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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. “Biden’s documents are HIGHLY CONFIDENTIAL, many pertain to UKRAINE, where Hunter was 'raking in the dough,' and FUNDED BY CHINA, which gave $55 Million to Biden, through Penn, and probably had easy access. Was the Old Crow’s boss, China-loving Coco Chow, involved?" the former president wrote, adding, "Just asking?” https://www.rawstory.com/trump-blows-up-after-karl-rove-debunks-his-claims-about-classified-biden-documents/
  2. Any hope of you just not reading them and wasting out time with posts like these? I appreciate the posts as they are informative.
  3. Are the Mars rover landings faked as well. And the Pluto fly bys?
  4. My point, as you confirmed, is that the web host doesn't need control over the domain. The risk is that they could steal the domain or hold it hostage in the event that the business became wildly successful.
  5. They don't even need AI to do that. There are weed killing drones already that can distinguish between weeds and crop plants. https://chembioagro.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40538-021-00217-8
  6. The argument posited here by the right wingers is that if bank robber B walks free then bank robber A should as well.
  7. The Biden papers and the Mar-a-Lago documents: Apples and oranges? From what is known publicly at this time, the Biden papers stand in sharp contrast in scale and importance to the Mar-a-Lago stash of documents. One is potentially criminal (Trump). And one is not criminal (Biden). Trump’s materials contained over 100 documents with classification markings, comprising 700 pages; some of the Trump documents contained the highest levels of classification, including Special Access Program materials. https://thehill.com/opinion/white-house/3808819-the-biden-papers-and-the-mar-a-lago-documents-apples-and-oranges/
  8. Oh God, not more anti vax political propaganda. Politics is not allowed in this forum.
  9. Ask your "new host" to unlock your domain so you can transfer it back. This is crucial to your business. It's easy to point your domain to their server. There is no reason they should want to control your domain and it's highly suspicious that they do. You can't get your email back at that domain without doing so. Does your website send emails automatically?
  10. You sound like a defensive alcoholic. Why should you care what anyone else drinks? BARS aren't about alcohol for me. I go there to socialise.
  11. And now there's significant skepticism among economists that the US is headed into a recession. source: Bloomberg cable
  12. Saint or sinner? Australia split over Cardinal George Pell Although cleared by the courts, a separate government inquiry criticized Pell's indifference to sexual abuse claims inside Australia's Catholic Church. "The Olympian hypocrisy and double standards of the Church hierarchy are on full display," RightSide Legal lawyer Michael Magazanik was quoted as saying in The Age. "An outpouring of love for a man who at the very least turned a blind eye to massive child abuse, dreamt up a legal scheme which ripped off abuse survivors and personally seemed incapable of empathy with victims." https://www.rawstory.com/saint-or-sinner-australia-split-over-cardinal-george-pell/
  13. Only speculation but this system will have many fail safe backups. It could be a cyber attack.
  14. Millions will also tell you that alcohol tends to promote antisocial behaviour and I agree with them.
  15. A Brazilian judge has acquitted a man who stabbed then-presidential candidate Jair Bolsonaro. The judge ruled that Adélio Bispo de Oliveira was mentally ill and ordered him held in a mental facility indefinitely, https://www.npr.org/2019/06/15/733032255/brazilian-judge-acquits-man-who-stabbed-jair-bolsonaro
  16. It isn't Garland's job to carry out a damage assessment. That would be the DNI. https://thehill.com/policy/national-security/3807376-gop-intelligence-chair-asks-for-damage-assessment-from-biden-records/
  17. Merops Orientalis. Very similar to the Merops Ornatus which inhabits much of Australia.
  18. I'm calling BS. Plenty of customers who don't drink buy ladies drinks for the girls. I'm one of them. That's how I know they complain about customers getting angry if they don't drink alcohol.
  19. National Archives didn't even know they existed. That goes a long way to suggesting how secret they must (not) be. It'd be funny if Biden declassifies them to show how much of a nothing burger this is. I'll bet the House committee quietly dumps this anyway.
  20. It's all about you? Many girls in bars complain to me that the worst part of their job is getting drunk every night and that customers get angry if they don't want to drink alcohol. The girls frequently down fake shooters before the customer can figure it out. What difference does it make to you what somebody else drinks?
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