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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. "The company that licensed Trump's image and likeness for the $99 NFT trading cards appears to be one founded in 2021 by former Trump advisor Nick Luna and current Trump lawyer John Marion," wrote Bensington on Twitter. "Its mailing address is the same as the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach." https://www.rawstory.com/trump-nfts-2658971249/
  2. I think you should spend a little time figuring out how many Republicans support woke rules. Not everyone is a hater. Anyone using "woke" as a pejorative is racist. To be "woke" politically in the Black community means that someone is informed, educated and conscious of social injustice and racial inequality, Merriam-Webster Dictionary states. "Republicans, time and again, have overstepped where they think the average voter is and where most Americans are on mainstream issues," Turner said. "Because 'woke' is associated with Black people, it's been a useful club for those who want to beat those seeking justice over the head with white grievance politics to win elections without deploying explicitly racist terms," Mitchell said. https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/woke-conservatives/story?id=93051138
  3. Elon Muskovite not allowing free speech. As of this writing, Twitter has suspended the accounts of CNN's Donie O'Sullivan, New York Times reporter Ryan Mac, Washington Post reporter Drew Harwell, Mashable reporter Matt Binder, and independent progressive commentator Aaron Rupar. Twitter has given no explanation for the suspensions, although all of the journalists mentioned were either writing stories on or commenting on Musk's content moderation policies at the social networking website. O'Sullivan, for instance, had just posted a report he filed in which he quoted the Los Angeles Police Department as saying there had not yet been a criminal report filed over Musk's claim that an unidentified man attacked a car carrying his son earlier this week. https://www.rawstory.com/elon-musk-twitter-ban/
  4. There was some push back but not much. They were basically howled down as Luddites. I didn't detect any generational connection, I think they divided along political and education lines.
  5. Fortunately those citizens are in the minority.
  6. Some activists ultimately regret their activism. Notorious Capitol rioter Tim Gionet, better known by his Twitter name "Baked Alaska," was suddenly filled with regret over his life decisions after watching former President Donald Trump hawk digital trading cards in a video in which he also declared himself a better president than George Washington. Gionet, who earlier in the day said he believed Trump's digital card gambit means he "can't win" in 2024, wrote a follow-up missive in which he questioned his own decision to storm the Capitol building on January 6th, 2021. "I can’t believe I'm going to jail for an NFT salesman," he lamented. https://www.rawstory.com/tim-gionet/
  7. There will be somebody along in a minute to say these guys were just LARPing. The judge is obviously motivated to create a deterrent to anyone else contemplating this kind of behaviour.
  8. Thanks, I've just taken the necessary steps to ensure that I don't anymore.
  9. They are indeed desperate to prevent Russian war crimes. Bombing civilian infrastructure is a war crime. Your characterisation of NATO as a Nazi regime is very poor form. Given that The UN have declared Russia as a war criminal and that the US and the EU have determined that they fully support Ukraine it will be incredibly difficult for Russia to win this war.
  10. I don't understand how a defensive missile system can be construed to be provocative. The "unpredictable consequences" are a given.
  11. Side effects such as but not limited to headaches, sore arm, fever, etc are very common and well documented side effects of covid vaccines. They are rarely a cause for concern. The side effects are documented in a handout prior to anyone receiving the vaccine. Making these side effects out to be serious for political purpose is quite risible and it's consequently very understandable that people might laugh at such a post. It's quite risible. The poster did not indicate that these side effects were either serious or permanent. He did not claim to be hospitalised or even mention that he had to see a doctor about them. He did not even elaborate as to what those side effects were that I saw. They certainly didn't cause death. I don't use the laughing emoji except in response to an intended joke but I will suggest that your disgust is misplaced.
  12. This will be my last post in this topic. The Sistah Space charity is for anybody. That's well established. They provide specialist services for women of African and Carribean heritage. That does not imply and does not mean that it excludes anybody. It does not. It is for anybody as they clearly state. You keep falsely insisting that they only operate for that demographic and exclude others. That is demonstrably false. The fact that you insist on perpetrating this false narrative clearly exposes your motive as racism. Don't reply to me, I won't see it.
  13. On BBC cable news just now, the UN accuses Russia of war crimes in Ukraine.
  14. Do I detect the law of unintended consequences in play here since I just noticed that you are the OP?
  15. Somehow, I never pictured the Hillman Imp as a chick magnet. Something has obviously been missing from my life. I learned to drive in an MGB. I rather thought that was more of a chick magnet. My first car was a mini. That definitely wasn't a chick magnet. Or I wasn't or something, I never did figure it out. Another thing I couldn't figure out is why the mini stopped every time it rained when it came from a country where it rained so much.
  16. This is also activism in it's purest form. A judge on Thursday handed down the longest prison terms so far in the plot to kidnap Michigan’s governor, sentencing three men who forged an early alliance with a leader of the scheme before the FBI broke it up in 2020. Joe Morrison, Pete Musico and Paul Bellar did not have a direct role in the conspiracy but were members of a paramilitary group that trained with Adam Fox, who faces a possible life sentence in a separate case in federal court. Musico was sentenced to a minimum of 12 years in prison, followed by Morrison at 10 years and Bellar at seven. They will be eligible for parole after serving those terms. https://apnews.com/article/crime-michigan-government-and-politics-f6ed3d5b2546dbe9c60bb34b9ee8ddb4?utm_source=homepage&utm_medium=TopNews&utm_campaign=position_03
  17. I proved much earlier that SS helps anybody who needs it. Your just like a petulant child at this point. Goodbye.
  18. I agree with this. If it was good enough to boycott the Springboks rugby team over apartheid and good enough for the US to boycott the Moscow olympics over it's invasion of Afghanistan then this is a no brainer. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he is opposed to the International Olympic Committee president’s goal to include Russian and Belarusian athletes in the 2024 Olympics as independent competitors. During a call on Wednesday with the group’s president, Thomas Bach, Zelensky called for “complete isolation” of Russia on the international stage, including international sports events. https://thehill.com/policy/international/3776444-zelensky-opposes-push-for-russian-athletes-to-join-olympics/
  19. My take is that this thread has been going round and round in circles for long enough and should be closed.
  20. Or he could just drop all the descriptors, save ink and just call them women. Any use of ethnic or racial descriptions exposes an agenda and that agenda is clearly racism. It does not add to the conversation to call domestic violence victims anything other than women. Or men, for that matter. Sistah Space, which he doesn't even know how to spell also deals with male victims. So, he could simply dispense with all the ethnic slurs and gender terminology and refer to them more accurately as domestic violence victims. I bet he doesn't.
  21. The thread is about activism. All my posts are about activism. You might disagree but that's my opinion. Activists are not just people who march up and down streets carrying BLM signs or bamboo lanterns. Activists also cut checks and post conspiracy theories on Twitter and other social media. Activism is a very broad subject.
  22. You remain on ignore but since I saw what you wrote when quoted. 1. I'm sure you're aware that bold is not allowed. There is a function to help you reduce it to normal text. 2. Your post did not include the vital word "heritage". Your post was blatantly racist in attempting to characterise these women as not being British. I'm sure you understand English better than you allude to. Buck up.
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