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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Who are these lingering doubters and why are they doubting?
  2. They should have taken the shortest flight - to Siberia. Maybe they could help fill in the sink holes from melting methane.
  3. He figured out that YT videos promoting science don't make money but antiscience conspiracy theories do. When you characterize a contentious POV as "common sense" without supporting evidence you don't have an argument.
  4. If you can't find acceptable sources under the rules you don't have a credible argument.
  5. If that's the case why is the old testament still on the books? Religion isn't the problem here, it's the self professed religious who distort the message. The point of the article was that Christian nationalists are not just preaching the faith. They want to use religion to gain political power and exclude other religions and the irreligious.
  6. All over the world, it is an alarming time to be Jewish – but conflating anti-Zionism with Jew-hatred is a tragic mistake It is a bewildering and alarming time to be a Jew, both because antisemitism is rising and because so many politicians are responding to it not by protecting Jews but by victimising Palestinians. You’d think they would understand it because many of the same Jewish leaders who call national self-determination a universal right are quite comfortable denying it to Palestinians. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2019/mar/07/debunking-myth-that-anti-zionism-is-antisemitic
  7. The issue here is not that they believe in god but some are nationalists and want to exclude anyone other than christians. The constitution says no government can install any one religion in power.
  8. You just went far beyond what is written in the constitution. I would hope nobody believed in god because the social intolerance we see is a cancer on society. .
  9. How do you account for muslims then? The christian nationalists certainly don't. They don't want the koran recited in schools but are happy with christian prayer and excerpts from the bible pasted all over taxpayer funded school walls. .
  10. I had read a number of articles that said that older people need more protein to counter muscle wasting (sarcopenia). The consensus seemed to be that it would take a LOT of meat and eggs, etc to make up 1 gm per Kg of body weight which seems to be the base line. Like 750 grams a day of steak for example. The conclusion I drew from that is we need to take whey to supplement that protein intake. I don't eat red meat so the problem is even greater for me. I also spend a couple of hours of pretty intense gym training every week with a trainer. My intention is to stop whey for a few weeks and see if my performance drops or any other issues manifest, like strength. Right now, my strength is increasing quite remarkably on a weekly basis. It should soon be obvious if that rate of improvement drops suddenly. For example, 2 weeks ago I struggled managed to leg press 80 Kg, yesterday it was up to 100 Kg. (3 x 15 reps). I do take diet seriously and I appreciate your response.
  11. It doesn't specify which god. The christian nationalists are dead scared that the 63% will fall to below 50% and want to do everyhting in their power to make sure it doesn't. That said, the 63% way over counts as many nominal christians, like me, are irreligious.
  12. Good luck with that. It's a Newsweek article from their science desk.
  13. I don't either. I laughed at your deflective cricket joke, not the IDF or claiming that children are starving. It's not a laughing matter but you won't engage constructively, just make deflcting come backs or hurl invective. toodle hoom, back on ignore since you don't wish to debate in good faith.
  14. Well, I've just gone from two scoops of whey every day to none. To be fair, this is the first major change I've made to my diet in a year based on a scientific article. A couple of years ago I gave up red meat. These recommendations don't come every day. I don't follow fad diets, my dietary decisions are based on science and not you tubers.
  15. The evidence of war crimes and the intent behind them is mounting. Only the zionists are left, they don't care. Not one of those posters who are still defending this will state that they don't support mass civilian deaths as a price for wiping out Hamas.
  16. Nah it's about whey. Basically not about dead animals.
  17. Science marches on. The point of the article was to determine what is a a healthy diet or, in this case, what is not.
  18. It's fair comment. I asked you for an alternative motive. Crickets. If not revenge then why?
  19. More garbage. I've had 5. If the next upgraded vaccine becomes available in Thailand I'll get it for sure.
  20. Maddow has no more credibility on this issue than you do. It was also said long ago.
  21. Same as 2020. It doesn't matter if Biden is tool old. Dems aren't enamoured with identity politics, unlike the GOP. Few voted for Biden in 2020, they mostly voted against Trump. The same will happen this year. Down votes from this and abortion will decimate the Republican party of extremism.
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