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Everything posted by ozimoron

  1. Just say, for arguments sake that the covid misinformation was found to be exactly that, indisputably. Would you been in favour of a ban even then? I note that you use the term "truth seekers" which leaves open that you might might support a ban if the truth was sought and found.
  2. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Tuesday said the “door is open” to admitting Ukraine into the security alliance and that the country would one day be a member. https://thehill.com/policy/international/3754149-nato-chief-says-door-is-open-to-ukraine/
  3. I'd put money on the riders' preferring to deliver their food at the entrance.
  4. Well of course, Russian men are famously very moral and law abiding and behave themselves very well.
  5. Mine doesn't. The lobby area often looks like a post office. Absolutely no one other than residents or guests go upstairs and I like it that way.
  6. You're claiming there's few single men among them? Or young couples without children?
  7. try this, I don't use messenger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_P6YSJWpG2Q
  8. I'm guessing that for medical use and not power production? It probably couldn't explode if you put a bomb under it. Maybe I'm wrong?
  9. It is not a significant impediment. I pay 200 to an agent to do the extension for me. I know I can also do it online but it's so easy.
  10. The bottom line is that the Scottish want in the EU OR out of the UK. They no longer trust the English to take cognisance of their wishes. The English are acting in their own interests, largely poisoned by gaslighting from the right wing.
  11. How did they force people to accept anything? Banning gaslighting on social media, correctly or otherwise, doesn't force anybody to do anything.
  12. As an old school code monkey I would still add the extra parentheses for clarity around the sum but that's pure preference.
  13. Those troops still committed war crimes including looting, murder and rape.
  14. Interestingly, when I first came to Thailand I remember the exchange rate was 23.84 for AUD. The year was 1979.
  15. The baht remains strong. Four years ago it was the strongest currency in the world. Thailand runs a current account surplus. That said, I think there were over 40 million tourists at the peak. A great many of these were Chinese no dollar tourists but I also saw plenty of couples travelling in pairs. It's hard to image many coming from China next year. Or anywhere else because of an anticipated economic downturn. I guess this is why they allow the Russians, knowing there is a large push imperative for them to come. Exports may be down because of the covid supply crunch. As an amateur economist I find this a little hard to fathom. A supply crunch led to high inflation which normally signals demand greater than supply and a labour shortage. US unemployment is at historic lows. The supply crunch has eased significantly but the inflation remains with us. The news is reporting record online Thanksgiving sales over $9 billion dollars, with a B. Maybe the recession isn't baked in yet. Thailand may have plenty to be optimistic about. Value holidays here will be looking good instead of St Moritz. The perennial Japanese favourite, Hawaii, looks set to blow up so they'll be giving there a miss for awhile. Indonesia is in the process of kicking out most of its expats. A steady hand on the tiller and Thailand will be OK.
  16. This is mainly down to the cane cockies loading up their sugar cane crops with high nitrogen fertilisers and it leaches into the sea. They promised to stop it decades ago but ... Also land clearing on the coastal fringe allows mud to wash into the ocean which damages the coral.
  17. Editorial: Congress needs some toddler-proofing before the GOP House majority takes power Just as it’s a good idea to child-proof a home before having toddlers over for a birthday party, congressional Democrats should be doing what they can during the current lame-duck session to prepare for the incoming Republican House majority — a crowd that has literally announced its intention to threaten America’s fiscal stability, block election reforms and abandon Ukraine. The current Democratic majority, working with whatever responsible Republicans they can get on board, can extremist-proof Congress in some important ways between now and January. https://www.stltoday.com/opinion/editorial/editorial-congress-needs-some-toddler-proofing-before-the-gop-house-majority-takes-power/article_12a62e41-0606-5d53-97e0-d9dd2ce3475d.html
  18. Both propositions are wildly improbable. BTC is no different to any other speculative asset class, like gold. Its literally impossible for any person or company to be a custodian of the BTC blockchain.
  19. Looking after quadriplegics is not palliative care.
  20. I think the visa fee is non refundable which is probably why the OP is keen to find out first.
  21. I'd have thought they'd roll out the red carpet for anyone willing to do that work, subject to a background check.
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