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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Dozens of posts and links indicate that they reduce the prospect of serious illness, a benefit that you have obviously enjoyed.
  2. Ukraine's military intelligence far exceeds that of the orcs and they have the assistance of US and NATO military intelligence services. The chances of them falling into a Russian trap is very low.
  3. Who told you they were supposed to give immunity? Educate yourself before spreading misinformation.
  4. On the other hand a number of those tourists have been convicted of conspiracy to commit insurrection and given very long sentences in jail.
  5. Do you really need a laptop? I suggest an ASUS PN51 mini computer.
  6. He's referring to the latest mutation. It has been flagged as more dangerous than other versions of omicron.
  7. The Pentagon on Thursday ordered a Defense Department-wide effort to begin removing the names and items associated with the Confederacy, as per last year’s recommendations from the congressional Naming Commission. https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3801619-us-military-starts-removing-base-names-items-related-to-confederacy/
  8. aww shucks. I suppose American universities shouldn't teach European history? When you've got no argument this is the kind of tripe which gets trotted out - attack the messenger.
  9. Family of US Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick file wrongful death lawsuit against former president Donald Trump over January 6 riots https://www.abc.net.au/news/2023-01-06/donald-trump-brian-sicknick-capitol-riot-lawsuit/101833088
  10. They have banned them from China. Thailand simply didn't want to be seen by China as targeting that country. The new variants are exploding in other countries as well so Thailand is getting ahead of the curve on both fronts. It's quite a rational response.
  11. Biden tanked the economy? Another strong month of hiring would put Fed in tough spot The jobs report the government will issue Friday is expected to show that December was another healthy month for hiring — a boon for those looking for work but a problem for the Federal Reserve if it persists. Economists have forecast that employers added 200,000 jobs last month and that the unemployment rate remained at 3.7%, near a half-century low, according to the data provider FactSet. https://apnews.com/article/inflation-business-jobs-and-careers-federal-reserve-system-amazoncom-inc-78943d9829087d93e9681426ca0c8ae2?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_06
  12. Yes, why wouldn't it? It has been shown to be effective against serious illness.
  13. If the palace didn't think it was racist you can be assured they would have said so explicitly.
  14. Just Thai bashing. Many countries are doing the same thing. Are they "bouncing all over the place" In my country it was always explained that restrictions would be relaxed and tightened according to changing patterns of infection. I found that a pretty logical position to take.
  15. True, he pronounced Pattaya correctly. He didn't pronounce Bondi correctly though ????
  16. Seen the price of oil lately? Under Biden's watch? That criticism has sailed.
  17. I hope the Ukrainians bomb a Russian barracks at 1 minute past midnight just to show the war criminals what it's like.
  18. Siamese fighting fish love mosquito lavae. I used to breed them in a jar to feed one I had.
  19. The OP is about the most POPULAR beach. If you believe there's a more popular beach in Thailand than let's hear it.
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