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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Elon Brings One of America’s Most Prominent Nazis Back to Twitter The new Twitter owner told advertisers in October that the platform would not become a “free-for-all hellscape” once he was in charge. About that... https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/elon-musk-twitter-reinstates-neo-nazi-andrew-anglin-account-1234640390/
  2. There is a method to Trump’s madness. He appears to believe there are enough voters who are themselves or are unbothered by racists, antisemites, white nationalists and election deniers to carry him through the GOP nomination campaign on his way to a rematch against President Joe Biden. Trump’s dinner last week with Fuentes and Ye was an appetizer for a presidential campaign that will likely try to consolidate the extremists in the party behind his candidacy. https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/3760823-trump-is-still-the-go-to-guy-for-gop-hate/
  3. I can see this is going to be painful. What else does it say in that link?
  4. Former President Donald Trump on Saturday flat-out called for the "termination" of the United States Constitution so that he could be returned to the presidency. "So, with the revelation of MASSIVE & WIDESPREAD FRAUD & DECEPTION in working closely with Big Tech Companies, the DNC, & the Democrat Party, do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION?" Trump wrote on his Truth Social platform. "A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. https://www.rawstory.com/trump-coup-2658826898/
  5. Your searching skills are no better than your reading comprehension skills. NOW, will you finally admit your BS was nothing more than that and that it logically could not have been anything else? https://ijelonek.github.io/Sistah_Space/pages/advice.html
  6. Both questions made moot by the lack of any palace or other credible refutation of the conversation.
  7. No, You Do Not Have a Constitutional Right to Post Hunter Biden’s [genitals] on Twitter Elon Musk and Matt Taibbi’s First Amendment follies. https://www.thebulwark.com/no-you-do-not-have-a-constitutional-right-to-post-hunter-bidens-dick-pic-on-twitter/
  8. Wasn't his coined term "crisis actors" a red alarm for you? Was there ever going to be a possibility that was true?
  9. Elon Musk continues to show his true mettle. Musk says 'possible' that Twitter gave preference to leftists during Brazil election Bolsonaro earlier this year hosted Musk at a meeting in the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo, when he called the U.S. billionaire's takeover of Twitter a "breath of hope" and dubbed him a "legend of liberty". https://www.rawstory.com/musk-says-possible-that-twitter-gave-preference-to-leftists-during-brazil-election/
  10. No. I never repost links for recalcitrants who refused to read it the first time.
  11. I have posted a link where they said their services are for any dom violence victim who needs help. Why are you in denial of the bleeding obvious. Stop the racism.
  12. Does an Indian restaurant refuse Chinese customers? Are you aware that I posted a link in which SS explicitly claim they provide assistance to anyone who needs it?
  13. Your English language reading comprehension skills are atrocious. Sistah Space is a London-based organisation that provides support to women victims of domestic violence. Sistah Space is the only domestic violence support organisation in London that provides specialist services to women of African and Caribbean heritage
  14. Either spelling is acceptable in all situations. I use both, often depending on my audience. If American they get the z spelling. Sometimes I use both in a single post, just for fun. Really.
  15. Does it worry you that she's smarter than you or something? What is your problem in understanding that a charity specialising in services to black women is still a charity? Again, where is the link to your lie that they refuse services to white women? You're really being puerile with this line of argument.
  16. Your link it a non sequiter. It may as well be about the weather. You have not and will not provide any proof. The assertion is blatantly false on its face.
  17. It does not, take your racist accusations elsewhere OR PROVE IT.
  18. Whatever meanings "specifically" has, exclusion or denial is not one of them. Are yoiu really claiming that white women victims of domestic abuse will be turned away by SS? Sick to the core,
  19. Are you really sure your first language is English? The link does not support your assertion.
  20. You can't read now? I said we spent the whole day yesterday arguing this single point and my repeated requests for a link yielded no results. At this point you really are trolling.
  21. Put up a link or shut up. It's been demonstrated to you that this is a lie.
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