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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. More likely sued by TSLA shareholders. TSLA will suffer from the stink rubbing off now that Musk has shown who he really is. Someone already mentioned that electric cars are mainly owned by lefties.
  2. Hard to say definitively but probably not. A dedicated IP address is still contained in a range of IP addresses which would be known to Amazon. A dedicated IP address is likely of little use to you.
  3. When he bought the company he had to assume all it's liabilities by law.
  4. So how do you think Amazon knows? They may even have a database of cloud ISP ranges and any request originating from a cloud server would be suspect. In the past they could have just blocked UDP but since the advent of TLS that's hidden. One way to check might be to run a curl from a cloud server without using the VPN and see if it still thinks it's a VPN. They can't detect that the traffic is from openvpn afaik.
  5. Can you show me where the MSM "aggressively promotes" any pharmaceuticals? You seem to describing advertising. Basically you'd need to show me an infomercial which wasn't disclosed.
  6. That's the reason I figured you wanted a custom VPN server so it would be unknown to Amazon. I guess they kee a database of known VPN servers,
  7. They don't relay your key presses. Your openvpn client (a program on your computer) authenticates to the openvpn server and sends all (usually) of your internet traffic to that computer. The responses to your requests are sent back to your computer. All internet requests go through a chain of computers. The vpn just adds another computer to the chain which acts like it's your local computer in Thailand. .
  8. You don't really understand quite what a VPN does. The reason VPN's use servers in many countries is that the server gets an IP in a range allocated to the ISP they use for internet in that country. Merely having a cloud server (computer) does not allow you to access the internet from a browser on your own machine via that server. That's what a VPN does. It redirects internet requests to and from the web to your computer via the cloud computer. All VPN's sit on a computer in the target country. Some are locally hosted and some are cloud I would think.
  9. We are discussing MSM reporting, not big pharma. If the MSM was publishing fake data they would get called on it by a whistleblower. Conspiracy theories from far right websites who made an industry out of outrage don't count. Real conspiracies involve very few people over a short period of time. Conspiracy theories are the opposite.
  10. Musk made the worst corporate decision of the century by offering a premium price just before the recent stock market crash and then being sued for manipulating the stock price with his tweets. The only way he could get out of that suit was to go ahead and buy it. Twitter's old shareholders are parting in the Bahamas.
  11. They'd need to answer to their shareholders so that's legally impossible. And why would they do it? Collusion for financial gain is illegal. There are practical considerations which make it exceedingly unlikely. Their books are audited as well. And they need to make public disclosures by law on anything which MAY affect their stock price.
  12. A likewise simple solution is to get a cloud server for $5 a month, choose an Openvpn image or install it and create your own VPN.
  13. I can't assess any scientific data myself. I have to read expert opinions and then make a decision based on what I think is credible, bearing in mind the qualifications and experience of those experts or lack thereof. When none of the MSM are willing to publish some data, that's a huge red flag for me. I don't buy that they are in cahoots to bury credible scientific data. That's just too far out there. They are bound by their corporate constitutions to publish stories which are truth and would make them money without exposure to lawsuits and loss of credibility like Fox is just learning about.
  14. I use an ASUS mini computer with external keyboard, mouse and monitor. I believe it's the way to go. The computer weighs about 300g and almost sits in the palm of my hand. It also goes easily in my room safe. Cheaper for traveling as well.
  15. People have already looked at them and dismissed them as trash which is why they don't make the MSM. Why would we ant to waste our time looking at batpoop crazy conspiracy theories.
  16. Calling for an investigation and filing suit are different animals. One is a political stunt and the other is putting donors' money where his mouth is.
  17. It didn't look venomous and I was right. The OP was concerned out that. You can put your hatchet away now.
  18. Ok, Indochinese Rat Snake
  19. I don't know. It doesn't look poisonous, I may be wrong.
  20. Well, you amplified the claim on just thin air.
  21. No, you claimed the audience was stacked. Can we examine that? It's either BS or not.
  22. They don't really. I recently asked my GP why doctors just handed out medicines and didn't at the same time read the riot act about diet and exercise. She just said "Don't even go there". They are not dieticians or wholistic therapists, their function is to do blood tests and hand out drugs mainly.
  23. They're well informed. Dear Leader said it was a hoax so that's the rule now. They just can't bring themselves to admit that he was full of it. It's totally a political issue for them now, not a scientific / medical issue. That's why reasoning with them doesn't work. All that's left is derision and scorn.
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