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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. I'm white. Born in Australia at least three generations. Ask me where I'm from? The racists here think I shouldn't say Australia.
  2. Link to where she denies her African heritage. I'm sick of this BS.
  3. Some of those here seem to expect the black woman to provide extra deference because she was being questioned by a white woman. Such is the ingrained sense of white entitlement here.
  4. It did not support your claim that Sistah Space only assisted black women. You're still unable to get to that point.
  5. Where was your link? If you want to challenge common sense at least provide a link.
  6. They provide specialist advice and advocacy for African and Caribbean women, as well as anyone who needs it. Nothing to see here. Never was and you know it. Nobody with half a brain cell thinks this was a charity set up to only help black women. The motive is clear, to gratuitously demean a black woman.
  7. Racists will always claim racism doesn't exist.
  8. The link I posted which you clearly didn't read specifically said they give anyone free assistance including goods. You're sole motive was always to demean Ngozi, clearly racist.
  9. You can at least be decent enough to admit that you were wrong to suggest the charity only supports black women and that you only did it to demean Ngozi. Also acknowledge a link I posted in which SS said their charity shop and free assistance is open to everyone.
  10. I asked for a link not a hypothetical made up scenario, is it so hard to understand? You've slurred Ngozi now back it up.
  11. So, knowing that KW has a serious bipolar disorder they are palling up to him? I can understand having a friend who is bipolar but these scum are touting West as serious political mettle.
  12. No, I meant precisely the words I said and only the words I used. Evidence that they would refuse assistance to any woman will suffice. All those here leaping to attack Ngozi for running a charity which they claim only helps black women should back their BS up or back off.
  13. This investigation is unrelated to the House or politics.
  14. Incorrect, I categorically refute that I accept they only help black women. Your reading comprehension skills are lacking. I have insisted on a link establishing that Sistah Space only helps black people but it seems that nobody on the right here understands English.
  15. I have no idea and can't find anything other than West claiming it himself. That's why I want the link.
  16. The salient point is the claim that SS only helps black women. That SS helps black women is not in contention.
  17. I asked for a link establishing that West is mentally ill. Not articles about mental illness.
  18. Nothing there implies they ONLY help black people. You're making stuff up. The shop is open for everyone, and if someone suffering from domestic abuse comes in need of something they can’t afford, they will give it to them for free. It also helps them pay their rent and continue doing their work. https://bootstrapcharity.com/blog/meet-sistah-space/
  19. Please provide a link that establishes your claim that Sista Space only supports black people.
  20. Ignoring that Ngozi was at an official function in her official capacity. The wilful blindness around here is astonishing.
  21. Why is she gone? Palace doesn't have the wherewithal to stand up to the woke press I suppose? The speed of her ouster reflects the palace understanding it has a problem and trying to get ahead of it, knowing the public won't cut Charles and William the same slack as they did for the Queen and Philip.
  22. Who said he's mentally ill? He speaks for thousands.
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