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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. He's probably wasted a lot of money oin his driverless pipe dream. Other manufacturers with more capital will soon overtake Tesla. More so because he just destroyed his main market demographic.
  2. https://www.nepsy.com/articles/leading-stories/what-is-mass-formation-psychosis-is-it-like-mass-hysteria-or-mass-delusion/ some background on Malone. https://www.medpagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/96633 Chris Cocking, Principal Lecturer at the School of Humanities and Applied Social Sciences at the University of Brighton, told Reuters that a preferred way to explain crowd action was in terms of “shared identities, relations between different groups and leadership influence”. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-coronavirus-psychology-idUSL1N2TN1RE
  3. You ignore the rules regarding links to substantiation which reveals that your claims are suspect. Meanwhile, a ten second search debunks your claim. https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-vaccine-cytotoxic-idUSL2N2O01XP
  4. What if Ukraine Didn't Receive Any Aid From the U.S.? An Alternate History The global consequences of a swift Russian victory were outlined by historian Anne Applebaum, whose article in The Atlantic this week said that without U.S. support—and Ukrainian resistance—Russian troops would be on the border of Poland, NATO would be in chaos and the Moldovan economy would have collapsed. "If the U.S. had not worked with our allies and provided substantial military, economic and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, we would be facing a wide range of strategic threats in Europe and elsewhere," retired U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Robert Murrett told Newsweek. "Russia likely would have overrun much of Ukraine and probably Moldova, and would be threatening Poland, the Baltic States and Georgia." https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-aid-alternate-history-what-zelensky-1769491
  5. I know that some condo owners are quite hostile to other condos being let on short term rental though Air BnB.
  6. As far as i can tell, the laptop is still in the possession of the computer shop where it was left by Hunter Biden and remains the property of Biden. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hunter-biden-laptop-data-analysis/
  7. Are you kidding, I almost had to turn off the fan last night. It was freezing.
  8. Libs are really hoping that MAGA acolytes continue supporting Trump. It's going to make it really hard for other Republicans to get nominated.
  9. Every dollar spent by a foreigner who earned that money outside Thailand is an export for the country.
  10. Did you miss the point that Tesla under performed the NASDAQ by a lot?
  11. I bought Christmas presents for a group of Buddhists who put up a Christmas tree in the foyer of my condo block a couple of weeks ago. They all wished me Merry Christmas. Well actually it was new 500 baht notes in a card. The shop in Central Festival in Pattaya where i bought the cards was crowded with Buddhists buying wrapping paper.
  12. Repubs are clinging desperately to this laptop story as if it were the revelation of the century. There's really not much there. At best it might lead to an IRS charge for dodging taxes but that's not really the hill the GOP should choose to die on. If they had anything more substantial they'd dump this story in a heartbeart. It's only purpose is to serve as whataboutery to shield Trump's far greater excursions into criminality.
  13. Just be aware that the bar areas are not representative of the rest of Pattaya.
  14. You'd better get used to that. Fighting climate change won't be cheap. It might have been a lot better if we'd started a few years ago but the usual suspects, funded by fossil fuel industries, have been fighting any action tooth and nail.
  15. You're not keeping up. Trump was only audited for 2019 after the committee requested his tax returns. The House just passed a bill to codify the already mandated (by regulation) aiduts of any president into law. The next Trump appointee to get charged will be the the one who failed to conduct those mandatory audits. I forget his name and couldn't be bothered to look it up.
  16. Walking Street in Pattaya was packed last night. Not quite to the level of new years eve a few years ago but close. We got turned away from several bars as they were full. No masks anywhere.
  17. DeSantis will be hated by the left just as much as Trump. Nothing will be gained there. The Republicans need to find the center ground to appeal to independent voters. DeSantis isn't that.
  18. Not a chance. I've had 4 shots without side effects and had covid once. I attribute the fact that I am still alive to the vaccines. Just like millions of other people.
  19. By more than a single wingnut parliamentarian and that the allegation was given some credence. George Christiansen doesn't count.
  20. That would imply that there was no organization or coordination. I think the committee debunked that talking point. We'll see what the special counsel thinks.
  21. Correct, we all know that Santa never appears in public and only sneaks down chimneys.
  22. I said Phelps was lying if she claimed there was a massive cover up. If true, it would have been alleged in parliament.
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