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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. No, sorry. It should have been rattlesnake. That said, I think the question is appropriate for anybody wishing to quote from pseudoscience sites like Rumble.
  2. Three years on I think we can probably conclude the virus saved far more lives than it took and that for most people it's quite safe. Long covid is a far more dangerous problem.
  3. She actually does use a little oil and does target the little knots as well. I'm not sure what they are. I guess it may be lactic acid buildup?
  4. I'm accusing those sites of manufactured science since that seems to be the expert consensus. If the science isn't peer reviewed and published in MSM and reputable medical journals then you can guarantee it's manufactured science.
  5. This could result in a surge of breakthrough infections and reinfections, though the vaccines have been shown to hold up against severe disease, they wrote.
  6. Why are you refusing to say how you are equipped to make those decisions based ion non peer reviewed science?
  7. The article I linked said up to 7 eggs a week. That "experiment" proves nothing as no sane person would eat like that.
  8. Chicken eggs are an affordable source of protein and other nutrients. They're also naturally high in cholesterol. But the cholesterol in eggs doesn't seem to raise cholesterol levels the way some other foods, such as those high in trans fats and saturated fats, do. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/high-blood-cholesterol/expert-answers/cholesterol/faq-20058468
  9. Where? You are required by forum rules to post a credible link or hold your peace.
  10. I'll ask again. On what basis do you think you're equipped to critique scientific and medical research? When the majority of experts disdain these sites, should I not sit up and take notice? What makes you think these sites are telling you the truth?
  11. ‘Donald Trump very clearly engaged in an insurrection’: 41 Democrats introduce bill to ban ex-president from office “Donald Trump very clearly engaged in an insurrection on January 6, 2021 with the intention of overturning the lawful and fair results of the 2020 election,” Cicilline says in a press release. “You don’t get to lead a government you tried to destroy.” “Even Mitch McConnell admits that Trump bears responsibility, saying on the Senate floor that ‘[t]here’s no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day.’ https://www.rawstory.com/donald-trump-very-clearly-engaged-in-an-insurrection-41-democrats-introduce-bill-to-ban-ex-president-from-office/
  12. Is Thai massage all pain and no gain? I've been having a Thai massage every second day for a week now. The pain is decreasing a little and I feel looser. The masseuse originally talked me into an oil massage but as soon as she laid a hand on my muscles and exclaimed "kang mahk" she changed her mind and proceeded with the Thai massage. If anything I think the oil massage is just relaxing tourist stuff. Opinions?
  13. https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2013-01-30-vegetarianism-can-reduce-risk-heart-disease-third https://www.planteatlicious.com/post/are-there-health-benefits-to-going-vegan-source-bbc-news
  14. No, obviously lower because 100% of the bots would have voted the Musk line.
  15. Garbage. Prove that they are against a doctor's recommendation. Just far right trash talk.
  16. Tell me when interracial marrige became legal in the US and I'll show you the elephant in the room.
  17. Changed his mind after becoming president. Ability to change ones mind and attitude is a mark of a good intellect.
  18. My doc told me to stay on them. Apparently statins reduce the likelihood of bowel cancer. They refer to the "golden trio" of statins, BP meds (irbesartan in my case) and aspirin. There is some push back on aspirin but again the docs tell me I should disregard that.
  19. Same here. I've had high cholesterol all my life. Its familial in my case. My father and his father died at 50. My father was still captain coach of a rugby team at 35 after being the navy rep hooker for 12 years. Same, milk is my downfall. A litre a day. My mother is 94 and has never taken medications until HBP meds recently. She eats a lot of red meat but her secret is no processed foods at all. She makes everything from scratch. I've been on Rosuvastatin for 25 years My cholesterol is good now. I stopped eating red meat about three years ago, more because of cancer risk than cholesterol. The doc told me that Rosuvastatin is the best tolerated statin. I love pomelo and that's the only statin which allows me to eat them.
  20. MAGA rioter 'can't believe' he's going to jail for Trump after watching trading card stunt https://www.rawstory.com/tim-gionet/
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