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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Does this sound like deja vue? He was exceptionally nationalistic, meaning he touted the importance of his country above all the others. In the public eye, Hitler was thus seen as a bully who kept taking and wanting more and more. His hunger for power and conquest made him a danger to the whole of Europe. https://www.studentsofhistory.com/appeasement-before-ww2
  2. Link to any shred of bias by this purely academic institution? MAGA heads haven't exploded this much since Taylor Swift last week.
  3. It's a pejorative. They ignore the meaning of the word entirely because the word is anathema to their world view of racism and bigotry.
  4. Almost all Thais in any social situation outside of basic commerce like buying rice. In fact, Thais wai to all their acquaintances on first encounter for the day. Whenever I go to my gym, all ther PT's there wai to me every time. Without fail. So much for beign bottom of the social rung. BS.
  5. In what dictionary did you "find that"? The rules of this forum require that we speak English here.
  6. You're probably conflating a kid stealing candy from a store with a bank robber.
  7. I agree that the criteria should heavily weigh on those who unjustly or unnecessarily cause the loss of life from any nation. By that criterion, Nixon wasn't so bad, he was accused of an ordinary crime. No deaths. Trump has the covid response on his hands as well as the death of many Kurds who he betrayed after they fought for us against ISIS and Hussein, in addition to those Ukrainians who died because the US stalled arms supplies to Ukraine at his behest. He also has the death of the Charlottseville protester who was murdered by white supremacists on his hands. "Good people on both sides", my .... The reason Trump came in dead last is NOT political.
  8. The timeline makes no difference. Trumps surrender in Afghanistan handed the farm back to the terrorist Taliban and appeased Putin by doing so. Had he not done so we'd have a military base on Iran's doorstep right now. And millions of Afghan women would get an education. All those servicemen died in vain defending Afghanistan. What did the US gain militarily by withdrawing?
  9. I know I'm "woke". I'm proud to be educated, enlightened and not bigoted. It seems like you are one of those with no clue what the word means.
  10. So, the MAGA wing reveal themselves to be willing agents of Russian disinformation. I wonder how many GOP reps knew this to be true? I'd say most of them.
  11. The inside story of how Trump’s denial, mismanagement and magical thinking led to the pandemic’s dark winter https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/2020/politics/trump-covid-pandemic-dark-winter/
  12. And @Dolf is wrong on the raw numbers as well. Thus far, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Biden has presided over about 353,000 deaths in a little over 10 months, compared to about 425,000 for Trump in his final 10-plus months. So there have still been fewer deaths under Biden than under Trump, in a similar time period.
  13. The comparison between 2020 and 2021 is also inapt in that Trump was still president in early 2021, and the effects of choices made before Biden took over (such as Trump not really encouraging people to get vaccinated) lingered into Biden’s early presidency. The biggest wave of the coronavirus in this country, in fact, peaked around the exact time Biden was inaugurated on Jan. 20. Inheriting a trendline that showed 3,000 deaths per day, as Biden did, is a recipe for inflating your numbers. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2021/11/30/biden-trump-compare-covid-deaths/
  14. There's no description there of an action Biden took which worsened the situation. It's only a criticism of where the author thinks Biden should have done it better. Trump actually discouraged vaccinations.
  15. I asked you before but you declined to respond. What actions did Biden undertake which caused higher deaths than there otherwise would have been. We have already established that Trump did cause further unnecessary deaths.
  16. [Trump's] strategy is to recognize Russian Crimea in return for nothing. In July, Trump was asked whether he would recognize Russia Crimea and lift sanctions, and simply responded: “Yes. We would be looking at that.” https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2016/12/trump-putin-and-the-art-of-appeasement/510767/
  17. You're correct. I was confused. I found this while fact checking June 26 — At a rally in Ohio, his first since leaving office, Trump boasts that Biden can’t stop the process he started to remove troops from Afghanistan, and acknowledges the Afghan government won’t last once U.S. troops leave. “I started the process,” Trump says. “All the troops are coming back home. They [the Biden administration] couldn’t stop the process. https://www.factcheck.org/2021/08/timeline-of-u-s-withdrawal-from-afghanistan/ Boasting of Biden being unable to stop the process while acknowledging that the govt would fall sure smacks of appeasement to Putin to me. Like all of Trump's foreign policy.
  18. So you accept that Trump's already brought forward date was unrealistic?
  19. I think there's a likelihood that Assange received payment in connection for his cooperation with Manafort, Stone and the Russians and I want to see the truth come out. At that point he lost his whistleblower protection as far as I'm concerned.
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