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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. You implied it by pushing back when I gave reasons why they likely didn't.
  2. You claimed the Thai military failed to deploy choppers, now explain why.
  3. Just like in your country. As in your country he's supposed to drive behind her and overtake in the oncoming lane when its safe. Why would you imagine that it's somehow different in Thailand? Let it go, you're just wrong.
  4. So, where were those rescue helicopters located? And why weren't they "launched"?
  5. What part of he's he's required by law to give her the entire lane don't you understand?
  6. TSLA stock price crashing the last week or two. At 2 year low now.
  7. There's no pothole on the concrete road. She was likely riding on the verge and got sucked into the truck when it passed or hit a hole in the verge. Still don't understand all this victim blaming. Bottom line, the truck should have given her adequate clearance.
  8. That's not more true than Christians are anti Muslim. Your tribal racial hatred is on display.
  9. Why do you imagine they have set up this new department? Can't you connect the dots?
  10. History has taught us what happens when a fascist country's imperialist ambitions go unchecked. Russia has already established it is an evil, genocidal empire which will commit any war crime to terrorise it's neighbours. Putin and Russia need to be stopped at all costs. I won't ask what country you come from but I assume it's either Russia or Hungary.
  11. Why don't you all get the hint and ignore the traitor?
  12. The Thai navy has 5 SaR helicopters. It's not likely any were in the vicinity when the ship went down. Your rant was based on unresearched and uninformed ignorance. And now you continue to troll me.
  13. Jan. 6 report committee releases 34 transcripts of witnesses who pleaded the Fifth https://www.politico.com/news/2022/12/21/jan-6-final-report-trump-election-lies-foreign-adversaries-00074965
  14. "Before they were able to reach the door, two US Capitol Police officers in suits stopped the pair, addressing Mr Gaetz by name, and informed them that they needed to go through a security screening before entering, gesturing to a nearby metal detector," the Independent writes. "The Florida congressman was heard briefly questioning the officer’s direction, before turning away." In addition to this, journalist Ben Jacobs reports that Gaetz and Boebert were among the very few members of Congress who did not applaud Zelensky as he entered the chamber to deliver his address to Congress. https://www.rawstory.com/matt-gaetz-lauren-boebert-2658997644/
  15. Gusty winds. How many Thai military helicopters were in the area close enough to rescue 31 personnel?
  16. I thought we were discussing helicopter rescue? What was the wind speed at the time? If there’s a bad storm, the wind direction can change suddenly, which can make it dangerous to fly. https://aerocorner.com/blog/can-helicopters-fly-in-bad-weather/
  17. What accounts? You need to provide links. A link has already been supplied indicating that several ships went down in that storm. Ferry services to Ko Samui were cancelled.
  18. Prior to Obama's presidency these subhumans were far fewer in number and far more muted. They became mainstreamed after trump was elected.
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