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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. The usual gratuitous Thai bashers are out, ignoring that the same thing happens in their own countries. Illegal and underpaid labour? Never heard of it!
  2. Nobody has attempted to articulate any other rationale that isn't trivial.
  3. Yes, bring it on! I have never understood why anyone's tax records should be secret in any way, shape or form. They should all be a matter of public record. Dems' decision on Trump’s taxes could provide GOP with a revenge tool in 2023 The House Ways and Means Committee, chaired by Massachusetts Democrat Richard Neal, will decide if they want to make public former President Donald Trump's tax records from 2015 to 2020. In the New York Times story, George Yin, an emeritus tax law professor from the University of Virginia called the possibility, "the end of tax privacy to me," he continued. "Essentially no one's tax information is really protected, as long as you cross some interest who happens to be in power at some particular point in time, then we will all be vulnerable." https://www.rawstory.com/the-end-of-tax-privacy-will-dems-decision-on-tuesday-provide-gop-with-revenge-tool-in-2023/
  4. Musk says US has been harmed by having Warren as senator Warren wrote in her letter that she is concerned Tesla’s board has “failed to meet” its “legal duty” to ensure Musk is not treating the company as his “private plaything.” She also asked how the board is handling “conflicts of interest, misappropriation of corporate assets, and other actions by Mr. Musk that appear not to be in the best interests of Tesla and its shareholders.” She noted that Musk’s deal to buy Twitter gave Tesla $1 billion yearly interest payments to make, an amount which exceeds its annual cash flow. https://thehill.com/policy/technology/3781966-musk-says-us-has-been-harmed-by-having-warren-as-senator/
  5. You deflected instead of answering my question. If title 42 eeds to be replaced with other legislation then fine. Meanwhile, where is the covid issue that title 42 was predicated on?
  6. Judge strips Alex Jones of bankruptcy protections for $1.5 billion Sandy Hook debt https://www.rawstory.com/alex-jones-bankruptcy-2658986002/
  7. Title 42 was all about protecting America from covid brought in by immigrants. So, is covid still a problem or was it really not about covid after all?
  8. It's been very quiet round these parts since criminal charges were referred against Trump. The Trump sycophants have largely been missing in action. The Republican Party quickly and forcefully rallied behind Donald Trump in the hours after federal agents seized classified documents from his Florida estate this summer. Four months later, that sense of intensity and urgency was missing — at least for now — after the Jan. 6 House committee voted to recommend the Justice Department bring criminal charges against him. Leading Republicans largely avoided the historic criminal referral Monday, while others pressed to weigh in offered muted defenses — or none at all. https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-politics-florida-donald-trump-larry-hogan-dc73b08e64ef1abc0d933fc80883d6c4?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_01
  9. Yeah, nah. Biden has deported nearly as many immigrants as Trump but somehow that isn't acknowledged and Biden sued to keep Title 42, a Trump initiative. Care to do it now? Source previously posted.
  10. The list is very obviously the nub of the problem for H & M. Royal family disdain for Americans and blacks. So far I haven't seen any arguments articulated as to why they hate Megan, other than that she squealed on the royal family. Most people understand this is mostly about racism and forelock tugging. In the bigger picture, most people in Western countries are fundamentally troubled by the concept of inherited privilege.
  11. Tuesday the former president is about to face a further blow that could be even worse. The latest setback for the former president will likely come if the Democratic-controlled House Ways and Means Committee votes on whether to publicly release years of Donald Trump’s tax returns as expected. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-tax-returns-2658988082/
  12. We keep wondering why he hasn't released the rest of the files? Any idea?
  13. Today I was told that the dead farang was riding a scooter at high speed along Soi Buakhao and hit another person. The rider was killed instantly and the pedestrian is in hospital in a bad way. Now, I'm less sympathetic.
  14. Typical Thai meal about 80 to 120 baht. Fruit from a cart outside the local 7/11 about 60 baht a day. Last Sunday 420 baht at Hops House (plus service charge and tax). German lunch just now 160 baht. Yesterday, grilled Teriaki Saba (mackeral) with rice and seaweed at Big C central. 80 baht. 1 or 2 coffees a day, usually Amazon but today Starbucks 140. Coffee may be my biggest spend. Salad from Central Festival around 300 baht plus a can of sardines, 100 baht. Usually enough for 2 days. I top it up with small tomatoes from Big C extra about 30 baht a punnet.
  15. That's been the case since 1975 when the GG fired Whitlam while claiming the Queen didn't know which later proved to be untrue. They blew a head gasket because 25 years of right wing rule came to an end. How to alienate 15 million people in a heartbeat.
  16. So hating on H & M is not PC and not scared but, by implication, hating on the royal family is both?
  17. I laugh when the usual suspects supported going to the courts to force Twitter to allow hate speech, anti vax BS and incitement to violence. Now they have hit reverse and are championing his right to ban anyone on a whim. Just hypocritical. They far right can't keep their ducks in a row because they put politics ahead of common sense and any kind of consistent principles.
  18. He was going to get sued for more than that I imagine had he refused to go ahead with the purchase. I'd suggest his CFO said it was the best of a couple of very bad options. The biggest corporate own goal in history. Schadenfreude.
  19. This is about 300 metres behind Central Marina on a wide boulevarde. I don't know the name of the street. I see there's also an Indian veg. restaurant at one end open till 10 which is good because the Thail restaurants around this district don't have much in the way of veg. It advertises a buffet for 200 baht.
  20. "It's no coincidence that distorted several-year-old accusations aimed at undermining the duchess are being briefed to the British media shortly before she and the duke are due to speak openly and honestly about their experience of recent years.”
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