www.rawstory.com/dominion-voting-systems-fox-news/
  10. High-ranking member of Russian private military contractor Wagner Group seeks asylum in Norway Mr Medvedev reportedly has told a Russian human rights group that he is ready to tell everything he knows about the Wagner Group, its activities and its owner, Yevgeny Prigozhin, a millionaire with ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-17/high-ranking-wagner-group-member-seeks-asylum-in-norway/101861878
  11. If here was every any doubt that you are flat out racist this dispelled it.
  12. Italian police have arrested Matteo Messina Denaro — the country's most-wanted mafia boss, who had been on the run for three decades — swooping on a private hospital in the Sicilian capital Palermo where he had gone for treatment. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-16/italian-police-arrest-most-wanted-mafia-boss-matteo-messina-dena/101861138
  13. Did you use sudo? sudo dpkg --configure -a After that, run sudo apt update Is this a new installation?
  14. China Reaches COVID Infections Peak as Death Toll Skyrockets COVID fatalities were expected to peak 10 days later at approximately 25,000 a day, the company said, for a projected total of 584,000 since December 1. https://www.newsweek.com/china-covid-19-pandemic-infections-deaths-peak-who-data-1773962
  15. Useless foot dragger. Austin is obviously going there to light a fire under the Germans. One should not rule out anything but there is no decision yet, Defense Minister Lambrecht says Chancellor Olaf Scholz has so far refused to supply Leopard 2 combat tanks on the grounds that no other NATO country has made such tanks available. US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin has invited members of the so-called Ukraine Contact Group to a meeting at the US Ramstein Air Force Base in southwestern Germany on Jan. 20. https://www.aa.com.tr/en/europe/germany-not-ruling-out-leopard-tank-delivery-to-ukraine/2786350
  16. Germany isn't likely to suffer a gas shortage anytime soon. Their storage is full and the winter is mild. They don't need another coal mine. https://www.reuters.com/article/germany-energy/update-1-germany-can-fill-up-gas-storage-at-affordable-prices-next-winter-minister-idUSL8N3412YP
  17. You'd need to establish that Biden "removed" anything. "Returned" might be the word you're looking for. Or failure to do so.
  18. ozimoron

    Visa Agent

    Opposite Holiday Inn Express.
  19. Try Wix Other than that, if you want to host your own server for about $10 a month, I suggest Linode and get someone to build a wordpress site for you on fivrr. With nil IT expertise as appears to be the case, I recommend the former solution. edit: Is this just a static website? Do you need a database back end?
  20. Who believes this? During an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper on Sunday, James Comer, a Kentucky Republican and chairman of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee, said that the probe would also investigate allegations of "influence peddling" leveled against Trump, in addition to Biden. This came in response to a question about the committee's bipartisan intentions, citing concerns about the Trump family and "visitor logs when it comes to Mar-a-Lago." "I think the influence peddling with respect to the Trump administration will be a part of our overall investigation," Comer said. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jan/09/house-republicans-defang-ethics-office-investigating-members
  21. It seems that Trump and Kushner have been using the presidency to grift as much as they can. It just doesn't get any swampier than this. It's not surprising that the GOP want to nobble the House Ethics Committee.
  22. Expect a false flag incident in Belarus very soon. Russia and Belarus began joint air force exercises on Monday, amid concern Minsk may start participating in the conflict in Ukraine directly, as Kyiv's intelligence said Russia is planning a renewed war push in 2023. Lukashenko agreed in October 2022 to create a joint "regional grouping of troops" with Russia, saying the decision was made in response to provocations by the NATO military alliance on its border with Ukraine, and Ukrainian plans to attack Belarus. Since then, Russia has been sending military equipment to Belarus. The two nations also extended joint military drills on January 8 amid fears that Minsk is being pressured to join the war. https://www.newsweek.com/russia-belarus-joint-air-force-drills-ukraine-war-1774013
  23. Because incidents like this reflect badly on every other farang tourist and expat here.
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