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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Especially ones who want to use their ill gotten gains to run the country. Trump might have remained as just another tax dodging billionaire like all the other billionaires had he not aspired to power.
  2. Attacking the messenger is only not fair game if the messenger is a member of this forum.
  3. Biden's calculus was that the American people wanted out. If that was the criteria, America would never engage in any war overseas. Did Americans want to invade Afghanistan in the first place? Osama Bin Laden wasn't Afghani and nor was he killed in Afghanistan. Did Americans want to invade Iraq? GW Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld did because "he tried to kill my daddy" and told lies to justify it. How many Americans died in Ukraine last year? Do most Americans want Russia defeated? (The answer is yes). Is it better that Ukrainians fight Russia now or that Europe fight them later, assuming Trump wins?
  4. I'm wondering whether Nikki Haley is staying in the race to raise campaign cash for a third party run when Trump gets the GOP nomination? That would ruin his chances in a close election.
  5. Maybe you should ask that question of Switzerland, Indonesia, Singapore or New Zealand.
  6. When Obama took office the unemployment rate was falling like a rock and continued to do so for a couple of months before he was able to turn it around. Obama did a great job in restoring employment levels. That and the SALT treaty for which he received the Nobel Peace Prize are factors in why Obama scored so high in the rankings. P_lus the deal with Iran to stop producing nuclear weapons which Trump undid, yet another reason he scored dead last.
  7. Large numbers of people are dropping dead all over the world from unknown causes and governments aren't investigating? Follow the white rabbit! LOL
  8. BS. The only covid vaccines that were ever contraindicated were the non mRNA vaccines.
  9. Did something change in 2020 to cause more covid unrelated cardiac arrests or strokes? Consider providing evidence for your antivax BS
  10. Even if he does he can't get out of a single dime of the 450 odd million he owes NY and E Jean Carroll.
  11. The narrative was NEVER that it will stop the virus from spreading. The narrative was that it would reduce transmission, deaths and long covid. That it does.
  12. Absolutely yes, in the same way that brakes stop cars.
  13. Tag teams! "Marxist Historians". Cracks me up, LOL.
  14. Biden's corruption. On a scale this nation has never seen before LOL. I can't stop laughing.
  15. Nope, he's a broken down wreck. The hatred is just as warranted as that for every other fascist tyrant in history. I'm still consumed with hatred over the stolen babies. They had the temerity to accuse dems of stealing babies. Yet another right wing lie.
  16. Same as what happened when they claimed the Clinton's charitable foundation was corrupt. It was crickets when it came to trump's charitable foundations. Remember the check he promised to cut to the vets every month?
  17. Most have degrees in pol science and history I believe. Presidents aren't economists. Some of them listen to economists.
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