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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Link please? The BLM funded as many activists as Casper the Friendly Ghost.
  2. Herschel Walker, a Republican running for a U.S. Senate seat in Georgia, will "probably go down as one of the worst candidates in our party's history," Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan (R) said in an interview with CBS News. What he said: Duncan told CBS he supports conservative politics, and that he has "got kids probably that could articulate the conservative platform better than some of the candidates that Donald Trump and his group supported all across the country." "This wasn't the right brand for Republicanism," he added, "and I think Herschel Walker will probably go down as one of the worst candidates in our party's history." https://www.axios.com/2022/12/03/herschel-walker-georgia-runoff-geoff-duncan
  3. https://edition.cnn.com/2021/11/17/politics/john-hyten-china-hypersonic-weapons-test/index.html
  4. Yeah, nah it;'s just a tax deduction for them. The amount of tax they don't pay blows any altruism they have out of the water.
  5. Antifa didn't have a Twitter account. They actually don't have anything, it is not an organization.
  6. Plenty. They shouldn't have to. Charities should not even exist.
  7. Mega rich people is why 8 billion is a problem.
  8. I always tell my Mum that I blame her for not being rich.
  9. It's already obsolete, there are hypersonic missiles that can circle the Earth twice.
  10. Back on topic, I have been watching 4 kittens growing up near a BBQ stand opposite my place. One of them always runs after me and follows me up the street even though I don't feed it. I'm the pied piper of cats. Two are black and two are tabby.
  11. Agreed, and they will if the EU sues him. The EU could also sue them for allowing it. Not every country values free speech above hate speech.
  12. or maybe orange jumpsuits? The Stuart Phodes conviction didn't come out of a vacuum.
  13. Because trying to overturn an election through violence is not fascism?
  14. I see I have been wasting my time all along trying to debate with someone who refuses to debate in good faith. The truth could not be clearer that SS acts likes any other charity. You don't even have the good grace to admit when you are wrong. You're on ignore from here on in.
  15. A racist hit job but it did confirm that Ngozi had changed her name as soon as she became an adult and long before she founded Sistah Space. The dead namers on here should be ashamed of themselves.
  16. We offer guidance to everyone, regardless their gender and ethnicity. https://ijelonek.github.io/Sistah_Space/pages/advice.html
  17. Please format your quotes properly. The website even helps you do that, simply select "post as plain text". Why is this so hard for you to acknowledge what is prominently printed in the link I provided to you even after you challenged me to do so, despite continually refusing to provide any link to your own claim. Your point is now absolutely refuted and consigned to the trash can of misinformation.
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