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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I guess now we know why Bolsonaro went to Florida. The storming of government buildings on Sunday in Brasilia drew immediate parallels to the Jan. 6, 2021, attacks on the U.S. Capitol — almost exactly two years ago. Supporters of Bolsonaro have protested against Lula’s electoral win since last year; government forces retook the buildings from them Sunday evening. “Domestic terrorists and fascists cannot be allowed to use Trump’s playbook to undermine democracy,” Castro tweeted. https://www.politico.com/news/2023/01/08/biden-administration-condemns-crowd-that-stormed-buildings-in-brazils-capital-00076937
  2. Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-Texas) called on the Biden administration and local authorities in Florida on Sunday to send back to Brazil its former far-right President Jair Bolsonaro, whose supporters stormed the country’s Congress and Supreme Court. “[Bolsonaro] should be extradited to Brazil,” Castro said to CNN’s Jim Acosta. “In fact, it was reported that he was under investigation for corruption and fled Brazil to the United States. He’s a dangerous man, they should send him back to his home country, Brazil” https://thehill.com/policy/international/3804829-texas-democrat-calls-for-us-authorities-to-extradite-bolsonaro-back-to-brazil/
  3. He is in Texas. If Harris was by his side it wouldn't be a stretch to imagine some 2nd amendment crazy pulling out his legal concealed weapon and instantly making McCarthy POTUS.
  4. Harris has already visited the border. My comment was really about the prez and VP not hanging around to together in public for security reasons. They also spread their tasks for greater coverage.
  5. These very old figures hide the real problem. The rich pay a far lower burden of tax than the rest. For even more shocking figures, read down the article to see what corporations pay. Since 2020, billionaire wealth has increased 62 percent. Just 735 US billionaires are now worth a collective $4.7 trillion. According to a 2021 White House study, the wealthiest 400 billionaire families in the US paid an average federal individual tax rate of just 8.2 percent. For comparison, the average American taxpayer in the same year paid 13 percent. According to leaked tax returns highlighted in a ProPublica investigation, the 25 richest Americans paid $13.6 billion in taxes from 2014-2018—a “true” tax rate of just 3.4 percent on $401 billion of income. https://www.oxfamamerica.org/explore/stories/do-the-rich-pay-their-fair-share/
  6. Prince Harry defended his decision to publish a memoir that lays bare rifts inside Britain’s royal family, saying it’s an attempt to “own my story” after 38 years of “spin and distortion” by others. https://apnews.com/article/entertainment-united-kingdom-prince-harry-books-and-literature-nonfiction-7082bf624e4b43826d0cc39ce69f961f
  7. I doubt that any of those things factored into his calculations. I think he's just motivated to tell the truth about his life. Nothing else makes sense.
  8. So you support significant foreign aid for poor countries? Water is a major problem for sub-saharan countries where they have high rates of cholera and the highest rates of death from dehydration due to rotavirus. Water is key to paediatric health, not composting toilets.
  9. The most interesting part is discovery which is particularly potent in civil suits.
  10. The crazy is voting against their own interests. That's why the phrase "kool-aid" was coined.
  11. This is an excellent policy because the US does need more migrant workers and the 30,000 legal refugees will satisfy that need somewhat. Better then employing illegal economic migrants.
  12. Many are refugees, particularly from Guatemala. I'm still waiting for Mexico to pay for the wall.
  13. Less amazing how some people will deny anything in pursuance of their political biases.
  14. Strokes too. I'm going out on a limb here and going to claim that all thrombosis develop in a short period of time. I suffered an abdominal thrombosis, fine one day, not the next.
  15. I don't think it matters how many times. I have made my point. Two unreported deaths in the middle of the tourist zone on world cup night proves it.
  16. How does trashing Harry and Meghan serve the monarchy. Who started this?
  17. This is the cultural hegemony that gives foreigners the idea that they are superior to Thais and don't have to behave the same way as they would back home. Refusing to apologise or pay compensation is the clue.
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