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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Perhaps read the BBC link I provided for a few clues?
  2. On Friday night, December 9, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, according to Politico, attended a “private holiday party” in the home of Conservative Political Action Conference Chairman Matt Schlapp. One of the other people who attended Schlapp’s party, according to Politico, was MAGA Republican Stephen Miller, who was a policy adviser for the Trump Administration. Miller heads the America First Legal Foundation, a group that, Wheeler notes, “has interests in cases now pending before the Court.” https://www.rawstory.com/kavanaugh-attended-a-right-wing-activists-holiday-party-at-the-worst-possible-time-legal-reporter/
  3. Is it not obvious or just trolling along? Try some respect. RIP NancyL
  4. My faith in the system is far from unfaltering. Think opioids. However that's a planet away from trusting nothing. I did a lot of research and came to the conclusion that the risks of covid vaccines was far less than from getting covid itself. In fact I resisted getting a second dose of AZ as I was in the risk zone but the medical authorities weren't buying it. I had to get a GP to force them to allow me to have Pfizer because at the time is was only available for young people and prime ministers. That said, the first dose of AZ was problem free anyway. If Pfizer was fined for lying it has nothing to do with covid or the vaccines for it. Drug companies are profit motivated but the problem lies with a lack of regulation, corporations are greedy and will do anything to maximise shareholder value which is why they need to be regulated. Bottom line: we need big pharma and the furphies you cite are irrelevant to covid. It is not a hoax and the vaccines work and have been very thoroughly tested. The "experimental" vaccine misinformation is just BS.
  5. That's because Covid vaccines are as safe as any vaccine and do prevent serious illness. There is no credible research refuting that.
  6. COVID vaccines saved 3.2 million US lives, researchers say The Commonwealth Fund estimated the vaccines prevented more than 18.5 million hospitalizations and 3.2 million deaths from December 2020 to last month. Researchers added the vaccines also prevented 120 million more COVID-19 infections and saved the U.S. more than $1 trillion. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/3773239-covid-vaccines-saved-3-2-million-us-lives-researchers-say/
  7. The right wing proponents of hate speech were so hopeful when Musk bought Twitter. Not shockingly, it hasn't turned out as well as they'd hoped. Like watching a train wreck only more fun.
  8. White House Chief of Staff - barely literate. Trump "only hired the best".
  9. Ya think? The massive trove of text messages turned over by Mark Meadows to the House select committee show Republican elected officials were willing to violate the U.S. Constitution on "bizarre" and obviously phony evidence. Talking Points Memo reporter Hunter Walker obtained the messages, which show the former White House chief of staff communicating with GOP officials at all levels of government about far-fetched conspiracy theories to justify overturning Donald Trump's election loss, and he told MSNBC's "Morning Joe" that their lack of sophistication was genuinely shocking. https://www.rawstory.com/markmeadows-text-messages/
  10. No, this thread is about calling out people who refuse to wear masks anywhere Absolutely nobody is suggesting the extremes you are accusing them of demanding. Nobody said hazmat suits and nobody said wear masks everywhere. It's about balance and reason.
  11. The death rate and long term complications far exceeds that for flu - still. The misinformation and lies spouted here are unconscionable. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/coronavirus-disease-2019-vs-the-flu
  12. Masks are equivalent to hazmat suits now? That religious fervor you have there is something else. Exactly how does an immune compromised person (anybody with cancer or diabetes for example) go about protecting themselves from narcissists who refuse to wear masks when they are appropriate?
  13. You are aware there are immune compromised people all around you everywhere you go? You don't mind in a hospital but it's too hard in a crowded indoor area? The medical recommendations in Thailand and around the world still recommend masks in such areas.
  14. Are you unaware that your anti-christ actually said he has an open mind about where the virus originated? It has been widely reported in the MSM.
  15. Most would pronounce it as Gin Khao. It's the common parlance for eating but more polite and farangs interested in using the phrase should use tahn khao in any circumstances other than with close friends. Gin khao is fine for close friends. Nobody will object but you will get brownie points for polite usage.
  16. Why would he want to waste his time looking up some horse manure conspiracy theory that you aren't allowed to post here?
  17. From rubbish or sites containing language which undermines his narrative.
  18. Geez, you got lazy down to a fine art ???? https://globalnews.ca/news/9327496/ontario-pediatric-hospitals/
  19. 'Sedition': Experts respond to the shocking demand Trump institute martial law In conversations with 34 members of congress, former chief of staff Mark Meadows, at least one was encouraging Meadows to tell the president to institute martial law so that he could take over the country and stop the election. The thousands of previously deleted text messages were not revealed publicly before today, but it appears to have come from the information Meadows turned over to the House-Select Committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack. Associate professor of political science at Northeastern Illinois University, William Adler pointed to the key piece of information as something he cared about far more than Hunter Biden's laptop. https://www.rawstory.com/mark-meadows-sedition-texts/
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